Singleton sacks Waterhouse

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Any perusal of this thread plus the TW thread on the main board would leave a reasonable person in little doubt that yaco is a massive Waterhouse fanboi.

Got it.

Must be guilty of all alleged crimes because you said so.

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Singleton seems to be sticking to his guns.

More Joyous cannot speak for herself, so this is my version of the recent well-documented events about my mare.
Regrets? There are a few. Some general observations about the inquiry? Yep. And I also have some questions I'd like to raise and more than a few points I'd like to make.
Firstly, the main questions I'd like to ask. I have not been able to find any other trainer, including Bart Cummings, Clarry Conners, Kerry Jordan or other horseman such as Sinclair Hill (polo), Heath Harris (world-famous horse whisper) who would even contemplate running a horse who could not get its head to the ground before the race.
By way of interest, when the horse returned to the owner's stud, it was 10 days before she could eat grass. Racing NSW vets could find no soreness immediately after the race, which has to be put down to adrenalin before, during and after the race.
Why was the horse allowed to run?
Why was the information received by Andrew Johns, Allan Robinson and Eddie Hayson so on the money and the information received from the trainer "so off"?
From my observations of the stewards' inquiry, there is no understanding by the general public that anything can be said in the stewards' inquiry and can be reported in the media with any regard to truth or libel and any legal recourse of any kind.
I think it would be fair to make this obvious to the public, so if any more vicious attacks that Gai hit on her "most important client" are repeated, the public will judge them as statements made in this case by a woman scorned or standing up in protection of her husband and little boy. I respect Gai's protection of her family but I wonder where it will end. What if I, as the owner, had retaliated with defamatory claims about the trainer? If I am described by Gai as her "most valued client", it would be interesting to see what she thinks of her other clients, who are less valuable.
And what of More Joyous? Is she to go down in history as one of the three greatest mares ever in Australian records or as just a bit player in another Waterhouse racing brouhaha? More Joyous cannot speak for herself but her place in racing history is the greatest loss of all.
When Gai had first choice of barriers for the Cox Plate while on the phone to the racing manager and was instructed to pick four, five or six and also by me as the owner to stay "inside five to stay alive", why did she choose barrier 11? That barrier is absolutely ill-suited to More Joyous' racing style.
I chose to give Gai the benefit of the doubt and put it down to sleep deprivation. It is surprising that the Victorian stewards did not have an inquiry. I removed horses from Gai's stables on the quiet back then as the relationship had been fractured and I wanted to avoid a media circus.
Oh, sweet irony.
More Joyous is not just any old horse.
She has had 21 wins, including 20 stakes wins and either/or 10 group 1 wins. (This depends on the definition of the Canterbury Stakes, which is now a group 1. She came second this year to Pierro but won the previous two years.)
Nevertheless, it puts her in stakes and group 1 wins after 200 years of the Australian racing industry behind only Black Caviar and Sunline.
Her stakes wins have been from 1100m to 2000m. She is a six-year-old mare who, according to her trainer, was in the best form of her career just before her failure in the All Aged Stakes on Saturday, April 27.
1.The trainer has described the work on her track flashes and verbal commentary to the owner, manager and vet as "flying", "never been better", "racing without problems for the first time in her career".
2.The owner has bred the horse, who is far and away his greatest pride and joy.
3.On the Saturday morning of the All Aged Stakes, the owner rings his ratings expert to check whether he agrees that More Joyous will win.
4.The usually reticent ratings adviser agrees that she will win as long as everything is "OK".
5.The owner then calls his racing manager, who suggests not having a bet as the horse had only been vetted that morning by the trainer's vet and the owners vet in a 90-second inspection. The racing manager says she has had "neck problems" but the vets can see no reason to scratch the horse and the racing manager says "Let's not have a bet; let's just enjoy the day."
6.The owner arrives at Royal Randwick by helicopter at about 1.20pm and proceeds to find the new Chairman's Club with his partner and joins a table which includes his racing manager and vet.
7.The general conversation includes the vet, who, apart from Percy Sykes, is regarded as Sydney's most highly regarded veterinarian and is also retained by Lloyd Williams' racing team. The vet says he can see no reason to scratch the horse: "She has looked worse and had greater problems and still won - don't forget she is a freak".
8.The owner accepts this.
9.Attached is a list of phone calls presented by Racing NSW stewards to the More Joyous inquiry.
10.The list shows the chronology of events, not the content.
11.The owner is rung by a former jockey and winner of hundreds of races, who asks if the horse is OK because a friend of his intends to have a large wager on it. The owner relays what he has been advised - especially by the trainer - that it should just win.
12.This conflicts with the information that has been given to the former jockey.
13.The owner naturally then asks the former jockey who he received his information from. The answer is a famous former rugby league player via the trainer's bookmaker son.
14.The owner rings the footballer to confirm the information, which includes the fact that the vets have been all over the horse all week and he has been told the horse is "off" and "will finish nearer last than first".
15.The owner asks if this is good information and is advised it is as good as it gets, being from the bookmaker son of the trainer.
16.In one of the two conversations, it is relayed that the horse "cannot even get its head down to eat grass".
17.The owner relays this to his racing manager, who expresses alarm and says it is "getting too close to the bone".
18.A meeting between the owner and trainer occurs - coincidentally, the owner sees the trainer in the lounge and asks to speak to her privately.
19.This is now just over an hour before the race.
20.The owner tells the trainer he has received information by close associates of her son that the horse has problems and cannot win.
The trainer, in her usual uppity, haughty fashion, is dismissive of this information and the owner, and says "the horse will just win." She repeats this two more times: "The horse will just win," "You do not know what you are talking about," "She will just win".
22.The owner advises the trainer this is the same circumstance as the Cox Plate. If the horse doesn't do well, the owner will take balance of his horses from the trainer's stables. The conflicts between the trainer saying it will win and her bookmaker son saying it will just lose is untenable.
23.The owner and Gerry Harvey (a notorious non-attender of racing) have agreed to be miked up by TVN for light-hearted banter as Gerry Harvey has paid $25 million for All Too Hard, who is rated the best chance to beat More Joyous. However TVN does not mike them up and it is only because of the commitment to TVN that the owner and Gerry Harvey are in the mounting yard.
24.On the way to the mounting yard, another broadcaster, Channel 7, asks the owner what are the chances of his horse. He says that from what he can gather from the trainer's son and associates, you would be better off backing All Too Hard.
25.Unlike the Cox Plate, where the trainer had almost agreed to stay away from the horse's jockey, when the owner arrives at the mounting yard, the trainer is with the jockey. As the owner has not been miked up by TVN, he feels free to ask the trainer to give him time with the jockey without her presence.
26.This amounts to a certain huff and puff. When the trainer leaves, she is lucky not to earn a red card for an ineffective but determined shoulder charge upon the owner.
27.The owner then tells the jockey that there are questions about the horse, who has only just passed the vet test and if he thinks anything is wrong with her, look after her.
28.Away from both trainer and owner, racing manager and vet advise the jockey that if he feels anything wrong with her action on the way to the barrier, he should scratch her.
29.As it turns out the horse feels perfectly normal but in the words of the jockey, "Her surge lasted only 30m instead of the usual 300m".
30.More Joyous finishes second last, the worse performance of her career.
31.All light-heartedness has disappeared from the owner, who regroups enough for a televised conversation with Harvey in which he suggests he shouldn't be so excited as "my trainer's bookmaker's son knew we couldn't win 24 hours ago".
32.The owner confirms that the balance of his horses with the trainer will be leaving the stables within 24 hours and they do.
33.The trust between owner and trainer, fractured in the Cox Plate debacle of 2012, is destroyed.
The article is fairly much the opposite to a TV interview Singo gave to Channel 7 last week, when he praised Gai for defending her family and accused Johns of being a weak man. Singo and Johns have changed their story more than once. It will be interesting to see what happens at the hearing tomorrow.

But one name seems to dominate this whole affair - PIERRO.

Well Singo's pleaded guilty for tarnishing racing's image, which surprisingly I would've thought the should've been done for a few times in his career as an owner.

But Gai is also in trouble and failing to report a horse's condition is bad news for her. She's lost Singo and he won't come back, but she has lost a few other owners over the last year. This is definitely a charge she doesn't want, because it will lead to a suspension.

All along I've thought that this is what it came down too. Singo would've scratched the horse had he known and Gai doesn't care about the horses only winning G1 races.
A predictable outcome.

Singo fined for bringing the game into disrepute. Gai will be fined for failing to notify stewards of pre-race treatment for More Joyous.

The troika of Robinson/Hayson/Johns changed their story more times than an apple turnover.

Life will go on - Gai will continue to be a premier trainer and Singo will continue to be a premium breeder.
Poor Singo. He brought the squeaky clean image of racing in to disrepute by claiming that he was not told that his horse was "off" by the trainer yet lots of other people knew.

Gai Waterhouse and all her clan are "colourful". I hope that the description I've used doesn't lead to any litigation 'cause the squeaky clean clan subscribe to a media monitoring company that keeps their legion of lawyers informed as to what is being said about them.

The moment that the drongos in the racing media started calling G.Waterhouse the "first lady of racing"/"queen of racing" was the moment she got immunity from any form of criticism or inquiry.

Her old man was hated by 99.9% of the people directly involved in racing and Gai Waterhouse is fast approaching that now. There have been some really strange goings on at her stables for a number of years now but they have been pushed so far out of sight that they have been "lost".
News reporting that Gai has officially been found guilty.

Tom Waterhouse was cleared of any wrongdoing at a hearing two weeks ago, but his mother was charged with not keeping records of the mare's veterinary treatment and not informing stewards there was a problem which could affect the horse's performance.

Slap on the wrist punishment but at least she has been officially charged. She is so lucky Johns had a conflict of interest and decided to keep his views to himself. :cool:

You don't need to be Einstein to work out what happened and the Singo claims and version of events are spot on but the sad part is that the evidence is not there to pursue it fully and the Stewards can only adjudicate on the evidence presented.

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a 5, 500 fine. pocket change for gai

Officially being found guilty after denying any wrong doing is hurting more than any fine she will cop, she is as crooked as an Indian bookmaker IMO and the whole family has dirt on them and have had for at least 2 decades if not more. I have never had any time for anything Waterhouse associated and never will and i am not surprised she has been found guilty.

Pity the whole truth will never come out though but mud sticks and it is justified IMO.

Why don't you tell us the whole truth !

You seem to know better than the stewards ?

Most of the evidence produced was hearsay/chinese whispers - The main protaganists didn't appear, then suddenly appeared at the hearing, Hayson never produced the two names, Robinson wanted to give more evidence after the hearing finished, then changed his mind.

Doubt the stewards could do any more.

Of course if this hearing occurred in Melbourne, its likely to have been a closed hearing.

The only thing, I didn't understand about the whole hearing is why Gai pleaded not guilty for failing to notify stewards of treatment given to More Joyous.

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Singleton sacks Waterhouse

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