The Anti Cross Fit Thread

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You know how the government privatised all these learning organisations? Well that kind of ****** the industry. It let in the riff raff. Let’s do an $800 course and become qualified to teach people about their bodies and how to exercise safely. Let’s not actually promote people getting a degree and going to uni to learn the science.

It’s great when I hear a kid of about 20 or so not know what to do with their life, and they say ‘oh I think I’ll be a PT.....’ because it’s easy. That’s what society has stooped to. And you’re a perfect example.

I don’t disagree. Too many people who otherwise wouldn’t be smart enough to learn and thoroughly understand physiology etc however I think you’ll find those people disappear from the industry very quickly (only need to look at how many PTs are working vs how many have the qualification).
Those that are left are either a) astute business operators that invariably have people working for them or b) those who dedicate a lot of time to continuing personal development.

I don’t get your last paragraph? I’m an example of society taking the easy route because I went through two RTO qualifications to enter a university degree then busted my ass to (hopefully) get accepted into a masters which I’ll have to pay $15,000 upfront because I’m not eligible for a government subsidised place?

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I hardly think the hierarchy of control is applicable to exercise.
Also, as a fellow academic I expect more from you than google.
Next you’ll be telling me to use Wikipedia :D
What has that got to do with my post?

Do me a favour, cancel my account, I haven’t been on this site for long but I’ve realised this place is full of absolute ****wits. For the most part bigoted and uneducated trash that feel that their to right to an opinion is acceptable even though they are wrong.

The worst thing about democracy is that it lets the scum through the gate and allows them to have a voice because they can, and they get to argue that because society allows them to in the face of educated people.

The majority of people on here are absolute oxygen thieving self entitled campaigners.
An academic in what? Well on google there are some pretty basic definitions, and risk management doesn’t have to be complicated when dealing with people’s health.

You went to uni, surely you’re beyond using google as a resource?
I don’t disagree. Too many people who otherwise wouldn’t be smart enough to learn and thoroughly understand physiology etc however I think you’ll find those people disappear from the industry very quickly (only need to look at how many PTs are working vs how many have the qualification).
Those that are left are either a) astute business operators that invariably have people working for them or b) those who dedicate a lot of time to continuing personal development.

I don’t get your last paragraph? I’m an example of society taking the easy route because I went through two RTO qualifications to enter a university degree then busted my ass to (hopefully) get accepted into a masters which I’ll have to pay $15,000 upfront because I’m not eligible for a government subsidised place?
Didn’t you just laugh off university courses for a course you could do in 8 weeks? Yet you complete your masters where?
I’m no expert, but posting 3-4 videos highlightig bad technique doesn’t mean all cross fitters have bad technique. You could do the same for “traditional” lifting. Find a bunch a lifters shouldering bench presses. It’s like saying all Germans are bad people and using Hitler to prove your point.

Bad form is bad form, regardless of what type of exercise it may be.
I’m no expert, but posting 3-4 videos highlightig bad technique doesn’t mean all cross fitters have bad technique. You could do the same for “traditional” lifting. Find a bunch a lifters shouldering bench presses. It’s like saying all Germans are bad people and using Hitler to prove your point.

Bad form is bad form, regardless of what type of exercise it may be.
It’s the CrossFit games. That’s the benchmark.
You might be qualified, but it doesn’t exclude negligence
You might be qualified but it doesn't exclude ignorance.
Nothing you say is substantiated by physical or statistical evidence and is nothing more than a biased opinion.
Your whole argument is that cross fit is riskier and more prone to injury, yet you provide no data to back it up.
You honestly are so full of yourself that you believe because of your background and how successful you claim to be, that you trump physical evidence or analytical data. No worries Trump

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Didn’t you just laugh off university courses for a course you could do in 8 weeks? Yet you complete your masters where?

ExSci is like a Bach of arts or my BHSc; not much chop on its own but a great launching pad for something like AEP or physio (the latter being what I plan on doing).
When I see PTs ordering imaging and teaching people to breath on our own I’ll be the first to crack the shits about my useless 5-6 years of extra study
You might be qualified but it doesn't exclude ignorance.
Nothing you say is substantiated by physical or statistical evidence and is nothing more than a biased opinion.
Your whole argument is that cross fit is riskier and more prone to injury, yet you provide no data to back it up.
You honestly are so full of yourself that you believe because of your background and how successful you claim to be, that you trump physical evidence or analytical data. No worries Trump
1. Never said it was riskier
2. Said the risk associated with bad form could bring on injury
3. Video in OP - cue bad form

Are you that ****ing stupid you can’t get that by now?
1. Never said it was riskier
2. Said the risk associated with bad form could bring on injury
3. Video in OP - cue bad form

Are you that ******* stupid you can’t get that by now?

The only idiot here is the one who hates on a fitness brand due to its “riskiness” then goes on to state they don’t believe it’s actually riskier.
1. Never said it was riskier
2. Said the risk associated with bad form could bring on injury
3. Video in OP - cue bad form

Are you that ******* stupid you can’t get that by now?
So I’ve started this thread because of the following reasons;

What we have is the following;
-Bad technique
-Unsafe technique
-Technique that judges say is passable
-A propensity for injury
-Public exposure to potential exercise goers that this is ok and the norm of how to complete exercise
No shit you can hurt yourself in other ways. But the key here is risk minimisation and specifically under supervision, not exacerbating the potential for injury.

At the end of the day I give zero ****s what you say. My experience educationally and practically in this field has seen my work employed by lots of professional sporting organisations. Ever wondered why cross fit isn’t employed by elite sporting organisations? It’s called standards.
I have said that it POSES risks due to its inability to focus on CORRECT technique. I also said that classes at gyms that have close to 40 people in a room are risky. I’ve said this to you on so many occasions. It is a DANGEROUS PRACTICE because of the propensity for injury due to LACK OF FORM.
Ok, so you don’t think the video I posted in my OP is a ‘risky’ way to perform a deadlift? Now I answered your question, so you can answer this one.
Ok, if CrossFit athletes at the HIGHEST LEVEL perform exercises like the one in the OP, then I would deem that an UNNACCEPTABLE RISK.
You asked me to provide evidence. I posted a video of good technique as opposed to the abortion shown in my OP.

Did I say more people get injured? I said there is an INCREASED risk due to POOR APPLICATION OF TECHNIQUE.

Very very different wording isn’t it?
You can’t be serious?????? I just said that the INHERENT RISK OF INJURY IS HIGHER DUE TO POOR TECHNIQUE.
So, now despite you carrying on in many posts about it being riskier, you now concede its not Riskier?????
If you now concede its not riskier, then why are you carrying on about it? If its not riskier, then whats the harm in it and why then would you feel the need to carry on the way you are?
You say the bad form COULD bring on injury, a claim that you cant back up with any statistical or analytical data.
I don't know which Crossfitter pissed in your cereal, but i'd like to buy that person a beer.
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The only idiot here is the one who hates on a fitness brand due to its “riskiness” then goes on to state they don’t believe it’s actually riskier.
The only negligent fitness educator is some clown like you who passes a deadlift in the OP
So, now despite you carrying on in many posts about it being riskier, you now concede its not Riskier?????
If you now concede its not riskier, then why are you carrying on about it? If its not riskier, then whats the harm in it and why then would you feel the need to carry on the way you are?
You say the bad form COULD bring on injury, a claim that you cant back up with any statistical or analytical data.
I don't know which Crossfitter pissed in your cereal, but i'd like to buy that person a beer.
You’re dumber by the post
Because i'm pointing out you contradicting yourself? Or because i'm pointing out that you have no data or evidence to back up your claims?
Google Paranoid Schizophrenia - it’s what I’ve got and why I’ve asked to be cancelled. I operate on the borderline of real and not real. Medicated and with therapy, my life is functioning well. But this online thing seems to tap a tiny node in my mind, that just keeps dropping a tiny droplet if water on my head every 5 seconds. I can’t distinguish if you’re real or not. That’s what’s dropping that droplet on my forehead. I see you speak, but I don’t hear you, is this an altered reality or the real one? A contrary dimension or a real one? I am not sure. My therapy brings me back to what is real, which I seem to rationalise. Sight, smell, hearing, sensory perception. If I perceive it as real I know it is so. I bear no ill will, just delusion because I am a bit too tightly caught in this online world.

Peace to you and your family.

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The Anti Cross Fit Thread

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