Super Coach 2006

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tigertRANCE said:
Scored 2065, pretty happy with that. Cox as captain helped. Am left with too many sub $90,000 players so depth isn't good.

Noticed after Round 1 that the players values haven't changed. What's the deal? When does each players value go or or down according to their performance? I thought player values change weekly according to how the play.


After round 3 games.
Had to trade Luke Ball, considering the thought of OP was in the air (Channel 10) so he may have a captains curse aswell.

I got James Bartel. Still don't know if it is a great pick or not, considering there was plenty of company. It did however give me some extra cash for next time i NEED to trade.
Coin_Toss said:

FB C. Newman, D. Solomon, N. D Brown
HB B. Johnson, R. Murphy, C. Bateman
C B. Deledio, S. Mitchell, A. Cooney
HF N. G Brown, N. Riewoldt, N. Buckley
F A. Didak, M. Pavlich, D. Motlop
R J. Koschitzke, J. Fraser, A. Sandilands
INT J. Brennan, C. Knights, M. Jamar, M. Bate

K. Massie
A. Lucy
A. Raines
M. Murphy
I. Maric
M. Clark
C. Johns
D. Thomas

Comments please. Who should be captain?
I have $80,000 left, what should I do?

Cheers. :thumbsu:

Im 3rd in our league at the moment...just a tip i'd get rid of lucy i doubt he'll play any games this year.

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mulhollanddrive said:
Nice start to the week:

Bowden 164
Simmonds 116
Gram 74
Riewoldt 115

I have all those plus

P. Bowden and A. Raines as an emergency.

Don't know what those 2 got, however P. Bowden should get over 100 with his game.

Very good start this week.
I don't know but R Murphy and B Johnson have set me back up after average games from 2 cheaper players in McIntosh and Gibson didn't perform at there best. Bartel was terrible considering i was thinking between Ablett, Corey and Bartel and chose the latter. Ablett and Corey were fantastic today.

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2300 this week for me
430th overall, but keeping an eye on the 400 point lead over my team. I woulndt want that to get too much more before my trade strategy comes into play.
Can someone please tell me if the values begin fluctuating in round 3 for all players, or just those whom have played all 3 games? This is crucial for my trade strategy as I am tossing up whether to trade Roughead, who is currently performing 40% below his average having played 2 games, or Nathan D Brown, who is performing 35% below his average having played only one game.
Because Nathan Brown is more expensive, I am assuming that Nathan Brown's value drop will be larger, so if values are going to change for him this week then I would like to trade him asap.
However, If possible I would like to trade roughead this round for michael johnson or brent staker, and then next round trade nathan d brown for jess sinclair or another defender who should have droped in value after values begin fluctuating. Salary cap is not an issue on the brown/sinclair tradebecause I have 750,000 in reserve.
Did what was crucial to my line-up this week bringing in Cox for Simmonds and downgrading Pavlich to Lloyd

Rucks and Forwards are now looking good:


B Johnson

Backs and Centres need improvement:

C Cornes
R Murphy

Rancid_Beasties said:
Can someone please tell me if the values begin fluctuating in round 3 for all players, or just those whom have played all 3 games? This is crucial for my trade strategy as I am tossing up whether to trade Roughead, who is currently performing 40% below his average having played 2 games, or Nathan D Brown, who is performing 35% below his average having played only one game.
Because Nathan Brown is more expensive, I am assuming that Nathan Brown's value drop will be larger, so if values are going to change for him this week then I would like to trade him asap.
However, If possible I would like to trade roughead this round for michael johnson or brent staker, and then next round trade nathan d brown for jess sinclair or another defender who should have droped in value after values begin fluctuating. Salary cap is not an issue on the brown/sinclair tradebecause I have 750,000 in reserve.

Once a player has played three games his price will start to change.
D0nk said:
Once a player has played three games his price will start to change.
Cheers Mate.

Okay so I traded Roughead for Michael Johnson (was a toss up b/w him and staker but this is only a medium term option so i went for the big bucks), and Coughlan for Lonie (Once again medium term). Next few rounds I will trade brown for sinclair and daniel merret for pavlich.

I scored 1900 last round with 750,000 in the bank last round by the way, should be well above the 2,000 mark this round thanks to those trades and i now have over 1,000,000 in the bank.
Well I got 2001 this week to take my total up to 4082
Nathan D Brown being dropped hurt me big-time, as I was not aware that Birchall wasnt marked as an emergency. So I sacked his ass for McLeod (Had cap-room)

#577 overall

I need a good competitive league if anyone has a spot left...?
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