Tasmanian Football Thread

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Clarence have picked up 2 ex devils picked up Cameron Thurley, as an assistanat coach also, along with Cameron Blight who will be involved as a Junoir development officer in the Clarence region.
Thurley was almost going to sign with OHA just to play with his best mate Matt Zukauskus but Clarence offered extra $$$$ making it hard to refuse.

Kane Richter to Lauderdale with new coach Cam De G....

Who will Thurley be assistant coach to? Appears "Bolts" is on the move.
One school says the 'Roos are going to have a crack for Scott MacCallum.
Can't see it myself. Seemed pretty contented with his lot at OHA last season; damn fine effort that. Pulled them outa the wilderness!
That sure is an impressive career, What position did he play????
Bowman played centre early in his career and moved forward later on. He was 175 cms and has some remarkable achievements.
"At age 41 in 1968 he kicked 93 goals for Newtown in Sydney to win the leagues goalkicking. In his last season in 1973 he played along side his three sons; Michael, Leigh & Russell for one game." Also a State Captian (twice), Lefroy Medallist and named in Sandy Bay's best 25 and in the Mitcham (VIC) & Mayne (QLD) teams of the century. (Ref: The Spirit Never Dies - History of Sandy Bay Football Club 1945-1997)

The Mercury are apparently unaware of his existence.

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Heard from one of my famed good sources (he knows who he is) that Jimmy Rogers is not coaching Triabunna in 2009.

Anyone know who is in that case?
The HAWTHORN Football club have announced that BRENDON BOLTON has been appointed coach of the BOX HILL HAWKS in the VFL. CLARENCE are now on the lookout for a new coach, it will be interesting to see who gets the job
Bowman played centre early in his career and moved forward later on. He was 175 cms and has some remarkable achievements.
"At age 41 in 1968 he kicked 93 goals for Newtown in Sydney to win the leagues goalkicking. In his last season in 1973 he played along side his three sons; Michael, Leigh & Russell for one game." Also a State Captian (twice), Lefroy Medallist and named in Sandy Bay's best 25 and in the Mitcham (VIC) & Mayne (QLD) teams of the century. (Ref: The Spirit Never Dies - History of Sandy Bay Football Club 1945-1997)

The Mercury are apparently unaware of his existence.
Cheers mate. He sure must of been one heck of a player.
It amazes me how such local ledgends can go un-noticed. A bloody shame really

Well done to Bolts on the job with Box Hill. I heard him speak once to the Clarence boys and thought this bloke was the real deal.

Amazing isn't it Newett @ the Kangaroos, Bolts to Hawthorn & Cressa left carrying the drinks (Still doing the milk run apparently).
Re: Bolts

Well done to Bolts on the job with Box Hill. I heard him speak once to the Clarence boys and thought this bloke was the real deal.

Amazing isn't it Newett @ the Kangaroos, Bolts to Hawthorn & Cressa left carrying the drinks (Still doing the milk run apparently).
Poor choice cressa by Wade and Co, look where it got em, should have given the job to Haggis Ogilvie, crap about him not coaching men,whats going on with the Mariners next year anyway, they need to be careful otherwise good young talent will go to cricket and/or soccer, at least thes organisations are better organised than AFL Tas at the moment !
Re: Bolts

Well done to Bolts on the job with Box Hill. I heard him speak once to the Clarence boys and thought this bloke was the real deal.

Amazing isn't it Newett @ the Kangaroos, Bolts to Hawthorn & Cressa left carrying the drinks (Still doing the milk run apparently).

The Devils are dead and buried,
But let’s just recap for a minute.
They (AFL Tas) a*seholed Matty Armstrong who’d done a damn fine job but may have worn out his welcome; esp. with the older brigade.
Upon further reflection I’d suggest that the following contenders were either on the radar, on our doorstep or applicants for the job:
David Newitt, Brendon Bolton, Haggis Ogilvie, Paul Hudson, Andy Lovell.
So then they (AFL Tas) appoint “The Freak” (Cressa) all the while he is under a cloud of some form of misdemeanor with a female at a nightspot in Brisbane. They (same lot) say they weren’t aware of this nightspot incident. Well I was, and footy aint my job, I’m a carpet layer. Alarm bells ringing? Not with this lot. Then all hell breaks loose.
And what’s the answer “We’d do it all the same if we had our time over.”
Well boys if you were part of a big company you’d be gone, gone, gone! Either the board would dismiss you or the shareholders would oust you. Oh, that’s right there is only one shareholder, the AFL.
What a rock show.
Notice D. Baker does all the talking lately. Maybe the other lad has become tooooo much of a liability and has to be kept behind the curtain.
Any thoughts?
Re: Bolts

The Devils are dead and buried,
But let’s just recap for a minute.
They (AFL Tas) a*seholed Matty Armstrong who’d done a damn fine job but may have worn out his welcome; esp. with the older brigade.
Upon further reflection I’d suggest that the following contenders were either on the radar, on our doorstep or applicants for the job:
David Newitt, Brendon Bolton, Haggis Ogilvie, Paul Hudson, Andy Lovell.
So then they (AFL Tas) appoint “The Freak” (Cressa) all the while he is under a cloud of some form of misdemeanor with a female at a nightspot in Brisbane. They (same lot) say they weren’t aware of this nightspot incident. Well I was, and footy aint my job, I’m a carpet layer. Alarm bells ringing? Not with this lot. Then all hell breaks loose.
And what’s the answer “We’d do it all the same if we had our time over.”
Well boys if you were part of a big company you’d be gone, gone, gone! Either the board would dismiss you or the shareholders would oust you. Oh, that’s right there is only one shareholder, the AFL.
What a rock show.
Notice D. Baker does all the talking lately. Maybe the other lad has become tooooo much of a liability and has to be kept behind the curtain.
Any thoughts?
Sounds spot on to me Rusty, it is amazing to me that every footy person i talk too, either doesn't trust the midget or absolutley hate's him with a passion. How many f... ups do you have to make before someone else gets a go at running footy in the State. The catastrophic cressa fck up should have been enough
In today's Mercury, page 76

There is a profile on the Marketing and Events manager for AFL Tas. It makes for interesting reading.

I would like to know what he means by this

Quote: "A normal week in the office.....blah blah.... includes creating an online data system for footy fans with news and statistics"


Does he mean Sporting Pulse? - this is done separate to AFL Tas to the best of my knowledge and has no direct connections to their office staff.

The current AFL Tas website is a disgrace, let alone the SFL website which is just full of "cut and paste links to the Mercury's articles" In this day and age, surely they would realise that there is a wide range of tech saavy people out there who would utilise these websites a lot if they were updated and full of useful information not the usual drivel that is there at the moment.

I know I have previously brought up this topic on websites run by the silly fools, namely the excellent SFL website that was run by Garlick prior to him relinquishing control to AFL Tas and subsequently becoming a very very boring and dull website that I don't even bother bookmarking it in my favourites. Their biggest mistake was to get rid of the "Rumours section" which in my opinion was a big drawcard to the website.

If they wanted to make people more interested, why bother putting

1. Game previews and reviews if there is nothing to click on.

2. Tribunal results - this makes for interesting reading in my opinion (I've even had the honor of being listed on there once when it was updated regularly:eek:) but sadly nothing is ever posted in there these days.

3. Club news - there used to be regular updates/artciles submitted by the clubs that made for good readings (I know there are other websites run by other clubs such as Menza's Two Blues website and the Cygnet one run by Jules Direen) but maybe they can link them so all the info appears on the SFL one as well.

4. Club Contacts/Coaches/Players lists - last time I looked, there was no current updated coaching/contact listing, most of them were from two or three years ago. Also players lists, surely it wouldn't be that difficult to "cut and paste" a current list from the booklet that is sold weekly at the gates?

Feel free to add on to the above list, maybe someone that is able to turn on a computer and click on a website from AFL Tas might take a bit of notice and put something into action.........

Wishful thinking indeed I know, but hey - stranger things have happened.

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Feel free to add on to the above list, maybe someone that is able to turn on a computer and click on a website from AFL Tas might take a bit of notice and put something into action.........

Wishful thinking.
AFL Tas Marketing and Events Manager, it is a terrific job one could say it is early retirement, as there is not very much action in that department or any others at AFL Tas H/Q
Great news football followers.

It is official...Jarrod Kleeman former Lindisfarne and Glenorchy player is pulling on the boots again.

Kleeman is heading along to training with the Channell Football Club tonight. This could be a fantastic pick up for the Channell Saints especially if he gets himself back into match fitness and back to tehforce he once was.
An ad in the Examiner on Saturday was inviting players who may be heading South for Uni or work next year to call a number to discuss playing with a club "south of Hobart". Not unusual you mght say, but it also included the match payments of $500-$600 a game plus incentives. Obviously someone is cashed up this year.
Re: Cadoras.
I remember the old Rumours section on the original SFL website, there was always some pretty funny stuff on there :p
Remember the old guestbook that they had on there?
It got pulled because 'Tarfingers' Morrison had a huge big sooky lala and threatened to sue the entire world because two posters dared ask the (very legitimate) question as to how he could be running the league after being previously incarcerated at HMP Risdon for various nefarious acts of a somewhat white-collar nature... :cool:
As far as Football Tasmania/AFL Tasmania's web-based efforts in the past are concerned - they've all been ordinary.
The original Devils website was one of the worst websites I've ever seen in my life - a navigational nightmare which had little or no quality information on it.
That was designed by Little Devil Media, which was owned by an ex-Clarence player, and we all know the close-knit relationship that Football Tasmania had with Clarence back in those days.
We did have a screen cap of it on here quite awhile ago showing what an abomination it truly was.
Football/AFL Tasmania's website was hardly ever updated in the past, only for Devils & Mariners, and it rarely contained any decent grass roots info.
Not a lot of info at all in fact.
That SFL website isn't much use at all these days, remember when it was first taken over by AFL Tasmania after Dan Garlick had handed it on?
We looked at this beautifully laid out, slick, professional looking site with wonder - and promptly sat here on BF running a daily count as to how long until it would be actually updated - which I think it went to 43 days.
Meanwhile the season was at least 4 weeks old by then LOL.

Examples of what would be needed for a website pertaining to be a decent quality one for the governing body of the sport in this state is:

Full contact list of all personel involved at AFL Tasmania, same with each league's administration and all member clubs contacts (mobiles and email).
Live scores from each TFL ground across the state, all that is needed is a laptop and access to the website (and preferably someone who can add up).
A list of all registered players in each league within the state of Tasmania.
Tribunal information from all leagues.
A complete list of results from all grades, plus ladders, goalkickers, attendance figures, records etc from all leagues across the state.
Each league having it's own page where the emblems of each club is displayed and a full list of its records, achievements, founding and other details are listed.

These would be just some of things they could have, and do a nice neat job of it too while we're at it - no ugly fonts and gimmicks - and make sure it remains well maintained and up to date :thumbsu:
Full contact list of all personel involved at AFL Tasmania, same with each league's administration and all member clubs contacts (mobiles and email).

Here it is, not sure if I have posted this before???


I think us two might have mentioned a midnight prank call on one of them before???:D

Also true to form, the incompetent nincompoops at AFL Tas still have Mr D. Cresswell listed as State Head Coach!!!

Also true to form, the incompetent nincompoops at AFL Tas still have Mr D. Cresswell listed as State Head Coach!!![/quote]

I was just hearing on ABC TV an interview with a guy going on about how Corporate Australia is incredibly unaccountable.

Its also the same culture in the public service and the culture in any organization where the thinking is often "our jobs are safe, lets just look as though we are doing some work and as long as we don't upset the boss all will be alright".:thumbsu:

So when it comes to AFL TAS this is what is going on. Sure some work hard and then some don't.

The shareholders (footy public)have limited say so really what goes on is par for the course don't you think.
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