Social Science Social Etiquette rules

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There is an obligation to be in the left lane unless you are overtaking. What others are doing in the right lane is irrelevant.

Obviously when there are people merging onto the highway, you should move to the right lane to allow them to merge without slowing down to a crawl, but that shouldn't take more than a couple hundred metres.
7. If you are waiting to get in a lift, a train or a bus, take a step back and don't block the door for people who are getting off the bus or out of the lift.
If I'm getting off a train and someone is DESPERATE to get on before I disembark, I exclaim loudly (not shouting in their face), "SORRY, I'LL GET OFF LATER IF YOU LIKE!" coupled with an overly friendly smile.

The reaction about 96%* of the time is they recoil in absolute mortified embarrassment now that everyone is looking at them and thinking "Yeeeeah, what that guy said! You knob!" Typically they will slink on to the train last of all and hide in the corner hoping no one makes eye contact for the next awkward 35 minutes, while I walk with my head held high wondering how much a SOCIAL JUSTICE MAN costume would set me back.

* The other 4% barge on through anyway because they're such a social shut-in that I think they may be a disabled and I feel a little bad for having chastised a disabled.
Whilst I agree drivers should generally be sticking to the left lane, I disagree the reasoning should be to fulfill any social etiquette obligation.
Then you are selfish.

Shits me that drivers think the right lane is for speeding, and anyone 'only' sticking to the speed limit are compelled to get out of their way.
But you can drive the speed you want in the left lane and someone who wants to drive faster can drive in the right lane. Win-win wouldn't you say?

But here you are saying "I will drive at my comfort speed and prevent others at driving at theirs. I could allow us both to be comfortable, but I won't. I will go against the grain"

How can't you see that is being selfish? And you know all those people who over take you in the left lane and honk at you? You deserve because you're a massive **** head.

Case in point: there is a particular stretch of freeway where I stick to the right lane for a km or 2 to avoid a somewhat dangerous merge situation when the kids are in the car. Despite doing the 80km speed limit, I often have dickheads ride my arse (creating one dangerous situation) because I am obstructing their desire to speed (another dangerous situation).

So I'm meant to make my journey more dangerous because of some bs social etiquette obligation?!? This belief needs to go.
It's more dangerous if people drive in the right lane without overtaking. All across Europe you get fined for being in the wrong lane.

80% people agree to use a certain driving method, yet you go against the grain and drive in a manner which invokes dangerous driving.

You should take a good hard look at yourself.

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I used to work in a pub which had a TAB (a while ago now thank God), and I saw people get upset about this all the time. What confused me then (and still does) is why betting on some unknown race is so important yet you only get up to do it a couple of minutes before the race. Just bet on another one or, as you said, do it online.

I don't think it's fair to get upset for people putting on multi's or small bets. There's usually more than one machine or if you are THAT desperate you can go up to the counter or use your online account. I just don't see the issue, but then again, I don't spend a lot of time at TAB's.
Wow. Not sure if srs.

1. I'm not a gambler but not understanding why someone bets on an "unknown" race is the height of stupidity.
2. And do you really not understand why people bet just before the start of race?
3. "Just bet on another one"? wtf?

You worked at a TAB but never understood how gambling on horses worked? Just the mere reason that people go nuts at old codgers placing silly bets should give you a hint as to what is approrpiate and what isn't.

Pity da fool.
When there is a 'keep left unless overtaking' sign on the road, you should be in the left lane unless you are overtaking, whether your kids are in the car or not.
Whenever there are two lanes you should keep left. Doesn't have to be signs, and it doesn't have to be a motorway. It's social etiquette. Anyone who thinks it's okay to prohibit someone else from doing something when there is a similar alternative needs their head checked.
Whenever there are two lanes you should keep left. Doesn't have to be signs, and it doesn't have to be a motorway. It's social etiquette
There are numerous reasons as to why you may be in the right lane, safety concerns being one of them. Are you that unimaginative that you need several listed?

Social etiquette should not be your primary concern on the road, if it is, you are unsafe.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to prohibit someone else from doing something when there is a similar alternative needs their head checked
A driver prohibiting another from breaking the law needs their head checked? Little wonder why road rage and accidents are so prevalent...

How bout you stop being a dick and just drive in the left lane? It's not ****ing hard.
Don't honk or whistle at me while I am working out.

I will jump head first through your window into your car, grab the hand you beeped with and make you torture yourself with it. If you protest I will make you talk to your own hand and I will record it and put it on Youtube, and possibly send to any women you have your sights set on.

Just ******* let me exercise in peace.

Define "torture"..
[quote=" Not poor social etiquette

I keep hearing people complain about people getting served in shops whilst on their phones. person in queue, gets a call, is having a quick convo, gets to front of queue, "6 bagels please mate" whilst on the phone. Nothing wrong with this. Doesn't inconvenience or affect anyone else like the points above. I think maybe people are just complaining because they work in retail. I just don't see an issue with this. Welcome to the 21st century. [/quote]

Agree with this. I've got no problem with people who go into stores and get served whilst being on thier mobiles the whole time, provided of course theyre able to convey to the server what they want quickly and without holding up the rest of the line.

Unfortunately some fwits are incapable of doing this. I've seen far too many people on their phones get to the front of a queue and be so engrossed in their phone conversation that they dont notice the server trying to get their attention to take their order. Then upon realising that it's their turn they have no idea what they actually want and take an age to decide, thus holding up everyone else in the line. I used to deal with this all the time in my previous job. I like to think i'm a fairly polite well mannered person, and I felt uncomfortable at first interrupting customers convos but it got to a point where Ijust used to speak to them in a really loud voice to try and get them to pay attention. Recieved some filthy looks in return for interrupting, but hey I figure their bad social etiquette cancelled out mine!

On a similar note regarding poor social etiquette- People that catch up with a friend/s and spend the majority of the time texting others and/or taking social phone calls. Just gives off the impression that the person theyre with is uninteresting and not worth their attention. Poor form IMO. Just put the damn thing away for an hour!!!
There are numerous reasons as to why you may be in the right lane, safety concerns being one of them. Are you that unimaginative that you need several listed?
Do you mind explaining how it's safer in the right lane? "I'm a shit driver and can't merge" doesn't really cut it. Not sure how merging puts your kids at danger anyway?

And please, list all these reasons why it's a good idea to sit in the right hand land whilst not overtaking (or imminently turning right)

Social etiquette should not be your primary concern on the road, if it is, you are unsafe.
There's no safety difference between right and left lanes - except when people sit in the right lane and block others.

Why must you hide behind this "safety" excuse? So far you haven't explained why it's safer to sit in the right hand lane.

A driver prohibiting another from breaking the law needs their head checked? Little wonder why road rage and accidents are so prevalent...

It's actually people like you who cause road rage and dangerous driving. Clearly you undertsand that the social etiquette thing to do is keep left but you don't. This is selfish. It understandably pisses people off. Then inevitably people will undertake you on the inside. This is dangerous. Studies in Europe suggest it's easier to get people to keep left to prevent this happening.

Perhaps you need to grow up and do the right thing and drive like everyone else - it's safer.

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[quote=" Not poor social etiquette

I keep hearing people complain about people getting served in shops whilst on their phones. person in queue, gets a call, is having a quick convo, gets to front of queue, "6 bagels please mate" whilst on the phone. Nothing wrong with this. Doesn't inconvenience or affect anyone else like the points above. I think maybe people are just complaining because they work in retail. I just don't see an issue with this. Welcome to the 21st century.
Agree with this. I've got no problem with people who go into stores and get served whilst being on thier mobiles the whole time, provided of course theyre able to convey to the server what they want quickly and without holding up the rest of the line.

Unfortunately some fwits are incapable of doing this. I've seen far too many people on their phones get to the front of a queue and be so engrossed in their phone conversation that they dont notice the server trying to get their attention to take their order. Then upon realising that it's their turn they have no idea what they actually want and take an age to decide, thus holding up everyone else in the line. I used to deal with this all the time in my previous job. I like to think i'm a fairly polite well mannered person, and I felt uncomfortable at first interrupting customers convos but it got to a point where Ijust used to speak to them in a really loud voice to try and get them to pay attention. Recieved some filthy looks in return for interrupting, but hey I figure their bad social etiquette cancelled out mine!

Working in customer service I agree with everything you've said. Sometimes, people have to take calls, it happens.

One thing that annoys me no end is people with earphones in listening to their ipods.

I work in the Deli section of a supermarket, and as such need to ask people questions, "How much of this?" "Is this thickness alright?" etc etc. When people have their earphones in, it just makes it more difficult. We need to call out numbers. When I do, I call a number 3-4 times before moving on to the next number. I've had people go off at me because I skipped them because they didn't hear me. If you could take the bloody things out for 5 minutes, I wouldn't have skipped you.
Wow. Not sure if srs.

1. I'm not a gambler but not understanding why someone bets on an "unknown" race is the height of stupidity.
2. And do you really not understand why people bet just before the start of race?
3. "Just bet on another one"? wtf?

You worked at a TAB but never understood how gambling on horses worked? Just the mere reason that people go nuts at old codgers placing silly bets should give you a hint as to what is approrpiate and what isn't.

Pity da fool.

Sore spot?

That's way over the top. I think you should take a breath, regroup and post again later.
Sore spot?
Not a gambler, so no. Just can't believe how much of an ignoramus you are.

That's way over the top.
Is it? Or is claiming that a races that gamblers gamble on as "unknown". Sorry but you deserved everything you got for that uneducated and ignorant post.

Did you think all those gamblers bet 1 minute before the race because they are all lazy or something? Bit coincidental given nearly 100% of horse gamblers are always putting bets on at the last minute don't you think? Wow. And that wasn't enough to make you twig that there might be a reason.

I repeat: I've never gambled on any race other than the Melbourne Cup and have been to the races once for a work xmas party. I'm not into it but at least I have some sort of understanding what and why people are doing it.

"Just bet on another one":rolleyes: Worst post on BF in a few years.

There are only a few reasons in VIC where (legally) you can drive continuously in the right lane when the speed limit it 80km/h or greater, and they're listed here. So, unless there's a reason that fits any of these sub-clauses, people should get out of the way
a) I didnt suggest anyone should continuously drive in the right lane. I even stated drivers should generally stick to the left lane.

b) Safety concerns and several other reasons are listed. How is that contrary to what I've said?

c) Where does it say drivers are allowed to speed, or that people should 'get out of the way' for people wishing to speed?

My opinion is there should be no social etiquette obligation for drivers wishing to speed. Clearly not everyone will agree, but directing me to the laws of the road only serves to enhance that belief.

There are only a few reasons in VIC where (legally) you can drive continuously in the right lane when the speed limit it 80km/h or greater, and they're listed here. So, unless there's a reason that fits any of these sub-clauses, people should get out of the way
a) I didnt suggest anyone should continuously drive in the right lane. I even stated drivers should generally stick to the left lane.

b) Safety concerns and several other reasons are listed. How is that contrary to what I've said?

c) Where does it say drivers are allowed to speed, or that people should 'get out of the way' for people wishing to speed?

My opinion is there should be no social etiquette obligation for drivers wishing to speed. Clearly not everyone will agree, but directing me to the laws of the road only serves to enhance that belief.
My opinion is there should be no social etiquette obligation for drivers wishing to speed.
Taking the law into your own hands are you? No wonder other drivers think you're a massive knob.

You know this phenonamon is world wide right? Pretty much everywhere in western world it's etiquette to keep left. Do you know why?

1. Respect to fellow motorists
2. Safety. It's safer if people keep left. It's actually enforced in lots of western countries including Australia.

But you use the "I am happy to stop others speeding" reasoning to do it. Given it's safer to keep left why don't you do just that and let the police catch the speeders. A lot of Governments recognise that speeding drivers, whilst still illegal, is safer than people overtaking in the left lane.

Just grow the **** up and keep left.
Taking the law into your own hands are you? No wonder other drivers think you're a massive knob.

You know this phenonamon is world wide right? Pretty much everywhere in western world it's etiquette to keep left. Do you know why?

1. Respect to fellow motorists
2. Safety. It's safer if people keep left. It's actually enforced in lots of western countries including Australia.

But you use the "I am happy to stop others speeding" reasoning to do it. Given it's safer to keep left why don't you do just that and let the police catch the speeders. A lot of Governments recognise that speeding drivers, whilst still illegal, is safer than people overtaking in the left lane.

Just grow the **** up and keep left.

I wouldn't recommend this approach in LA for starters. If you do survive there, give the German Autobahn a crack.
Given you can't have a rationale discussion (and need to justify speeding for your opinion to hold true) not going to bother going back and forth.

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Social Science Social Etiquette rules

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