Survivor Series (2016)

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So just to summarise -

They end the streak , the best thing they had going for the old-schoolers and the once-a-year WM viewers.
Also their greatest remaining link to " the Golden era "
Kills Taker , the character that took 20 years to build up.

I'll get to Brock in a sec but let me stay on Taker for a second.

12 months later , Bray Wyatt starts mouthing off like a dickhead at Taker , calling him washed up etc.
It's meant to put himself over but common sense says it just makes him look weak and smarmy - Giving shit to a bloke who's well and truly at the end of his shelf life.

Then he LOSES to Taker at WM......

So it's like " Next time Bray mouths off at anyone , are you gonna take him serious ???......"

So there's 2 characters ruined.

Back to Brock.

You've pulled the pin , no going back now , Brock has to dominate.
And he does , makes the Big Show look more of a bitch than he ever has before , some may argue otherwise but LEGIT-THREAT Big SHow died after that.

3 characters.

Then he gets to the big fish

Everyone knows i'm a Cena mark so i probably judge the decision to have the match they had more harshly but can anyone argue that Cena's character has ever recovered kayfabe-wise ???.
Squashed Superman.

4 characters.

Well **** , where do we go from here ?


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" No dramas " you say

5 ruined

You get the feeling someone upstairs loves their cocaine.....

Steve Austin's ATV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldberg vs. Lesnar I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldberg's sweat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldberg vs. Lesnar II

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1) Goldberg legit hurt himself and couldnt go any longer
2) He has signed a longer deal.

Goldberg is out of ring shape, really needed a few weeks of matches to build.
Extended? most likely to set up WM 33 when they will both go out again, this time Goldberg gets a final send off after being inducted to the HoF

So Oldberg is going to appear in the Royal Rumble match itself, LOL.

If the WWE bookers or "writers" are smart, they would book Oldberg, Bork Laser and James "The G.O.A.T." Ellsworth to be the final three wrestlers or "sports entertainers" left in the ring. Oldberg and Bork duke it out in the ring while Ellsworth lies motionless in a corner, Bork eliminates Oldberg and then suddenly Ellsworth eliminates Bork with the No Chin Music and Bradburies his way to the main event of Wrestlemania. The big, old, gassed out part-timers can have another match at Wrestlemania I guess. :p
The shock's over, the anger's kicking in!

The video package lasted longer than the match. They built it up for two ******* months, basically, just to have the beast that defeated Undertaker's WrestleMania streak to job out to a bald-hairy-on-the-chest dude that hasn't wrestled in over 12 years. GO **** YOURSELF WWE.

I'm surprised people are taking the Goldberg/Lesnar match so seriously.
If you haven't watched the show, don't go to FoxSports site or
If they're reading this thread the deserve spoilers :p

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Lesnar never could take gut shots, even in UFC Valasquez pounded him to the floor with constant kicks to the kidneys and mid section. Not surprising to see him gasping for air after the 2 spears.
I don't think I've ever seen the air get sucked out of an audience as quickly as when the shining stars came out after the enzo promo.
What about when Enzo said something about have all the energy in the world, then Cass speaks in the most drony voice possible?
So Goldberg vs Lesnar rematch at Wrestlemania? If that's the plan then I thought this was a great piece of business and the best piece of proper wrestling booking you don't see that often in the WWE lately.
Women's match was bad and did zero for SD, though I did like the little moment when Bayley and Lynch first entered and just looked excited to be facing each other.

IC match was good without being great. Zayn going to SD?

Tag match was a mixed bag - Breezango lost more from going out straight away than New Day, although ND realy have to stop losing everything that isn't a title match. AA looked a million dollars, Shining Stars got some deserved time.

Cruiserweight crowd was totally dead for the first half of the match, picked up a little but nothing much, and Corbin interfering didn't really hit.

Men's match was a good swerve - it looked for all money like superman Roman would win it all again, but no! The Wyatts got to look strong instead. Shield reunion - temporary though it was - didn't feel right.

Still trying to work out what to make of Goldberg winning like that. I mean, I figured he wouldn't be coming back just to get beaten up, but still...

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Survivor Series (2016)

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