Super 12 team

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It s as big a AFL. Many of the lower AFL clubs are in a worse postion when it comes to sponsorship threat then the Storm. Companies Sponsor the Storm for Qld and NSW coverage as much as Melbourne.

AFL Clubs get sponsored for Vic area. The Rugby will be sponsored by a select group aiming at Vicotiran based people (AFL sponsorship dollar) because of the limited coverage of RU in NSW adn Qld thus sponsorship is basically towards those attending (cause no body watches it on TV - NO FTA contract at all now)

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Originally posted by MightyFighting
The English language may never recover. Let us morn her passing.

*21 gun salute*
Ummmm, anyway.

If a Melbourne-based Super 12 team was introduced, I think it would be a positive for the Storm. Many people in VIC see league and union as one sport, not only would this help open their eyes to both sports but it would also provide an option to supporting AFL. "Rugby" would have a larger presence in Victoria.
Does anybody know of any union players who might play for the the Melbourne franchise if they get one?

If they have to pick any from Australia it would be the bottom of the barrel types they would get. Therefore it would be an untalented team & get thrashed.

No one could deny that the Storm aren't full of talented & exciting players-Billy Slater, Cameron Smith & Matt Geyer are top liners. Union have nothing to match these sorts of players & ultimetely it is the players that make the spectators come to the games.
Originally posted by Leagueworld
If Melbourne were to get a Super 12 Rugby side how do you think it would effect the Storm?

IMO Union is much more popular in Melbourne than League. A Victorian Super 12's team would be successful if the team was competitive. Most people I know that follow Aussie Rules prefer watching Union to League. I reckon League is a far more attractive sport, but there's a lot of "private school" types that would not only watch a Victorian Super 12's team, but also pump lots of money into it.
Re: Re: Super 12 team

Originally posted by FitzroyRamone
IMO Union is much more popular in Melbourne than League. A Victorian Super 12's team would be successful if the team was competitive. Most people I know that follow Aussie Rules prefer watching Union to League. I reckon League is a far more attractive sport, but there's a lot of "private school" types that would not only watch a Victorian Super 12's team, but also pump lots of money into it.

As a Victorian I know about this too and it still puzzles me. I still don't know why Union is more popular and League hated, but I think it's because it's the no.1 sport for Qld and NSW, and seeing as Victoria have some grudge against NSW they see League as a target because they find it threatening to AFL.

The thing is though, there aren't enough quality Union players in Australia to support the current three franchises, let alone a Victorian one.
"I still don't know why Union is more popular and League hated, but I think it's because it's the no.1 sport for Qld and NSW, and seeing as Victoria have some grudge against NSW they see League as a target because they find it threatening to AFL."

Well it's the same situation here in the West ,maybe evened more pronounced because of the extra Poms ,South Africans and Kiwis .Believe me AR sees RU as more of a "threat" than RL .I don't know anyone who "hates" RL ,but there are a lot of indifferent people just as they are indifferent to RU.

Basiclly RU and AR have more in common presentation wise than RL . RL is basically run/tackle ,run/tackle chip game.
AR and RU are both :-territorial kicking games ,limited tackling,release the ball when tackled ,lineouts/throwins , scrums/congested ball ups and emphasis on kicking goals .
I think Union in Victoria is more popular than League, because Union has had the stronger presence in this state and also because of the amount of Nz'ers and Islanders now living in Victoria. I don't think the gap is a huge as some say it is, but if a Super 12 team was to start up in the next few years the gap won't be closed in the short-term. However what won't happen if Victoria does get a Super 12 team is that the Storm won't die like many "outsiders" like to believe. Of course things will be tough for the Storm in the short term, but if the prepare now for any possible move than they will come out of it for the better.

Also there is no reason except for the League vs Union fighting to stop the Storm working with a Victorian Super 12 team. They could help each other out in exposing ones members to the other code by offering special deal, such as Buy a Victoria Super 12 season ticket and get 2 free tickets to the Storm. The possibities are endless but to happen need for both camps to grow up and accept they can help each other in this city.

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Re: Re: Re: Super 12 team

Originally posted by Tamazoid
As a Victorian I know about this too and it still puzzles me. I still don't know why Union is more popular and League hated, but I think it's because it's the no.1 sport for Qld and NSW, and seeing as Victoria have some grudge against NSW they see League as a target because they find it threatening to AFL.

The thing is though, there aren't enough quality Union players in Australia to support the current three franchises, let alone a Victorian one.
mate, you're exactly right. i think along the same lines.
i am certain the storm and a vic s12 team can live together comfortably in melbourne. if/when vic get granted the th s12 licence i fear for the survival of the weaker melbourne-based AFL teams. these weak teams can hardly survive now and if/when a s12 team begins, the RU will surely attract sponsorship $$$ that were traditionall reserved for AFL. since the sponsorship $$$ pie is only so big, and a vic s12 team offers more value and exposure than some of the weaker melbourne-based AFL teams, i think a vic 12 team could fasten up the process of killing off an AFL team or 2.

in conclusion, the melbourne storm are far more established in melbourne than the sport of rugby union. the storm have several high profile personalities and great young stars, eg billy slater. union will be starting from scratch. the major point of this thread is that the possibility of a victorian s12 team should have 1 or 2 or 3 of the weaker melbourne-based AFL clubs trembling at the knees about losing vital sponsorshop $$$.
Originally posted by littleduck
if/when vic get granted the th s12 licence i fear for the survival of the weaker melbourne-based AFL teams. these weak teams can hardly survive now and if/when a s12 team begins, the RU will surely attract sponsorship $$$ that were traditionall reserved for AFL.

I highly doubt that, because
a) the kind of sponsors that Union would get would be at the higher end of market and those currently are what the stronger Melbourne sides have. I doubt a Victorian Super 12 side is going to take Iprimus away from the Demons, Leaseplan away from the Bulldogs, Smokefree and Mazda from the Roos.

b) any sponsors the Union gets are more likely to effect the Storm more than anyone else. The biggest problem facing the 2 Rugby codes is that in Victoria, plenty of people can't tell the difference or give a damn which is which. What you could see is companies who decide to sponsor a Rugby team, invest in Union and take away for the Storm.

Sponsor wise its the Storm who have the most to lose.

since the sponsorship $$$ pie is only so big, and a vic s12 team offers more value and exposure than some of the weaker melbourne-based AFL teams, i think a vic 12 team could fasten up the process of killing off an AFL team or 2.

But then you could say the same in regards to the Storm, also any Super 12 is going to be partly funded by News Limited, so what you could see is News Limited cutting its funding to the Storm and re-investing it in the Victorian Super 12 side. One things for sure a Super 12 side isn't going to speed up an AFL clubs fall.

in conclusion, the melbourne storm are far more established in melbourne than the sport of rugby union.

As a sporting team yes, as a sport no. Union is the far more popular Rugby code in Melbourne. A Super 12 side will keep it that way.

Overall Littleduck what you say isn't entirely the case. There is room for both Rugby codes in this town, but the weak AFL teams have less to fear than the Storm.
Originally posted by robbieando
> I highly doubt that, because
a) the kind of sponsors that Union would get would be at the higher end of market and those currently are what the stronger Melbourne sides have. I doubt a Victorian Super 12 side is going to take Iprimus away from the Demons, Leaseplan away from the Bulldogs, Smokefree and Mazda from the Roos.

you arguments are good. i still think the sponsorship $$$ pie is only so big, and when a VIC S12 team enters the melbourne market it logically has to take sponsorship $$$ away from somewhere else - its highly arguably both ways as to whether it will affect the Storm or AFL more. that is, UNLESS the size of the sponsorship $$$ pie increases which is always a real possibility, however global trends suggests the trend of major coys sponsoring sporting teams is weakening.

> b) any sponsors the Union gets are more likely to effect the Storm more than anyone else. The biggest problem facing the 2 Rugby codes is that in Victoria, plenty of people can't tell the difference or give a damn which is which. What you could see is companies who decide to sponsor a Rugby team, invest in Union and take away for the Storm.

your arguments are good. you have an arguable case. equally, i think there is an arguable case the the way. only time will tell.

> Sponsor wise its the Storm who have the most to lose.

definitely arguable both ways IMO.

> But then you could say the same in regards to the Storm, also any Super 12 is going to be partly funded by News Limited, so what you could see is News Limited cutting its funding to the Storm and re-investing it in the Victorian Super 12 side. One things for sure a Super 12 side isn't going to speed up an AFL clubs fall.

good argument. but i cant see news ltd decreasing its level of involvement in rugby league. news ltd has a vested interest in ensuring the success of the elite national comp.

> As a sporting team yes, as a sport no. Union is the far more popular Rugby code in Melbourne. A Super 12 side will keep it that way.

i suspect you are right. my argument is that the storm have been established for over half a dozen years, have won a premiership in that time, and are reasonably established in the melbourne market. for over half doz years vics have had the chance of following a league team 13 times at home per year, whereas vics have only ever had the chance of supporting the wallabies. once or twice a year. its safe to say that vics have been exposed to RL far more often than RU, even if RU is more popular at the grassroots.

> Overall Littleduck what you say isn't entirely the case. There is room for both Rugby codes in this town, but the weak AFL teams have less to fear than the Storm.

yeah, possibly. and you are absolutely right, there is room in all capital cities for all 3 football codes to live side by side in harmony, even melbourne.
"1 or 2 or 3 of the weaker melbourne-based AFL clubs trembling at the knees about losing vital sponsorshop $$$."

That's already the case as melbourne is over-populated with the AFL clubs .So that would bring on relocation even faster .

For the same reasoning the introduction of a S12 team to Perth would seal shut the door to a RL team .

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Super 12 team

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