Current Antisemitic Attacks - Synagogue Firebombing Melbourne Investigated as a terrorist attack

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May 25, 2024: Australia’s largest Jewish school graffitied in Melbourne.
Oct 13: Antisemitic graffiti on Jewish bakery in Sydney, with note left for owner reading “be careful”.
Nov 21: Cars torched, buildings vandalised in Sydney’s east, an area with a large Jewish population.
Dec 6: Adass Israel Synagogue torched in Melbourne’s south, treated by police as a suspected terror attack.

Jan 7, 2025: Man charged after allegedly threatening worshippers Chabad North Shore synagogue in Sydney’s north.
Jan 10: Allawah Synagogue in Sydney's south graffitied with swastikas.
Jan 11: Graffiti and attempted arson of the Newtown Synagogue in Sydney’s west.
Jan 11: Cars and house vandalised with antisemitic graffiti in Sydney’s west.
Jan 17: Cars torched, building formerly owned by a Jewish community leader vandalised in Sydney’s east.
Jan 21: Childcare centre set alight and graffitied in Sydney’s east.
Jan 29: Around a week ago, police found a caravan packed with explosives with a note of target addresses and a synagogue
Jan 30: Jewish school and a house in Maroubra vandalised
Feb 12: social media footage allegedly shows two nurses at Bankstown Hospital bragging about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients

The police are still angry about the leaking of this van episode.

The caravan was parked near this bloke's house but he says he had nothing to do with it. The police rammed his door in and handcuffed one of his tenants.

There ya go, Farrugia and Marshall's names were on the warrant but they're in custody and the man who owns the house says it was a mistake.

The registered owner of the van has been arrested on peripheral charges, whatever that means.

Pretty sure they said Marshall was owner of the van. Farrugia has a facebook post in a community group, trying to source a caravan to buy a few days before the van was parked there.

The explosive apparently hasn't been manufactured in Australia for about 20 years. Has a 12 month shelf life.
Pretty sure they said Marshall was owner of the van. Farrugia has a facebook post in a community group, trying to source a caravan to buy a few days before the van was parked there.

The explosive apparently hasn't been manufactured in Australia for about 20 years. Has a 12 month shelf life.

So the explosives couldn't explode?

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Plot thickens.

The couple are considered to be on the "periphery" of a broader antisemitism terror investigation, with police suggesting those involved do not appear to hold a "specific ideology" and that there was a level of 'coordination above those perpetrating the offences'.
Plot thickens.

The couple are considered to be on the "periphery" of a broader antisemitism terror investigation, with police suggesting those involved do not appear to hold a "specific ideology" and that there was a level of 'coordination above those perpetrating the offences'.

If it turns out they are getting paid to do these crimes - I wonder if their KPIs are based on media coverage?
Plot thickens.

The couple are considered to be on the "periphery" of a broader antisemitism terror investigation, with police suggesting those involved do not appear to hold a "specific ideology" and that there was a level of 'coordination above those perpetrating the offences'.
Journalise for they're as thick as two short planks and they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, but the police believe they were just fall guys

If convicted, they're going down for a loooong time

Will it be enough to loosen tongues (if they know anything)?
Of course, one of the core aims of terrorist groups and terrorist attacks is to build fear within the target community.

And that aim would have been achieved even if there was never any intention to implement a firebomb attack on Jewish targets in Sydney but to plant anti Semitic material, suggested targets and devices - the discovery and subsequent publication of which would create widespread fear and alarm within the Jewish community.

Which is why, I suspect, NSW Police were so desperate to keep the discovery of this caravan and what it contained highly confidential - not just to aid their covert investigation processes but to stop community alarm until the exact nature of the clumsy plot had been properly investigated and the perpetrators and their networks identified.

But, as a report in today's Sydney Morning Herald makes clear, there is ongoing concern within Federal and State police forces that the spate of anti semitic attacks are being harnessed by certain politicians for political gain, which is feeding right into the aims of those responsible for the coordinated graffiti, fire bombing and other attacks across Melbourne and Sydney.

The leak of the discovery of the caravan and its aftermath have highlighted the tensions in the work of federal and state authorities in combating the growing number of antisemitic attacks in Australian cities as all sides seek to prove they are on top of the problem - especially with a Federal election likely to be called in coming weeks.

Authorities had kept the operational details secret for days, and they feared the revelations this week would compromise their work and put personnel at risk.

“This is a leak that should not have happened – because it endangers investigations,” said one federal source.

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Of course, one of the core aims of terrorist groups and terrorist attacks is to build fear within the target community.

And that aim would have been achieved even if there was never any intention to implement a firebomb attack on Jewish targets in Sydney but to plant anti Semitic material, suggested targets and devices - the discovery and subsequent publication of which would have created widespread fear and alarm within the Jewish community.

Which is why, I suspect, NSW Police were so desperate to keep the discovery of this caravan and what it contained highly confidential - not just to aid their covert investigation processes but to stop community alarm until the exact nature of the plot had been properly investigated and the perpetrators and their networks identified.

But, as a report in today's Sydney Morning Herald makes clear, there is ongoing concern within Federal and State police forces that the anti semitic raids is being harnessed by certain politicians for political gain which is feeding right into the aims of those responsible for the coordinated graffiti, fire bombing and other attacks across Melbourne and Sydney.

The leak of the discovery of the caravan and its aftermath have highlighted the tensions in the work of federal and state authorities in combating the growing number of antisemitic attacks in Australian cities as all sides seek to prove they are on top of the problem - especially with a Federal election likely to be called in coming weeks.

Authorities had kept the operational details secret for days, and they feared the revelations this week would compromise their work and put personnel at risk.

“This is a leak that should not have happened – because it endangers investigations,” said one federal source.

Was there a 2nd leak to Sharri Markson, or was it part of the first leak, but the media that received it, just kept the leaked info about the location of the addresses under wraps until Markson released it on Thursday, with or without official or unofficial approval of NSW Police?

During her editorial on Thursday night, Markson said the addresses of the two prominent Jewish landmarks had been written down inside the caravan.

NSW Police have not publicly confirmed the targets of the suspected terror plot.
Was there a 2nd leak to Sharri Markson, or was it part of the first leak, but the media that received it, just kept the leaked info about the location of the addresses under wraps until Markson released it on Thursday, with or without official or unofficial approval of NSW Police?

During her editorial on Thursday night, Markson said the addresses of the two prominent Jewish landmarks had been written down inside the caravan.

NSW Police have not publicly confirmed the targets of the suspected terror plot.
IMHO the likelihood of Sky News and Markson (and other Murdoch hacks) being the recipients of the initial and subsequent leaked information relating to the police discovery and investigation tells you all you need to know about the political motivation behind the leaks.

They are doing the PR work of the anti-semitic groups in spreading fear amongst the Australian Jewish community far more effectively than those nut jobs spray painting swastikas on school walls and cars in targeted Melbourne and Sydney suburbs.

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Usually because people are punching down at all Muslims instead of criticising the belief system. They lack the nuance to express themselves without simply being outright racist.

Criticising the dominant group in society e.g. punching UP is not at all the same.

But that's a level of nuance you're not interested in.
I think that's basically right. There's more sensitivities to criticising a minority religion than a majority one. Most people who get shouted down for "criticizing Islam" are usually not making very good criticisms of Islam.
I said it could come from multiple groups.

So zero embarrassment.

I said these mental cases at the protests are majority of one group. The same kind of belief system as Hamas.
So the millions in the streets every weekend that don't like seeing kids carpet bombed with their tax money supporting it are mental cases? Are you all there?
So the millions in the streets every weekend that don't like seeing kids carpet bombed with their tax money supporting it are mental cases? Are you all there?

A billion + people follow the teachings of a medieval warlord. * You're asking the wrong person if they are all there.

Given most of their issues in the world would improve dramatically if they stopped following those teachings.
Far right people blame muslims, far left people blame Jews. Horseshoe theory in full effect. Just let the police do their job. No point speculating and embarrassing yourself one way or the other.

Horseshoe nonsense. You realise that not all Jews agree with you and the apartheid regime of Isreal, yeah?
Blaming Israel not Jews but keep peddling that shit.
I mean it's a fact that an Israeli teen made 500+ bomb threats to Jewish institutions in Victoria. That's not speculation. The motive seems pretty obvious.
Tell me exactly what you think is going on. Spell it out.
Blaming Israel not Jews but keep peddling that shit.
I mean it's a fact that an Israeli teen made 500+ bomb threats to Jewish institutions in Victoria. That's not speculation. The motive seems pretty obvious.

You're twisting facts to fit a bit here.

Kadar made nearly 520 bomb hoax calls, nearly ten years ago, to institutions around the world, not specifically Jewish if a couple of them were in Victoria.

He also made attempts at extortion, demanding money or bitcoin to stop.

There were serious consequences, he was arrested in Israel where he faced charges and charges were also filed against him in the US.

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Current Antisemitic Attacks - Synagogue Firebombing Melbourne Investigated as a terrorist attack

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