[Tassie Goods Shed 2.0] AFL facing new revolt over plans to bulldoze suburban parks for a Tasmanian Devils training and admin centre

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Premiership Player
Aug 9, 2010
AFL Club
First came the Goods Shed, which almost single-handedly derailed the Tassie AFL team's prospects.

Now comes a new threat to Tasmania's hopes of finally having their very own AFL team.......... some cranky old biddies that like their parks.


First it was a political firestorm over a new Hobart stadium, now the AFL faces a revolt in the suburbs over plans to bulldoze local parks for a training complex.


Its choice of site – two adjacent parks at Rosny Park, on Hobart’s eastern shore – has outraged some locals, furious at losing precious parklands.

They’ve gathered enough signatures to force an electors’ poll which, if it goes their way, will force the government and AFL into a difficult decision: ride roughshod over local opinion or start again at another site.


Residents trying to “save” their parks are confident of securing a majority in the vote, which must be held within 60 days.

“I think we’ll win,” said Terry Polglase, of Save Rosny’s Parks. Such an outcome, he said, should force the project’s immediate abandonment at the current site.

“For goodness sake, the council is meant to listen to what the community wants,” he said.

Looks like there'll be no team for Tasmania. Press F to pay respects.

Jazny do you want to break it to your 200,000* plastic members, or should I?

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First came the Goods Shed, which almost single-handedly derailed the Tassie AFL team's prospects.

Now comes a new threat to Tasmania's hopes of finally having their very own AFL team.......... some cranky old biddies that like their parks.


Looks like there'll be no team for Tasmania. Press F to pay respects.

Jazny do you want to break it to your 200,000* plastic members, or should I?
I can sense your hands trembling with fear as you wrote that desperate drivel! The 200k membered sleeping behemoth beneath the bass straight awakens and will devour the pathetic minnows you call clubs. You know it, you fear it.

Im so sorry to inform you but the Goods Shed is getting demolished and even if your boomer Communist comrades manage to stop the HPC being built in Rosny, it just goes to Kingston instead :)

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