The "AGE" Journos on Strike

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Premiership Player
Jun 30, 2004
AFL Club
North Melbourne
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North Melbourne
My world which is any miles away from the centre of the universe that is the North Melbourne Football club I saw on the news this a.m. that The Age Journos are on Strike. :):)

So many comments like "Did they ever start work??" :D and "No great Loss" are going through my head. It is a footy matter in a way so maybe some of you would like to share your thoughts and comments. Cheers.

Now, I guess the evil witch will be stopped from penning her poison for at least a few days and her "thources" can have a well earned break. Every cloud etc...:thumbsu:
Expect shit articles and a poorly produced rag over the weekend.
I think you underestimate how valuable the media is, whether you agree or not with the opinions...
The footy stories will be reproduced AAP crap with sweet FA insights.
Good luck to them, I say.
Execs lining their pockets while cutting the workforce... that's ****ed in any industry. :thumbsdown::mad:

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I have a life and have also lost job due to "downturn" I got off my butt and got another one

Then dont piss and moan about the quality of the rag in future when it's put together by inexperienced uni grads...

have you noticed there's been a fair exit of quality writers from there in the past few months? Also explains the Smage's slip in quality... jsut something i noticed, instead of bagging out people with a different opinion.
Only noticed their footy coverage was slim this morning so this news explains things - although no great surprise to see that Michael Voss is either a strike-breaker or doesn't consider himself a journalist (makes it unanimous).

Even in retirement, Vossy still showing a rare ability to break lines.
Rohan Connolly writes for this paper does he not?



Rohan Connolly writes for this paper does he not?




Vossy needed to break ranks to write his wonderous piece proclaiming Cyril Rioli a "certain" All-Australian in 2008.

He truly is a braindead, ****wit bogan ranga.
My world which is any miles away from the centre of the universe that is the North Melbourne Football club I saw on the news this a.m. that The Age Journos are on Strike. :):)

So many comments like "Did they ever start work??" :D and "No great Loss" are going through my head. It is a footy matter in a way so maybe some of you would like to share your thoughts and comments. Cheers.

Now, I guess the evil witch will be stopped from penning her poison for at least a few days and her "thources" can have a well earned break. Every cloud etc...:thumbsu:

I can understand what your saying. But I can empathise with those workers, I have lost my job as well a few months back, been off work for a while now, But doing something about it!
It's over 500 jobs lost mate get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firstly we have all got lives. It is why we live. Secondly I couldn't care less if 500 arse clowns who worked for an ass of a paper got the arse and Thirdly, what is wrong with unemployment.:thumbsu:

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I can understand what your saying. But I can empathise with those workers, I have lost my job as well a few months back, been off work for a while now, But doing something about it!

Been there done that a couple of times in the early and late '80's - "restructuring" is the word used - I had rent then mortgage to pay and the rest of bills but I got on with it. Heck, I've worked in places where mega hundreds have walked out the gate in one day as Part 1 of retrenchments but I didn't sook to anyone or shove my face in front of a TV camera blubbering and got off my ar$e and found another job. Good Luck in your job hunting. Try a career change if you can, worked for me.

My whole point was having a dig a Caro but that swine will probably keep her job. There are some journos out there who wouldn't get my sympathy, print or electronic media. I've worked with them before and some of them were in a similar situation when Head Office was moved to Sydney but they all found work and moved on.
I can understand what your saying. But I can empathise with those workers, I have lost my job as well a few months back, been off work for a while now, But doing something about it!

I think most of us would emathise with the printers, general admin etc who don't really have much input into the content of the paper but might loose their jobs. There's less sympathy for the reporters and editorial staff as they are the ones who are mostly responsible for the downturn in circulation that has led to these changes at 'The Age'. Look forward to someone sweeping a broom through the Sunday Herald Sun as well. I used to look forward to it on a sunday morning but lately its been rubbish.

In a city with three newspapers - two of them owned by the one guy - the only one independent from News Corp is currently undertaking job cuts and facing strikes. Hooray for democracy!

There's less sympathy for the reporters and editorial staff as they are the ones who are mostly responsible for the downturn in circulation that has led to these changes at 'The Age'.

Fairfax profits are up almost 50% from last financial year. So if the reporters and editorial staff are to blame, I'd like to hear why.

In a city with three newspapers - two of them owned by the one guy - the only one independent from News Corp is currently undertaking job cuts and facing strikes. Hooray for democracy!

Fairfax profits are up almost 50% from last financial year. So if the reporters and editorial staff are to blame, I'd like to hear why.

Totally agree.

Although - have to say that the editorial line of running campaigns rather than news is irritating.
I don't read their editorials anyway. Too 'climate change disaster imminent' and Vic Labor-apologetic for my liking.

I don't mean the editorials (I don't read them either). I mean the front page campaigns ('Stop bay dredging') and the backpage campaigns ('move the NMFC to the GC')
I think most of us would emathise with the printers, general admin etc who don't really have much input into the content of the paper but might loose their jobs. There's less sympathy for the reporters and editorial staff as they are the ones who are mostly responsible for the downturn in circulation that has led to these changes at 'The Age'. Look forward to someone sweeping a broom through the Sunday Herald Sun as well. I used to look forward to it on a sunday morning but lately its been rubbish.

I'm not some apologist for The Age (even though I am a paid contributor at time) but how about you put a few facts into your argument! The Age circulation figures are at their best since 1997.

The Age was among newspapers bucking the overall trend. Its circulation increased across the week — by 0.5% Monday to Friday to 208,000, by 0.2% on Saturdays to 301,500 and by 1.1% on Sundays to 227,500.
The Monday to Friday circulation figure is the highest The Age has recorded since 1997, while the 227,500 figure registered for The Sunday Age is the highest since it began in 1989, according to the newspaper's owner, Fairfax Media.
Excerpt from which was published this month.

The changes are being driven at a corporate level with little regard to editorial content or journalistic quality.

It will lessen the editorial integrity of the paper and further continue the downward spiral that has been occurring regarding quality journalism across the board.

Overall, a sad day for quality journalism and in turn for Melbourne and Australia as a whole.
Well said blackshadow.

And my understanding is that this strike is not a direct reaction to the recent job cuts, but an action that was in the pipeline for a while regarding the latest round of negotiations on their EBA.

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The "AGE" Journos on Strike

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