*Spoilers* Raw Results - 16/05/05

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Thanks to wrestlingexposed.com

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Date: Monday, May 16th, 2005
Location: The Qwest Center in Omaha, Nebraska
Results by PowerWrestling.com

WWE RAW Opener:

The fireworks went off in the arena for the start of Monday Night RAW as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show and tonight Christian and Ric Flair will go one on one! Also, we will see a Lingerie Pillow Fight between Christy and Candice, and the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament will go down between Edge and Kane!

Referee: Michael Chioda
Muhammad Hassan and Daivari vs. Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin

The music of Muhammad Hassan hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Daivari for this tag team match to open RAW against the team of Chris Jericho and the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin! The start:

Benjamin and Jericho slid in the ring and went to work on both Daivari and Hassan. Shelton splashed both men in the corner and then Jericho and Benjamin clotheslined them both to the outside. Benjamin and Jericho then hit stereo cross body's over the top to the outside on both men. Jericho tossed Daivari back in the ring and chopped him hard in the chest before hitting a back suplex.

Mid-match notes:

Jericho tagged Benjamin who kicked Daivari in the gut and then gave him a big clubbing shot. Benjamin worked over the arm of Daivari but Daivari came back with a jawbreaker and tagged in Hassan. Benjamin hammered away at Hassan and hit a nice clothesline out of the corner, and then knocked Daivari off the apron. Hassan attacked from behind with a modified back breaker and then stomped on Benjamin before tagging out. Daivari locked Benjamin in a surfboard and then a rear naked choke but Benjamin fought to his feet and elbowed out. Benjamin knocked Daivari down with a clothesline and Daivari tagged in Hassan.

Hassan knocked Jericho off the apron and then he and Daivari hit a double suplex on Benjamin and Hassan covered for two. Hassan hit some knees to the back of Benjamin as the fans got behind the Intercontinental Champion. Benjamin hit a nice Samoan Drop and tagged in Jericho. Jericho chopped away at Hassan and hit a nice shoulder block and then Daivari came in and Jericho tripped him. Jericho hit the running enziguri on Hassan and then went up top and came off with a cross body and covered but Daivari broke it.

The Finish:

Benjamin came in and took out Daivari with a kick but then Hassan sent him outside. Jericho went for the Walls and Daivari went to re-enter but Jericho knocked him down with a springboard dropkick. Jericho then walked right into Hassan's STO and Hassan covered for the win!

Winners - Muhammad Hassan and Daivari

The Aftermath:

Jericho was not happy after the match and started to leave up the aisle and Benjamin looked at him with a look of confusion.


Tajiri and Chris Benoit were shown backstage, and Benoit said Paul Heyman called him at the weekend and invited him to the One Night Stand, and Tajiri said him too. Benoit said he had been thinking about it, and it should be Tajiri and Benoit in an ECW Rules Match Tonight! Regal came up and asked what Benoit was putting into his head, and he said he is forbidding Tajiri from doing it. Tajiri begged Regal, and Regal agreed to it and said best of luck. Benoit and Tajiri laughed, and the match is on!


Eric Bischoff was shown talking so someone backstage and Coach ran in screaming and Bischoff said he was in a meeting. Flair was the one he was talking to, and he was trying to convince Bischoff to call Triple H and get him back on RAW. Bischoff said if Triple H wants back, then he can call him. Bischoff told Flair to handle it. Flair left the room and then saw Batista, and said he needs to talk to him. Flair said everything that is wrong in his life is because of Batista. Last week Triple H quit RAW because of him. The guy that did everything for Batista, that guy is gone. Batista said it has nothing to do with him, and nothing to do with Flair. He said it is Triple H's fault. Batista said if he owes anyone, it's Flair. Batista said he has nothing respect for Flair, but he is wrong. Batista said he has a tribute to Ric Flair, and then woo'ed. Flair laughed and then told him it's like this and woo'ed again. Batista wished him luck for his match tonight, and told him he was the man.

Referee: Chad Patton
Ric Flair vs. Christian
The music of Ric Flair hit in the arena as he made his way out to the ring for his match with Captain Charisma. Flair got a great reaction from the crowd and then Christian made his way out with Tyson Tomko, and Christian has a new entrance suit.

The start:

Flair and Christian locked it up and Flair backed off and strutted around a bit. Christian knocked Flair down with a shoulder block and then strutted himself. Flair slapped Christian and Christian knocked Flair down with a right and then hit a back body drop. Flair tripped Christian in the corner and rolled him up with his feet on the ropes for two. Flair chopped Christian hard, and then went up top but Christian threw him down to the mat.

Mid-match notes:

Christian chopped Flair and then choked him in the corner. Christian sent Flair upside down in the corner and then clotheslined him to the outside. Tomko drove Flair into the apron on the outside while the referee was distracted with Christian and then Christian suplexed him back into the ring for two. Flair came back with some chops and then charged at Flair in the corner but Flair moved and then went to work with chops of his own. Christian did the face first Flair bump and then Flair hit a knee drop to the back of the head.

The Finish:

Flair went for the Figure Four, but Tomko gave him a right hand on the outside. Christian rolled up Flair and held the ropes but the referee saw it. Flair then rolled Christian up with a hand full of tights and ropes, and the referee didn't see and Flair wins!

Winner - Ric Flair

The Aftermath:

Flair celebrated and Tomko chased the referee out of the ring. Flair woo'ed in Tomko's face and then Christian attacked him from behind. Tomko held Flair and Christian kicked away at him. Christian hammered away with right hands and they both stomped him and then the music of Batista hit as he ran down to the ring! Batista hammered away on Tomko and then Christian attacked from behind but Batista came back with a clothesline and then gave Tomko a spinebuster! Batista grabbed Christian and took him down with the Batista Bomb and then gave Tomko some of the same! Batista and Flair stared at each other with a look of respect and then Batista left.


Lita and Christy are backstage talking and Lita said Christy is undefeated in Lingerie Pillow Fights. Edge then came in and said he wants a word with Lita. He said what he did to Shawn Michaels last week is nothing compared to what he will do to Kane tonight. He said he is going to win the tournament tonight and face Batista for the World Title next week…bank on it!


Christian and Tomko are backstage and Christian was screaming about Batista. Maria came up and asked if Christian was hurt. Christian screamed at her to get out of here. Christian said this isn't over, not by a long shot.

Masterlock Challenge:

The music of the Masterpiece, Chris Masters, hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring. Masters got on the mic and said after a one week absence, the Masterlock Challenge is back tonight. He said if someone can break the hold, he has upped the money to $6,000. Masters said that wasn't wall, he has a one way ticket to anywhere in the United States, because anywhere is better than Omaha, Nebraska. He asked for a show of hands for people to step up to the challenge. He pointed out someone in the crowd and he got into the ring. Masters locked in the hold and threw the kid around like a rag doll and the Jack Doan called for the bell. Masters took his money back and then Steven Richards hit the ring and went to work on Masters! Richards went crazy on Masters but then Masters took control but Stevie took him down and hammered away on him. Masters then hit a clothesline to the back of the head but Richards grabbed a chair and Masters retreated up the aisle.


Edge was shown backstage and then a hand grabbed him by the neck and it was Kane! Kane said whatever happens in the ring is one thing, but if he ever talks to his wife again, he will end him…now you can bank on that!

ECW Rules Match
Referee: Jack Doan
Chris Benoit vs. Tajiri

The ECW music played in the arena and tons of weapons were shown around the ring. The music of Chris Benoit then hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring for this ECW Rules Match with Tajiri!

The start:

Benoit and Tajiri locked up and Benoit hammered him with right hands and chops. Tajiri came back with the Tarantula in the corner and then Benoit came back with chops. Tajiri went for the handspring and then Benoit went for a German but Tajiri landed on his feet and kicked Benoit to the outside. Tajiri slid out and Benoit planted him head first into the ring steps. Benoit pulled a ladder from under the ring to a pop from the crowd.

Mid-match notes:

Benoit laid Tajiri on the table on the outside and then went back in the ring and grabbed the ladder. Benoit set up the ladder and climbed it. Benoit was about to jump off and then the Coach came out and said to stop this match right now! He said Bischoff has been informed about what is going on out here and told Benoit to get off the ladder. Bischoff's music then hit and he came down. Bischoff said that Benoit and Tajiri arranged this match while he was busy. Bischoff said he is officially ending this match right now!

The fans booed heavily and Bischoff said he didn't sanction this, and never would. Bischoff said ECW is pure garbage. The fans chanted arseh*le at Bischoff and Bischoff said from this moment on, he is banning ECW from RAW. It will not be chanted, discussed and if he sees one ECW sign he will have it confiscated. To make his point, he is going to prohibit everyone from the locker room from participating in One Night Stand. Bischoff said the only participation at One Night Stand will be when he personally shows up with his voluntary group of RAW Superstars and puts an end to ECW once and for all!

Winner - No Contest


Candice Michelle was shown preparing for the Lingerie Pillow Fight, and that is next!

Lingerie Pillow Fight
Referee: Chad Patton
Candice Michelle vs. Christy Hemme

The music of Christy Hemme hit in the arena as she made her way down to the ring for this Lingerie Pillow Fight against Candice Michelle! There was a bed set up in the ring with pillows and stuff as usual.

The Match:

Both ladies took off their robes to reveal their lingerie. They both swung their robes over their heads and then started whacking each other with pillows. Feathers went everywhere as they continued to hammer each other with the pillows. Christy got on the bed and Candice tipped over the bed sending Christy under the bottom rope to the outside. Christy didn't know where she was and then got back in the ring and Christy did the splits in the corner and rolled up Candice for the win. The two celebrated together and Christy did the splits.

Winner - Christy Hemme

In the arena:

The music of Viscera then hit in the arena as he slowly made his way down to the ring. Viscera looked at the ladies and straightened his tie. He said that this sexy pillow fight is really turning Big Vis on. He said everyone knows what happens when Big Vis gets turned on. Viscera shook his hips and the two girls got on the outside of the ring. Viscera said there was one thing in particular that has him turned on tonight, and that's you, Lilian Garcia. Viscera said he sees three things right now, he sees him, he sees you, and he sees a nice plush bed.

Viscera said there is only one thing that is missing, and then got out of the ring and walked over to her. He said the only thing that is missing is some food. He then went up to some chick in the crowd and kissed her, and asked her for some cotton candy. She gave him the bag and he went back over to Lilian. He asked Lilian to get in the ring with him, and he has a few surprises for her. Viscera asked Lilian to help spruce up the bed a bit, and she put a pillow on there and dusted off some of the feathers. He said he was going to make himself a bit more comfortable and laid on the bed. He asked her to come over and join him and she perched herself on the side of the bed. Viscera offered her some cotton candy and he licked a bunch of it and then handed it to her.

She ate it and he said he's just like cotton candy, he will melt in that sexy mouth of hers. He said he has a surprise, and the lights dimmed. He asked if that turned her on, and then asked for music. Some Barry White music played in the arena and Viscera sang along to it. The crowd popped and she started smiling. He said he has one more surprise, and he said he has something to whip out. It was a hotel room key and he handed it to her and told her to come see him tonight, in room 469. He said he would be waiting, and she left the ring.


Kane and Lita are shown backstage, and she asked if she should even come out there tonight. Kane said Edge won't bother her anymore, and he wants her there to see him destroy Edge first hand. She said that is right where she wants to be, to see Kane beat Edge tonight and then Batista next to become the World Champion. Lita slapped a mouth lock on Kane and then we went to break.

HBK Update:

Jim Ross informed us that Shawn Michaels suffered a concussion at the hands of Edge last week on RAW. We were then taken to a recap of the entire tournament.


Chris Jericho was shown backstage getting dressed and Benjamin came up and asked if he was ok? Benjamin said tonight was a fluke, but he is here to make sure that it isn't messing with his head. Jericho said he was the first Undisputed Champion, and losing a match doesn't bother him any more. Jericho talked about his radio show and Fozzy selling out the London Astoria. Jericho gave Benjamin a copy of the Fozzy CD and invited Benjamin to his show in St. Louis, and then said losing a wrestling match is no big deal. Benjamin looked at him confused as we went to break.

World Tag Team Championship Match
Referee: Jack Doan
Simon Dean and Maven vs. Rosey and The Hurricane (c)

The music of the Hurricane hit in the arena as he and Rosey came down as the World Tag Team Champions, and then Stacy came down with them dressed as a superhero!

The start:

Maven and Rosey started us off with a lock up and Maven hammered Rosey in the corner but Rosey threw him off and hit a shoulder block and a scoop slam. Rosey then slammed Hurricane onto Maven for a two. Hurricane gave Maven some right hands and then kicked Dean off the apron but Maven then hit a dropkick for two. Simon Dean got the tag and hit a modified neckbreaker on Hurricane for two.

Mid-match notes:

Simon and Maven gave Hurricane a double suplex and then Maven hammered away at the Hurricane. Maven tagged Simon back in who hit a snapmare and then a rear naked choke. Hurricane fought out and hit a clothesline and then made the tag to Rosey. Rosey gave Maven a right and then a big back body drop.

The Finish:

Rosey caught Simon as he came off the top and then gave Maven a slam, and then slammed Dean into Maven. Rosey grabbed them both by the throat but they kicked him in the gut and then Stacy distracted both of them on the outside by shaking her ass. Rosey and then Hurricane then hit their double team finisher for the win.

Winners and still World Tag Team Champions, Rosey and the Hurricane

In the arena:

The music of Randy Orton hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring! Orton got a nice pop from the crowd as he got on the mic. Orton said it's bad enough that he is out of action with an injured shoulder, but what is worse is the question about him staying on RAW or moving over to Smackdown! in the draft. Randy said he is sick and tired of the question, and told the crowd to shut their mouth when he has something to say. Orton said he cannot be drafted, he is on the injured list. He said he is there because of two men – Batista and the Undertaker. He said he is sure the Undertaker will pull some strings and stay on Smackdown, but Orton said he wants Batista to protect that World Title, because he is gunning for him when he comes back from this injury. Orton said he will write his own ticket to the Hall of Fame, and he will do it on RAW! The music of Vince McMahon then hit in the arena as he strutted down to the ring! Vince got on the mic and said he'll be damned, it's Randy Orton! He asked what the hell had happened to him? He said his clothes are hanging off of him and has a neck like a stack of dimes. Orton said he has had shoulder surgery and can't train.

Vince said talk is cheap, but not quite as cheap as that haircut! McMahon said no one is exempt from this draft, not even someone on injured reserve. Orton said with all due respect, he suggests he realises who he is talking to! Orton said he is the man who is going to carry this company, he is the man who is going to make more money for Vince than Cena and Batista combined. Orton asked when the draft was? Vince said it doesn't matter if he is on RAW or Smackdown, he will still be in Vince's ring. Vince said the draft begins three weeks from tonight, but it will not be a draft night…it will be an entire month! Back and forth from RAW and Smackdown! for an entire month! Vince said Orton could be making history tonight by standing in a RAW ring for the very last time. Vince then left and Orton didn't look happy. JR told us more details about the draft are on WWE.com.

Gold Rush Tournament Final

Referee: Michael Chioda

Kane vs. Edge

The music of Kane hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Lita for this final Gold Rush Tournament match, for a shot at the World Title next week on RAW! Edge then made his way down and this could be very interesting.

The start:

Kane and Edge locked up and Edge gave Kane a right hand in the corner, as Kane stalked Edge. Kane came back with a big boot and then hammered Edge in the corner with right hands. Kane gave Edge a suplex and then choked him as Batista was shown watching backstage. Kane gave Edge some shoulder thrusts in the corner and then choked him in the ropes. Kane charged at Edge in the corner but Edge hit a drop toe hold sending Kane into the turnbuckle.

Mid-match notes:

Edge gave Kane some right hands and went for a whip but Kane blocked and then threw Edge to the outside. Kane followed him out and gave him another hard shot and then dropped him over the barricade. Kane threw Edge back into the ring and then kicked him in the head. Kane gave Edge an elbow in the corner and then a clothesline. Edge hung Kane up over the top rope and then gave him some right hands but Edge threw him into the corner and choked him. Kane chased off the referee and then Edge gave him a low blow and a baseball slide to knock him outside the ring as we go to commercial.

Back on RAW and during the break, Edge gave Kane a dropkick to the knee. Edge has a Kane in a leg lock but Kane made the ropes. Edge took Kane down with a chop block and continued to kick away at the leg. Kane went to the outside and Edge hit a double sledge off the apron and then gave him an elbow to the knee on the outside. Edge stomped Kane’s leg from the second rope and then taunted the crowd. Kane came back with kicks to the gut but Edge kicked him in his knee again to take him down. Edge locked in another leg lock on the Big Red Monster as Lita looked on with concern.

Kane fought out with shots to the head of Edge with his good leg. Kane gave Edge some right hands. Edge came off the ropes but Kane hit an uppercut for two. Kane gave Edge snake eyes and then hit a clothesline for another two. Edge came back with the Edge-O-Matic Edge went for the Spear but Kane grabbed him and went for the chokeslam but Edge grabbed the referee and then hit his DDT for a long two count! Edge went for the spear again but Kane side stepped. Kane then hit a side walk slam and laughed and Lita looked pleased on the outside.

The Finish:

Kane went for a Tombstone but Edge fell out the back and shoved Kane into the referee and hit the spear. Kane sat up and Edge grabbed his briefcase. Edge ran at Kane but he was met with a big boot and Lita has the briefcase. Kane went up top and then Lita threw the briefcase to Edge! Kane jumped off the top and Edge whacked him with the briefcase! Lita revived the referee and then Edge made the cover and Edge has won!

Winner - Edge

Edge smiled and Lita smiled back at him and then got in the ring. Lita and Edge hugged and he picked her up as they looked at the damage they had caused to Kane. Edge and Lita embraced again on the outside of the ring and they left up the aisle as JR called him a dirty rotten bastard and that he gets his title shot next week! Kane sat up in the ring looking groggy and he can’t believe what has happened here. Edge and Lita then made out like animals on the stage as JR screamed “THAT’S THE MANS WIFE, YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT SOMEDAY, YOU DAMN HARLET!” as RAW went off the air!

Wow!. A Orton appearance, a Lita heel turn, Vince. I expected the Heel turn by Lita after all of the hoo-ha regarding Matt etc. Does anybody else think this new "twist" is in poor taste?.

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Does anyone else think that JR isnt just commentating on the wrestling here. There have been a few times in the past where I have thought that JR was making personal comments and this one seems really possible.
Interesting ploy - turning a real-life scenario into a wrestling storyline. Should work wonders for WWE - fans were already booing Edge and Lita, and this, I believe, will translate to "Money In The Bank".

Gotta feel sorry for Matt Hardy through all of this though - first he gets fired because his Mrs back-doored him, now it gets exploited as a storyline. Read a post on the rajah.com website yesterday that said Matt was "disgusted' with the Raw ending
RoosLuver said:
Wow!. A Orton appearance, a Lita heel turn, Vince. I expected the Heel turn by Lita after all of the hoo-ha regarding Matt etc. Does anybody else think this new "twist" is in poor taste?.
That's Vince for you. Never let good taste get in the way of a potential storyline. Anyone remember the Necro storyline with Triple H and Kane? Or even the current Smackdown one with Kurt and Booker T.
gandaal said:
That's Vince for you. Never let good taste get in the way of a potential storyline. Anyone remember the Necro storyline with Triple H and Kane? Or even the current Smackdown one with Kurt and Booker T.

What was the Necro Storyline... Was that the time HHH accused Kane of Killing someone? Cos i dont know
This is way outta left field but

anyone have a feeling that the hole Edge/Lita/Matt Hardy thing could have been a ploy by WWE as in to get major heat on them? Matt Hardy was nothing he was just a low mid card wrestler and was going no where so he was easily pushed aside. Ive allways had the feeling that Lita was going to dog act kane i just never new who for though

or are they just rearly taking advtantage of a real life sitation, anyone i dont see much of raw but

Raw without Hardy Boys> Raw with Hardy Boys

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Stafford678 said:
This is way outta left field but

anyone have a feeling that the hole Edge/Lita/Matt Hardy thing could have been a ploy by WWE as in to get major heat on them? Matt Hardy was nothing he was just a low mid card wrestler and was going no where so he was easily pushed aside. Ive allways had the feeling that Lita was going to dog act kane i just never new who for though

or are they just rearly taking advtantage of a real life sitation, anyone i dont see much of raw but

Raw without Hardy Boys> Raw with Hardy Boys
Matt Hardy got sacked. Can't get more real than that.
Borgsta said:

Does anyone else think that JR isnt just commentating on the wrestling here. There have been a few times in the past where I have thought that JR was making personal comments and this one seems really possible.

I reckon JR was seriously getting stuck into the both of them for real. It's not the first time he's done it and given he had this golden opportunity he got into them with both barrells (and rightfully so!)

FWIW, I thought the whole thing was sickening to watch. :(
Ray Nolan said:
I reckon JR was seriously getting stuck into the both of them for real. It's not the first time he's done it and given he had this golden opportunity he got into them with both barrells (and rightfully so!)

FWIW, I thought the whole thing was sickening to watch. :(

I havent had the chance to watch it yet but will do so soon. It sounds really stupid and that they have gone down the wrong path yet again.
Batista is a face. Edge was a face. Edge has money in the bank (brick in a briefcase?). Face wont face a face. Batista won't turn heal with the title. Edge vs Batista as next ppv mainevent?
Red House said:
Batista is a face. Edge was a face. Edge has money in the bank (brick in a briefcase?). Face wont face a face. Batista won't turn heal with the title. Edge vs Batista as next ppv mainevent?
They're facing each other on Raw next week. I'm guessing Triple H will run down and kick the crap through Batista near the end drawing the disqualification and setting up the Triple H v Batista match at the next PPV that everyone knows is going to happen. The WWE don't have the balls to have a Triple H free RAW main event these days.

raboyle said:
Didn't Kane get back at him with that one?
Get him back? :confused: What does Kane have to do with it? The whole angle was just in poor taste.
gandaal said:
It was the one where Triple H jumped into a coffin and started humping the 'dead body' of someone Kane supposedly loved in the past. They went a bit too far with that one.
Haha, don't remind me..
tat is messed up other sick things i thought of tat werent neccesary were

Broc Lesnar beatin tha ******** out of the one legged kid n tauntin his mum

Big bossman getting the coffin of someone related to the big show and then drove off with it

Shane O mac gettin bashed n his own blood poured on him by kane in the hospital
badassbillygunn3 said:
tat is messed up other sick things i thought of tat werent neccesary were

Broc Lesnar beatin tha ******** out of the one legged kid n tauntin his mum

Shane O mac gettin bashed n his own blood poured on him by kane in the hospital
I thought the Brock thing was pretty funny myself. He was bad guy doing bad things. It was obviously a work. The Shane thing was just set up, a thing they've done many times it the past, so I had no problem with it other than the fact that it was really stupid.
yeah i thought the Lesner Zac Gowan thing was hilarious

what happened to that kid i still got a PPV where he beats Matt Hardy quite funny
Spitty said:
what happened to that kid i still got a PPV where he beats Matt Hardy quite funny
Matt Hardy deserved to be near main event status not jobbing to a one legged outkast.

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*Spoilers* Raw Results - 16/05/05

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