News Tarryn Thomas - 18 matches and sacked from North Melbourne

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North Melbourne statement:

North Melbourne has received notification from the AFL that Tarryn Thomas has been found guilty of inappropriate behaviour towards a female.

The club accepts the AFL’s findings and endorses their sanction, which will see Thomas suspended from AFL football for 18 matches.

As a result of that finding, and in light of previous indiscretions, the club has informed Thomas that he will no longer be a North Melbourne player.

North Melbourne chief executive Jennifer Watt said Thomas had received strong support from the club to change his behaviour and he was aware that any new indiscretion would threaten his playing future at North Melbourne.

“The club has provided Tarryn with significant time, resources and support but we’ve now arrived at a point where the individual’s needs don’t match those of the club,” Watt said.

“We know Tarryn needs help – for himself and for the women in his life – but it’s clear the path we’ve taken over the past 12 months hasn’t had the desired impact.

“To that end, we have made the decision to end Tarryn’s time at North Melbourne.

“This decision doesn’t come lightly or easily. We brought Tarryn to the club as a teenager and we acknowledge that he has faced complex and challenging circumstances over his life.

“We hope Tarryn will find the support that is right for him and that he does the work required to be the best version of himself.”

North Melbourne general manager of football Todd Viney said that the club had worked hard to support Thomas but he has now run out of chances.

“Tarryn’s ongoing behaviour was not compatible with the club’s or the team’s values,” Viney said.

“We’ve channelled many hours into helping Tarryn and seeking to rehabilitate him – for his sake and for the sake of those his behaviour has impacted.

“Ultimately, though, it’s our responsibility to put time and effort into the people who are committed to taking the club forward.”

Although Thomas will no longer be a North Melbourne player, the club will continue to make available medical and mental health support to him as he transitions into life away from Arden St.

The AFL Players’ Association has issued the following statement:

The AFLPA notes the outcome of the AFL Integrity Unit’s investigation and North Melbourne's decision that Tarryn Thomas will no longer be a North Melbourne player.

We would like to reiterate that disrespectful behaviour towards women, in any form, is unacceptable.

Tarryn has some challenges that he needs to address, and the AFLPA will provide him with access to tools that will assist him, while continuing to focus on his wellbeing.

Tarryn, like any playing member, has full access to our programs and services.




The AFL wishes to advise that North Melbourne player Tarryn Thomas has been found guilty of several breaches of the AFL Rule 2.3(a) (Conduct Unbecoming).

Thomas has been suspended for 18 AFL matches and has been suspended from participating in any other football competition at any level until 22 July 2024.

As a result of this finding, Thomas will no longer be a North Melbourne player and will not be eligible to play at all in the 2024 Toyota AFL Premiership Season.

Before returning to football at any level Thomas must have undertaken and/or be satisfactorily progressing with a behavioural change program.

In respect of the behavioural change program:
  • The behavioural change program needs to be approved in advance by the AFL;
  • Thomas and / or the provider of the behavioural change program will need to report to the AFL on the adherence and progress with the program.
  • Thomas will personally bear the cost of the behavioural change program.
After being alerted by a complaint through the AFL portal in late January, Thomas was interviewed by AFLIU investigators on 29 January 2024. It was ultimately determined by the AFL that Thomas had engaged in multiple acts of misconduct including threatening a woman via direct messages multiple times.

In determining the sanction, the AFL took into account the evidence over a period of time which included Thomas engaging in misconduct while he was undertaking education in 2023 to deal with similar behaviours from earlier that year.
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A lot of people giving NMFC shit for not dropping him sooner; however, I'm sure they would loved to have - but surely for legal reasons they couldn't until the AFL found him guilty of it/handed their own suspension down?
People have been sacked for less.

If you mean in wider society; that's true.

But most people aren't also protected by an incredibly strong union like the AFLPA.

If NMFC have sacked Tarryn, that's only come after intense negotation with the AFLPA I am certain.
Should of been sacked last year, North lacked leadership and morals to do the right thing. They needed the AFL to hand down a 18 game suspension to hide behind.
I'm sure Essendon will come to his rescue like they did for Stringer.

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he needs to mature and sort himself out before another club even thinks of signing him. It would take a lot of convincing for anyone to take a punt with him. How many chances did he have?

Mostly likely, the guy has blown his AFL career. And the chance to not be a violent abusive idiot as well.
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he needs to mature and sort himself out before another club even thinks of signing him. It would take a lot of convincing for anyone to take a punt with him. How many chances did he have?
Mostly likely, the guy has blown his AFL career.
Too many chances to be given another go, imo. He can live with the consequences of not sorting his shit out when he was given every resource and chance in the world.
Expecting Top 4 club missing out on the Premiership to give him a lifeline as a cheap option to get them over the hump for a flag. Assuming he can stay fit and ready for action...big IF.
About time. The guy has had a lot more chances than the average person and has let himself and the club down on numerous occasions. North are better off without him.
People have been sacked for less.

It's not fair, but people on high incomes like Thomas have a lot more access to lawyers. Also payouts for unfair dismissal tend to be far higher.

It's understandable that North (presumably with the AFL's support) wanted to make sure all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed before taking such a move.
Should of been sacked last year, North lacked leadership and morals to do the right thing. They needed the AFL to hand down a 18 game suspension to hide behind.
Big call coming from a fan of the most morally corrupt club in the country.

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News Tarryn Thomas - 18 matches and sacked from North Melbourne

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