Super Nanny - What Garbage!

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All Australian
Aug 28, 2002
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Adelaide Crows
What a nerve this over weight woman has by going to other's places and telling them how to bring up kids! Can't stand this show or the whale of a woman who features in it.
I'm hanging on for the 2 hour special 'Supernanny gets done for kiddyfiddling! Hot tips to make sure they'll never tell..'
Crowaholic said:
What a nerve this over weight woman has by going to other's places and telling them how to bring up kids!

1. Because they agreed to it
2. Because they need help because on every occasion I've seen the parents are absolutely clueless.

ps I'm no fan of the show but your stupidity needs to be rewarded.

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I agree its pure garbage. Id love to see the cow come where i work and try and 'discipline' the kids.... :D. She last approximately 2 and a half minutes.
I happen to think its a cracker.

Makes me laugh how parents can become parents, some of these people are just idiots. And dont they feel like even bigger idiots having someone who doesnt have kids come in and tell them how to do things.

Dont see how the fact that she is overweight has anything to do with your comments..... pretty [swear filter evasion is unna septable - Adrian] rude actually. As far as i am aware she has been nannying for many many years (probably more than you have been alive, crowaholic) and is pretty damn good at her job!

However i dont see why the same network is bringing another show in, Nanny 911 or some such, when it sounds like its going to be pretty identical to Super Nanny...
My wife, who loves the show actually, always says 'she's not qualified to do this, she doesn't even have kids' (obviously we do) and I keep on telling her 'that if the doctor hadn't had a cold, does that mean you're not going to allow him to look after you?'

I think she does a great job with the kids, and anyone out there who does have a two year old will know what I'm talking about.

I just want to know, is there a Super Nanny for bloody pre-teens as mine is driving us all nucking futs!
BluesBabe666 said:
Dont see how the fact that she is overweight has anything to do with your comments..... pretty rude actually. As far as i am aware she has been nannying for many many years (probably more than you have been alive, crowaholic) and is pretty damn good at her job!

She is a very unattractive woman.
Crowaholic said:
She is a very unattractive woman.

Who cares what she looks like. She's found a way to reinforce the necessary parenting traits that seem to be lost amongst today's busy lifestyles and politically correct mumbo jumbo.

Lot's of love unconditionally
Lot's of praise when things are going well
Lot's of consistancy in what is and isn't acceptable behaviour (or assetabile maybe I should say ;) )
Lot's of reasonable discipline.
Crowaholic said:
BluesBabe666 said:
Dont see how the fact that she is overweight has anything to do with your comments..... pretty fcken rude actually. As far as i am aware she has been nannying for many many years (probably more than you have been alive, crowaholic) and is pretty damn good at her job!


She is a very unattractive woman.

Who gives a sh1t! And you're hot stuff are you?
Dont answer that, its rhetorical.

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If you don't have kids, of course the show will mostly suck. If you have kids it's worth a watch every now and then to remind you not what to do so you don't have to go to the length that the Nanny does.

I think some people fail to realise this isn't a show to demonstrate how to bring up kids, but more how not to bring them up and what to do if it gets out of control. It's probably also assumed knowledge that some of the kids on the show take a lot longer to sort out than the show makes out or that the finished product is the best example of possible mixed results.

It does give parents an insight as to what might happen if you don't have a clue.
The show was alright for maybe 2 or 3 episodes but every week she does the same thing... Essentially anyways, i wouldnt call the naughty step and naughty chair different techniques.
There's some horrid little bastards in it.
Bunsen's right about a lot of the parents having no clue.
There are some good things in the show, but it's more a matter of picking out bits that you think would work with a child and applying those.

My girlfriend's 2 year old son was becoming a real little pain in the ass, and he's generally a very good kid, but he was being allowed to get away with far too much, and therefore had his mum wrapped around his little finger.
Everytime he whinged and chucked big wobblies, he got his own way just to shut him up.
After a while I'd had enough this, every time he threw his toys at people, or demolished the loungeroom, or started smacking people, he was given one warning, then if he did it again he would be picked up and taken into his room, sat gently on his bed and we'd walk out and leave him in there for 10-15 minutes.
He knows exactly what the consequences are of smacking, throwing toys and other bad behaviour now, and knows not to do it.
His behaviour has been a lot better to deal with since there was a crackdown on it. :)
JohnnoCairns said:
The show was alright for maybe 2 or 3 episodes but every week she does the same thing... Essentially anyways, i wouldnt call the naughty step and naughty chair different techniques.

of course she does the same things, the things that all these out of control kids need ie. some limit setting and positive reinforcement when they do the right thing. What is funny is the clueless parents who suddenly have a light bulb go on above their head, aint common sense wonderful!
Her butchering of the English language is 'unasseptable'.

I can handle about five minutes of her speaking before it does my head in.
You know a show has lost all credibility when the host of show appears on Oprah !!!!
A lobotomy would be more enjoyable then watching the tripe that is Super Nanny.
I've watched this show several times now. Take 10-15 kilos off her and you've got a recipe for the Super-Nanny porno franchise :D It could specialise in Anal penetration, with the catch phrase being "Its Un-Ass-eptable!".
3rdEchelon said:
Makes you wonder why you'd wanna have kids if they turn into little terrors like the one on the show.

Mate - it will happen to you one day!
Man, I have over ten nieces and nephews and none of them have been as bad as portrayed. I absolutely think it is the parents fault and well, I just am aghast at the poor discipline showed.

It may be hard as parents but not that hard to keep your kids on the straight and narrow rather than in the strait jacket.

I love watching it because it is so extreme. Some of it is just basic common sense and if it takes a nasely sounding pommie nanny to get into the thickish heads of the parents then it's all good. Fewer feral kids would be nice thanks.

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Super Nanny - What Garbage!

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