Sponsored St Kilda - Windy - player sponsor Event

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Gday all,

Another event on the calendar, with the following details:
Player Sponsor Function

Wednesday 7th August

Location: Moorabbin Lawn Bowls: 426 South Road Moorabbin

Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm

Finger food and refreshments provided.

We will need to RSVP to this one fairly quickly obviously so please respond if your keen to go into the raffle to go along!
Unfortunately I am already booked so cannot attend. I can reccomend these events to everyone. The players are happy to chat with you and you get a good insight into how they and the team are travelling.

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Seems details changed on this one

Location: Due to popular demand the function is now being held in The Sanctum at RSEA Park
There will be a guest speaker at 4.30pm and the players will be attending from 4.45pm to around 6.00pm

I will RSVP for us anyways, I can attend so might be me by looks of it!
Good afternoon boydie,

I'll see you and goodie23(I'm amazed that he hasn't been banned from BF/Saints events) at Rsea Wed afternoon/early evening......the 3 of us can fly the BF flag.

What is spooky is that it will be a reunion of the 3 of us being at the equivalent function at about this time last year......

We'll just pretend yesterday didn't happen....denial at times is a wonderful thing.


Oh.....and by the way....if you 2 like a Shiraz...it's my shout...!!!!!!

Good afternoon boydie,

I'll see you and goodie23(I'm amazed that he hasn't been banned from BF/Saints events) at Rsea Wed afternoon/early evening......the 3 of us can fly the BF flag.

What is spooky is that it will be a reunion of the 3 of us being at the equivalent function at about this time last year......

We'll just pretend yesterday didn't happen....denial at times is a wonderful thing.


Oh.....and by the way....if you 2 like a Shiraz...it's my shout...!!!!!!

IS this the event where last year they did the trivia comp? We had Ming on our team and I went home with a sore neck from looking up into the sky to hold a conversation with the guy!! At 6 feet tall I have never felt so short!!
IS this the event where last year they did the trivia comp? We had Ming on our team and I went home with a sore neck from looking up into the sky to hold a conversation with the guy!! At 6 feet tall I have never felt so short!!
That certainly rings a bell TB.........I'm pretty sure there was a bit of a trivia comp at the start of the evening.

And I hear you loud and clear re talking to Big Maxy........I'm 6' 1" and I have to crane my neck when talking to him....same with big Ro....their both 6'8" from memory.

You've jogged my memory re their height.....I took a few of my ex workplace mates to the pre season get together last year........I took a few pics of the guys standing with Maxy and Ro.........everyone Pi**** themselves when we looked at the pics.....the guys look like their in "the land of the giants"

:) :) :)
That certainly rings a bell TB.........I'm pretty sure there was a bit of a trivia comp at the start of the evening.

And I hear you loud and clear re talking to Big Maxy........I'm 6' 1" and I have to crane my neck when talking to him....same with big Ro....their both 6'8" from memory.

You've jogged my memory re their height.....I took a few of my ex workplace mates to the pre season get together last year........I took a few pics of the guys standing with Maxy and Ro.........everyone Pi**** themselves when we looked at the pics.....the guys look like their in "the land of the giants"

:) :) :)
A bit like…

I knew I was going to be late to this one but I figured better late than leave a vacant spot (and someone had to be there to make Saint Watto's eyes roll like a 5c pokie machine at Crown). Jakey Batchelor was talking to the crowd as I was leaving work so I'll leave boydie to fill us in on that front. Drove frantically there, got into the carpark, got cut-off by a son-of-a-motherless-goat, said son-of-a-motherless-goat then took the spot that just cleared, circled again, parked and head in.

The main entrance was shut so went in through the social club, found our fearless organiser standing by the door with alcohol in hand. Before I could get a libation of my own we were able to shanghai a wandering Arie who was meandering through the crowd like a lost puppy in unlaced footy boots. He claimed that he hadn't bothered to change, this was the first of many questionable things told to us (Windy later dobbed him in on the boots being a consequence of losing a game during training).

Arie has a few games to his name by now and is itching for more, last weekend was particularly frustrating with the Sandy bye. Ross wants him back in the team but he's not sure who he'd displace from our back six. He, like probably all players, was getting Battle questions but doesn't know what's happening. So far he's lined up on smalls and sees that pattern continuing. Arie is also tight with Jimmy Webster (fellow Taswegian), even though Jimmy's a hillbilly and Arie is Daniel Stern in City Slickers.

Our man Windy also came to join us, rocking a fashionable pair of Birkenstocks. Apparently they're required purchases at St Kilda footy club. Windy would've preferred to be wearing his crocs(!) but one of them has been lifted by a mischievous teammate. Speculation put them as being given to one of the dogs running around outside.

There was talk of running and fitness, Hilly is still the one to beat however Windy's impressed with the jets on Wilson and Garcia. Arie tried to talk himself into that conversation. The boys also claimed that there's a big end-of-season trip planned, 30 something boys attending.

Our boy Windy is growing up, he and Mitchy are looking to buy houses. A suggestion that they could get a townhouse that shares a wall was met with a "how did you know?" They don't want to move too far, especially from Mitchy's mum's cooking. That didn't stop Arie and Windy enjoying any food that entered our orbit - party pies, sausage rolls, mini burgers.

Windy got hijacked by his other sponsor, Arie wandered off, boydie and I went to the bar. After finding the devil's cider on tap (Somersby - too sweet!), I settled for a Sprite. Watto spotted us and led us over to Maxy King. Arie and Windy warned us that King had been putting on size and they weren't kidding, he's bigger. I asked if he'd been bench pressing Lance Collard - his reaction was torn between amusement at the idea and being affronted I hadn't nominated someone heavier.

Kingy's growing a beard, his mum hates it. He's still getting in his brother's ear about joining us, or he just said that to shut me up. He knows nothing about the mythical end-of-season trip that Windy and Arie were telling us about.

Kingy got grabbed by another sponsor so we chatted amongst ourselves for a bit. We talked about the Saints, Watto and Boydie caught me up a bit on Batchelor's talk, other bits and pieces. As the players started to make their way out Boydie grabbed Dooogs to pass on apologies for his sponsor not being able to make it.

I'm sure I missed stuff, I'll let the others fill in the gaps. Decent function, free drinks, bit of grub, decent chance to talk to players. Bugger of a time and place to get to, but if you can make it, it's worthwhile.

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I knew I was going to be late to this one but I figured better late than leave a vacant spot (and someone had to be there to make Saint Watto's eyes roll like a 5c pokie machine at Crown). Jakey Batchelor was talking to the crowd as I was leaving work so I'll leave boydie to fill us in on that front. Drove frantically there, got into the carpark, got cut-off by a son-of-a-motherless-goat, said son-of-a-motherless-goat then took the spot that just cleared, circled again, parked and head in.

The main entrance was shut so went in through the social club, found our fearless organiser standing by the door with alcohol in hand. Before I could get a libation of my own we were able to shanghai a wandering Arie who was meandering through the crowd like a lost puppy in unlaced footy boots. He claimed that he hadn't bothered to change, this was the first of many questionable things told to us (Windy later dobbed him in on the boots being a consequence of losing a game during training).

Arie has a few games to his name by now and is itching for more, last weekend was particularly frustrating with the Sandy bye. Ross wants him back in the team but he's not sure who he'd displace from our back six. He, like probably all players, was getting Battle questions but doesn't know what's happening. So far he's lined up on smalls and sees that pattern continuing. Arie is also tight with Jimmy Webster (fellow Taswegian), even though Jimmy's a hillbilly and Arie is Daniel Stern in City Slickers.

Our man Windy also came to join us, rocking a fashionable pair of Birkenstocks. Apparently they're required purchases at St Kilda footy club. Windy would've preferred to be wearing his crocs(!) but one of them has been lifted by a mischievous teammate. Speculation put them as being given to one of the dogs running around outside.

There was talk of running and fitness, Hilly is still the one to beat however Windy's impressed with the jets on Wilson and Garcia. Arie tried to talk himself into that conversation. The boys also claimed that there's a big end-of-season trip planned, 30 something boys attending.

Our boy Windy is growing up, he and Mitchy are looking to buy houses. A suggestion that they could get a townhouse that shares a wall was met with a "how did you know?" They don't want to move too far, especially from Mitchy's mum's cooking. That didn't stop Arie and Windy enjoying any food that entered our orbit - party pies, sausage rolls, mini burgers.

Windy got hijacked by his other sponsor, Arie wandered off, boydie and I went to the bar. After finding the devil's cider on tap (Somersby - too sweet!), I settled for a Sprite. Watto spotted us and led us over to Maxy King. Arie and Windy warned us that King had been putting on size and they weren't kidding, he's bigger. I asked if he'd been bench pressing Lance Collard - his reaction was torn between amusement at the idea and being affronted I hadn't nominated someone heavier.

Kingy's growing a beard, his mum hates it. He's still getting in his brother's ear about joining us, or he just said that to shut me up. He knows nothing about the mythical end-of-season trip that Windy and Arie were telling us about.

Kingy got grabbed by another sponsor so we chatted amongst ourselves for a bit. We talked about the Saints, Watto and Boydie caught me up a bit on Batchelor's talk, other bits and pieces. As the players started to make their way out Boydie grabbed Dooogs to pass on apologies for his sponsor not being able to make it.

I'm sure I missed stuff, I'll let the others fill in the gaps. Decent function, free drinks, bit of grub, decent chance to talk to players. Bugger of a time and place to get to, but if you can make it, it's worthwhile.
A great write up there goodie23........you certainly have a way with words and summed up the unfolding events of the evening perfectly.....with very generous amounts of humor thrown in for good measure.

It was a fantastic night .....a big crowd in....it was packed and a terrific atmosphere.

The "magical" Bruce Eva was MC...."Beva" is a walking Saints facts unit(Some of his one liners are....well....you know where I'm going with this)

The catering was awesome.....and I was sure some punters were trying to set personal bests with sausage roll/party pie consumption.

Outstanding was all I could say.

As you said goodie....we'll leave boydie to fill the troops in on what Jake Batchelor had to say.....great speaker and had some interesting things to say about all of our 2023 draftee's.

I didn't catch up with Windy as I was "stuck" in the foward pocket most of the evening.....it was a quick handball from the bar.

Your right goodie......Big Maxy has got bigger.

He was the only player in long pants.......to "hide" the knee brace(he reckons it will be on for another week) and his right knee has had a "clean up"

At training earlier in the day when he was wearing shorts....you could clearly see the brace and bandage on his legs.

Big Maxy was in great spirits.........I asked goodie and boydie to put on their crash helmets as I was about to ask.....yet again....Big Maxy's story about being knocked out at Sandy golf course several pre seasons ago with a wayward shot by Jack Bell on the next fairway.......Maxy loves telling that story.

I was waiting for a few more golf stories to come out and we'd be....zzzzzzz.

:) :) :)

Great to see Justin Peckett there with Elwood(a good sized lad to boot)...and I'll tell you what.....Justin (was wearing shorts)has more tatts than I've had hot dinners.

Overall...a great night...kudos to the club.....the punters left very happy.

It's hard with the starting times/travel distance etc ...as goodie said..... if any shareholders can get to these events....they are a heap of fun.
Righto, sorry for delay y'all busy weekend so havent logged on to finish my part
Great stuff from goodie23 and Saint Watto above and they have covered most of it, I will just assess my notes taken before I had said beer in my note taking hand........

Beva asked Jakey Batchelor mostly bout the VFL boys seen as he is the coach down there.
Was asked bout our draftees, said Darcy Wilson was ready to go for senior footy day dot hence why he hasnt played a VFL game yet.
Rest needed time in VFL before making debuts as they all at different levels of development when drafted and arrive at club
Was asked how Lance Collard was going - said that Lance knows he stuffed up, acknowledges his mistakes and is working hard to make it right.
Asked about Gus Mclennan debuting - Said Gus done a tonne of work, through injuries and been busting to get a go in seniors so was good to see him do that. Batch likens him to a Vlaustin type, role wise, not that quality yet I think he meant but who knows!

As others said, these events are always good to get to as you get to chat to some players and other sponsors etc

until the next one!
Righto, sorry for delay y'all busy weekend so havent logged on to finish my part
Great stuff from goodie23 and Saint Watto above and they have covered most of it, I will just assess my notes taken before I had said beer in my note taking hand........

Beva asked Jakey Batchelor mostly bout the VFL boys seen as he is the coach down there.
Was asked bout our draftees, said Darcy Wilson was ready to go for senior footy day dot hence why he hasnt played a VFL game yet.
Rest needed time in VFL before making debuts as they all at different levels of development when drafted and arrive at club
Was asked how Lance Collard was going - said that Lance knows he stuffed up, acknowledges his mistakes and is working hard to make it right.
Asked about Gus Mclennan debuting - Said Gus done a tonne of work, through injuries and been busting to get a go in seniors so was good to see him do that. Batch likens him to a Vlaustin type, role wise, not that quality yet I think he meant but who knows!

As others said, these events are always good to get to as you get to chat to some players and other sponsors etc

until the next one!
Well said there boydie.

As I mentioned in my post....Batch is a very good speaker....I'd never heard him speak at length before.

I only have one question.....has goodie23 already booked his spot at the next get together????


:) :) :)

And again.....great work with yr efforts with the sponsor program this season.
I asked one of the Mods moths ago , said he would look into it LOL

Sponsorship on that end is not exactly high priority, let's just say that.

I'll see what I can do, as I just told boydie though, I am the last one to ask questions about all that so might just be an echo chamber...
Sponsorship on that end is not exactly high priority, let's just say that.

I'll see what I can do, as I just told boydie though, I am the last one to ask questions about all that so might just be an echo chamber...
Mate , did I say it was you ? I cant remember which Mod it was so don't go doing George on me

Just checked , it was the Hub back in April

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Sponsored St Kilda - Windy - player sponsor Event

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