St.Kilda FC "It's not about winning it's about...(Complete)"

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Pessimist?? what because I follow trends??

I hope you're not a stock broker!! Facts are facts... a lot of people bought memberships for NMFC even though they don't support them... they did it out of pity..

Go on be a Braun to be Wild and give us your estimate?

"St.Kilda Football Club it's not about winning it's about the Orgy Party afterwards"
jeeze, you'd think you've never seen it before!!

i bet you still laugh at Rolf Harris and his 3-legged man!! haha

i do,that shiz is funny man!!.Diddle liddle liddle lee:p
its not about winning,its about the extra leg:D

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another stat for you.. and if you wouldn't mind explaining it for me it'd be much appreciated!!!

Ok, so NMFC have 3,000 more members than us so far this season.. can you please explain then why:

2008 AFL Home Match Attendances Average
5th - St Kilda - 43,917
14th - NMFC - 29,217

just a small little gap there... ohhh thats right, the GC home game didn't really work out for you did it... but even if you got 25,000, it wouldn't have made much of a difference to the average.. well certainly not 14,000 worth in average..

everytime bwahahahabwahahahah cough ahahahahaha
damn that shiz is still good:thumbsu:
Another disaster for St.Kilda;

Roger Thompson, Chief Research Officer at AVG Technologies, has just posted an item about the problems with the St Kilda Football Club website and it seems Google is to blame.

Google defames Saints ... bolts of lightning fall. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

What I'm really talking about is that if you search for "saints football club", the number three organic search result is the famous (to Australians) St Kilda Football club. The "defamation" bit is that Google has one of its "This site may harm your computer" messages against it.

This means that it is not possible for anyone to click through a Google search and get to the St Kilda website, you have to deliberately cut and paste the URL back into your browser bar.

The reason that they're doing it is that, probably, at some point the website was hacked and was infecting people, but ... GOOGLE-GUYS! IT'S CLEAN NOW! TAKE THE BLOCK OFF, PLEASE! (I feel like saying "Mr Google! Tear down this wall!", but I wouldn't be so bold).

What this really underscores is the concept that a centralised database is useless at detecting web issues, the problem is simply too transient.

This happens quite a bit, and I must admit that I'm surprised that no one has accused Google of damaging their brand.

In the case of, they used to be the number one organic result when people searched for k1. They were hacked for about 10 days, and then cleaned, but in the mean time they had earned the "This site may harm your computer" label and over the next 12 months, before the label was removed, their rating slipped and slipped until finally it was nowhere on the first three pages.

I can't imagine St Kilda taking it lying down if their ratings start to slip, and I can't imagine Google meaning that to happen. It just shows how difficult it is to keep up

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Deflecting from your mobs insipid performance today mate?

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St.Kilda FC "It's not about winning it's about...(Complete)"

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