Side by Side with Reykjavik - RIP (re-read Rey's message to us all #108, pg 5)

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A small selection of Reys posts from early this year:

On Pendles meeting Dangerfield:

I'm expecting them to announce a small civil ceremony any day now, and look forward to their love nest being featured on Better Homes and Gardens. That Danger is such a dab hand with stencils.

On how many are in our best 22:

I was wondering if we could go with a bachelor style system involving roses?

Bucks could go through the list each Thursday, award roses, talk about how the dates went...that would be ratings gold too.

On the Adams incident in the Geelong nightclub:

As a Geelongite I can say categorically that going into Lamby's in the first place was worthy of sanction just on taste grounds alone. The girls in there even used to let me chat them up, so clearly they were pretty desperate.

Getting kicked out of Lambys on the other hand is like getting mugged in Norlane, just part of being a local.

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Would be great if someone could post a collection of Rey's best posts,

Great idea

I can't view his profile though.

There's a workaround ...

... Use the search function (top right), leave the search term field blank, and put "Reykjavik" in the "posted by member" field. That should show up his posts.
Saddening news. You really feel for his family at this time.

RIP Reykjavik
One of my favourite Reykjavik posts ...

... About Ben Reid's fantastic adventure to Germany last off season ...

I dunno, I'm not sure about this...

The table was sterile, perfect in a typical German way. Poor Ben felt cold, but he covered his discomfort and uncertainty well. He had learned how to do that a long while ago; anyone who couldn't take Mick's random bullshit with a straight face was quickly weeded out. he had found it helped him at the poker tables too, but that was another more unintended benefit.

Today though, his resolve was being tested. The room was so...foreign, like a perfectly directed pass from the midfield it was totally outside his experience. Ben had been through a lot in his playing career, and withstood the furnace of grand finals and a dutch oven from Clokey sharing on an interstate trip and worse horrors besides, but this was different again. Perfect white walls, blinking lights and computer gear everywhere, it even outdid Eddie's personal home theatre setup. He had been lucky enough to see that only once, when Ed was in a melancholy mood and let him watch part of his precious store of Nathan Buckley highlights videos on constant loop. Ben was a polite boy, so he nodded and smiled and pretended he was dealing with Mick again and it seemed to work.

Here though, he was finding it harder even than Ed in full on worship mode. Something about the doctor was disquieting, and he started at the ceiling letting the words wash over him. He could do this...if mick couldn't freak him, nothing could. He would just treat it like an interview with Mick and ignore all the goo and drivel and self serving bullshit and just nod quietly.

"So..herr Reid....we will soon be starting the are not nervous no?"

I never called him a rapist...


" know you have been constantly injured and you are held together with pipecleaners...ja?"

I'll never coach against my boys...


"Now we will pump you full of the calf blood and you will be like a new ubermensch even..."

It really made me lose faith in a cross between the roman legions and some shit la la la la...

"Yeah...fine...whatever...can we just get this over with Doctor...what is your name again?"

The doctor gave his patient his most Aryan smile.

"Doctor Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt. But you may call me...Doctor No."

"Oh good, just like Mick then after all."

Ben relaxed; crazed messianic figures with creepy smiles was home base for him.

"Now herr Reid...please to relax."

ben felt the needle prick, and the slowly building feeling of lassitude. He was aware of a strange cackling from the good doctor. his last shred of consciousness was used in working out what it reminded him of, and just as blissful sleep took him, he remembered.

Micks three quarter time address at the 2011 granny....all he did was cackle like a maniac....well, a worse maniac...

His sleeping form had a frown as a result of the disquieting memory.

As the doctor watched his patient fall into a complete coma, he became business like. A pair of headphones was produced from under the surgical table, and placed carefully on Ben’s tousle haired head. The Doctor went to the controls and pressed a red button.

“Alles is gut Fraulein Bunt?”

Behind a one way mirror stood a woman; well, that was what her passport said. According to her official documents she was a renowned journalist and senior football writer for a leading but somewhat tattered newspaper that had seen better days. In fact, she was an agent for an organisation altogether more competent and less pointless than Fairfax. She also was not really called Caroline, but that was by the by.

She watched the sleeping figure of the footballer with her trademark mixture of disgust and hunger. Today though she had other needs to feed.

She pressed the red button next to the window, and spoke into the intercom.

“Alles ist gut herr doctor. Sie können beginnen”

The doctor on the other side of the window nodded obediently and pressed a blue button on his console, stroking the furrowed blonde brow of his patient sorrowfully.

“Bitte verzeih mir, herr Reid…”

He didn’t think Ben would forgive him for this though.

Beyond the window, Fraulein Bunt smiled a slightly cracked smile. Her phone rang, and she regarded it impatiently before she realised who it was. She came to attention as she pressed the answer button.

“Number One!”

In a distant land, a man sat at a chair, stroking his pet gently. His pet always liked it when he stroked those long locks; even more when he provided a saucer of milk. He liked making his pet happy; it was one of his few pleasures, apart from this.

“Has it begun?”

“Ja, mein liebschen.”

The man smiled. “Excellent. How long?”

The Fraulein frowned. “I do not know. Maybe hours, it depends how strong he is.”

“The earth is slow but the ox is patient. Report when it is complete.”

“Jawohl…herr Mick!”

He hit the end call button, and returned to his pet. Mister Daisy was purring, and he watched his pet curled up in his lap and smiled indulgently.
“Whose an elite wingman now? One of my boys…my…preccciousssssss…..”

Meanwhile, back in the medical suite, Ben’s face began to contort as the effect of what was playing through his headphones registered. Somewhere deep in his brain he fought it, but the subliminal messages were strong, and they were working…

“You will kill Bucks, you will stab him and cut him into little pieces and feed him to the wolves then blow up the wolves! For you are one of my boys, my precious…and I am your father Mick, your…master…you cannot resist Ben, and I don’t want to hurt you, so listen and obey, and killlllllll Bucksssssssssss……….”
RIP <3

I have not spoken to Rey recently but in another account last year I posted my love for science in a thread. Rey had randomly messaged me to acknowledge my passion for science and gave me lots and lots and lots of information on what courses I can do at university. He gave me a heads up on careers in science and also a lot of encouragement to pursue what I really loved.

The course that I am currently doing was suggested by Rey, I appreciate him helping out a young, stranger like me in pursuing my dreams and giving me lots of encouragement.

Thank you Rey, RIP.
RIP <3

I have not spoken to Rey recently but in another account last year I posted my love for science in a thread. Rey had randomly messaged me to acknowledge my passion for science and gave me lots and lots and lots of information on what courses I can do at university. He gave me a heads up on careers in science and also a lot of encouragement to pursue what I really loved.

The course that I am currently doing was suggested by Rey, I appreciate him helping out a young, stranger like me in pursuing my dreams and giving me lots of encouragement.

Thank you Rey, RIP.

Shows what a Great Bloke he was
His post about serial Collingwood stalker Adam H talking to Mitch Clarke

"Mitch... is this Mitch? I hope it's Mitch. Hello Mitch, it's Adam H. You're looking nice today. Don't ask where I am, you don't need to know that, only that I love that new conditioner you're wearing. So much. I've killed people, Mitch. I've killed people in Vietnam. I pee in the shower, Mitch. Pee for all those people I've killed. And sometimes, when no one is looking, I sneak wine gummies out of the bin at the grocery and put them in my pocket. Right there next to the shame. Mitch...why are you crying? Mitch...?"
RIP <3

I have not spoken to Rey recently but in another account last year I posted my love for science in a thread. Rey had randomly messaged me to acknowledge my passion for science and gave me lots and lots and lots of information on what courses I can do at university. He gave me a heads up on careers in science and also a lot of encouragement to pursue what I really loved.

The course that I am currently doing was suggested by Rey, I appreciate him helping out a young, stranger like me in pursuing my dreams and giving me lots of encouragement.

Thank you Rey, RIP.

I have a very similar story. He gave me some great career advice.

I have a very similar story. He gave me some great career advice.

Yes and it just shows how good of a person he is, helping complete strangers out to sort out their lives. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do after year 12, and was not looking forward at all to life after school.

The encouragement and advice I received from Rey really set me up quite well after school. Not sure I would be where I am now if Rey hadn't randomly PM'd back in that day last year.


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