Mod. Notice Technological advances in weaponry

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Give us the StrikeMaster pls 🙏

Yes, I hope they do acquire them in sufficient numbers. The Strikemaster with the NSM is analogous to a coastal defence battery of old, HIMARS is more traditional mobile rocket artillery, albeit equipped with modern precision guide munitions.
HMAS Brisbane fires Australia's first Tomahawk. Back to the future, circa 1972! Still it's a long range missile, something we have never had before. The block V are networked, clever and can strike moving ships. Big jump in capability but crippled by the lack of platforms to launch them.

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Back to the Strix! First flight, albeit a little one. I thought it 'transformed' with the motors/wings changing orientation between VTOL and normal flight, but it doesn't look like it does. I'm confused how it changes its flight profile form one to the other.
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The PRC have got the Yanks in a bit of a tizz by debuting 2 tailless 6th generation fighter prototypes in 24 hours. These are pretty big birds, more akin to a fighter bomber.

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The Liberty Lifter is a DARPA design for a combo seaplane and 'ground effect' craft, like the magnificent soviet era Ekranoplan. While the Ekranoplan could never fly as an aircraft, it did carry, in typical Russian fashion, a swag of big missiles. You can read about the Liberty Lifter at the link below, as well as another ground effect craft, the small, electric powered Seaglider.

In appearance the Liberty Lifter really can't compare to the Ekranoplan, which looks like something straight out of anime.

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More about the two new tailless PLAAF fighters - the very large J36 from Chengdu and the smaller, but still large for a fighter, from Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. The J36 to me hits a sweet spot, a long range, supersonic, stealthy craft with large internal volume for 'stuff', a 21C version of a fighter bomber. It's about the size of an F111. Perhaps the RAAF should offer to buy some?
A while ago it was reported the new 'nuclear-powered', X plane toting Type 041 submarine, had an incident in port at Wuchang. While no more details of the incident have emerged, naval experts now believe it may use a 'nuclear battery', a low pressure unit that generates heat and is used to charge batteries in diesel electric sub. A hybrid if you will. The reactor plays the role of an AIP system. The link below talks about this and issues with AIP.
The Boom Overture is a planned supersonic airliner. The demonstrator XB-1 just achieved it's first supersonic flight. The USAF have already expressed interest for a future Airforce One and for other urgent personal transport uses. If they can deliver them for 200m USD, then I expect air force folks would find a few ore uses for it. Article at TWZ talks more about it.
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There is no special trick the jet has, it's all incremental improvements of various tech over what the Concorde used. I must admit I am skeptical about any of their claims wrt costs. Note the Overture will have old school under-wing engine nacelles, something not seen in a western supersonic jet since the B-58 Hustler. Gives it a bit of a retro futuristic look
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. Manufacturers site has more info:

if you are really into aircraft pr0n you can watch the entire XB-1 flight here:

Added - The Concorde was about a third bigger than Overture is planned to be. By a bit of synchronicity, the Overture is similar in range, speed and weight as te B-58
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It appears radar stealth will become increasingly meaningless once IRST systems become widespread:

It appears radar stealth will become increasingly meaningless once IRST systems become widespread:

Yes, the proliferation of IRST systems reduces the advantage of radar stealth significantly. There is no way really to reduce significantly exhaust plume. The weird silver coatings the yanks were trialling on various fighters is claimed to be an attempt to reduce infrared signature. Reduction of radar signature is always a plus but it's advantages are definitely diminishing. I suspect the PRC claims are true but not to the degree they claim. Not sure how long a stratospheric balloon is going to last should conflict breakout over Taiwan.

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Mod. Notice Technological advances in weaponry

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