Southern poker league

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Well. 😐 That was a roller coaster

Started off well... Was playing really well... Raised/called/folded when I should was just over 240k after the 2nd break....

Then... I played poorly. Was still getting the good cards.. and hitting.... But 😐😑😐 I would get done by the higher kicker... Or some chick hitting the straight at the end.... And some bastard slow playing his pocket Q's 😡which... Annoyed me and lost alot. (I knew I was in trouble just felt it but called anyways).

So from 240k ish I was down to 61k and prob a little tilted.

Decided well... Got to be aggressive. Sink or swim time.

Utg+1 raises to 15k I look down at QdJd 🤔 oh well... I re raise to 30k he calls... (I was sb)

Flop was 10,7 and something else shit... Already decided if the flop was shit I was gonna just shove... So my last 31k goes in the middle.. and he tanks for awhile... In my head I'm like just fold... I got nothing.. (while I try and sit there looking like I'm strong 🙄) and he folds.

Anyways... Bagged at 112k so it's ok... But from being In a strong position at around 240k I'm very disappointed with my self.
Bagged 324k on day 1B. Stoked with how I played considering the tricky players I had on my table all day

Played the tag team tonight, had KK cracked by a flopped straight, then a flopped but flush crushed by a full house on the turn. Did fight back to about 50k, but my mate ran into a 3 way all in with his 8s getting turned by 2 AKs

Played the bounty Friday night with no success

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Hey smoothy... There's a name I remember from Kapunda... lol 😉
I saw the first name on the list and wondered if that was you lol
At least you didnt get paid out about your efforts in the main 😂

Busted out of the teams AJ to 66 - but so many hands I was ready to pull the trigger on and I wimped out - its my one glaring weakness - the inability to gamble for a bigger stack

I always wait for the sunshine

Anyway sitting there and a friend wanted some birthday drinks so I dug deep again and bought into the turbo main just before cutoff and stacked up 200k in 10 minutes - then played conservatively until 5 minutes to go

The table had been limping mostly and we have a limp flop of Q45 and I have Q9 - UTG shoves and I have him covered 3-1

I have 2 choices call or fold - I was really hoping someone else would call ( the same 2 players Smoooothy had on his flight B table were there ) - up to me and I figure he has the Q - it was a matter of what does he have with it and am I good or can we chop. He didnt jam preflop so it took out a lot of hands I thought he had ie QK QJ etc maybe he limps QT or maybe he was hoping to get raised and jam then - either way I figure its a 50/50 race

Until he turns over QK and I lose 60k

Bagged 125k 4 minutes later
Smoooothy grats on ya $$
thanks a lot! was a rollercoaster of a day

about 20 mins in, wake up with AK, raise to 3.5BB, get one caller

flop 10 Q 9, check to me, put in 30k, insta call

turn J - nut straight made - guy bets 40k, i push all in for about 250k. he calls for about 200k and shows pocket 10s - vegas and the ****en mirage

river Q - crippled down to about 50k

the fightback began there, managed to grind my way back up to about 90k. managed to trap a double up with aces on a 33J board - guy hit AJ which doubled me up

just before the first break get dealt K7 in the BB, 3 limpers and i check. flop K4x, i min bet, guy behind the button min raises, i call. turn x, both check, river 7, i push all in - he tanks for a bit then calls. flip over my 2 pair and he goes ballistic - guy flopped 2 pair. that puts me on about 390k at the break

from there, i didn't get to play much, picked up some pots here and there

got moved when we got down to about 35 runners left - managed to get away from a JJ vs AA showdown which cost me 75k on a Axx flop.

on the bubble i got dealt KK which i shoved with and thankfully didn't get called by AQ. bubble broke a couple of hands later

couple hands after it broke, woke up with a10 spades, insta shove - straight into AQ, that held and i'm on my way home - went back to my hotel, packed up and drove back to melb and was in my own bed by 1am

$450 cash, happy with that for near 2 full days of poker

(good to meet you GreyCrow, sorry i didn't get a chance to chat dirty2)

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Decided to play the Bounty tomorrow night- unsure yet if I rebuy as its a jam fest of rich donks chasing 30/70 hands - I guess it depends what time I bust if I do

Saturday 234 then into the Teams event after defending my title ;)

I reckon I will give Sunday a miss as I have no plans to play Main

Good luck to those who go and come and say hello
Decided to play the Bounty tomorrow night- unsure yet if I rebuy as its a jam fest of rich donks chasing 30/70 hands - I guess it depends what time I bust if I do

Saturday 234 then into the Teams event after defending my title ;)

I reckon I will give Sunday a miss as I have no plans to play Main

Good luck to those who go and come and say hello
Unfortunately I'll be giving it all a miss.. just bad timing for me... With to many bills and shit.
Bounty game was a bit hit and miss

Missed an extra bounty or 2 but not for lack of trying

After 10.30 and I had 60kish after having a good start (40k start) and then a dead spot for an hour or so that chewed up some blinds

Blinds are 1500/3k and I am in the BB with 7J - shush

UTG throws his last 6k in and his bounty chip and the mood at the table is like feeding time

6 callers plus of course myself.

Flop is 9QT - nom nom nom someone bets 6k and I call with 3 dropping out

Turn is a 6 and SB bets 20k - I have my 50kish and I have a decision to make and yes one of those is to fold but I start considering a lot of things - 1 hr drive home in the rain , 3x pickup and what they might have - actually its only SB that concerns me because UTG is locked into what he has

I figured a set was the best they could have or a similar draw to me ie if they had AK they would have shoved in the SB to isolate plus its a draw still

Again I know its a very thin margin but I throw my blue chip in and we go to the river with 110k side pot plus UTG stack

UTG turns over QT and SB shows TT - ok Im somewhat alive any 8 or K and I scoop

Except its a Q to give UTG his stack and SB a FH and I put my jacket on for the rain

234 today

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Southern poker league

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