Conspiracy Theory The Attempted * Assassinations of Donald Trump

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The shooter was involved with antifa.

Was he? Got a link for that?

Most of the antifa shit seems to be deliberate misinformation about some other guy.

As for raising boys to embrace violence, I would suggest that the opposite is true.

We lionize the military; honor those boys we send overseas to kill and die as literal 'heroes' while every single Hollywood movie has some action hero brutally killing his way through scores of people to 'save the world' from some existential threat.

'Good guy with a gun' remember? That's the actual messaging of the Republican party right there.

You dont see it because you're used to it. Stop for a second and think about what we (as a society) teach our Boys.
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Was he? Got a link for that?

We lionize the military; honor those boys we send overseas to kill and die as literal 'heroes' while every single Hollywood movie has some action hero brutally killing his way through scores of people to 'save the world' from some existential threat.

'Good guy with a gun' remember? That's the actual messaging of the Republican party right there.

You dont see it because you're used to it. Stop for a second and think about what we (as a society) teach our Boys.
I don't know how old you are, but my experience was different. Violence isn't the answer, just turn the other cheek. That was the message at school. Fight back against a bully and you will be the one punished.
You're still doing it.

You're literally taking over his point (about increased political partisanship) with a response that is you expressing political partisanship.

You're literally proving his post, without realizing you're doing it.

Happy to talk to you about 'Democrats not wanting Trump to have any Secret service protection' after you address the issue about the rising political partisanship he raised.

In a non politically partisan manner thanks.

RFK wasn't getting protection because of political partisanship.

Democrats challenge anyone who might consider not voting for them as someone to be taken down. That they call people who choose not to vote for them and vote for another party "spoilers" says all about the mental entitlement they have.

I mean you don't have to follow any side to see that in full effect do you?

The idea that someone voting for who appeals to them is a "spoiler" vote is just next level political idiocy.

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I don't know how old you are, but my experience was different. Violence isn't the answer, just turn the other cheek. That was the message at school. Fight back against a bully and you will be the one punished.

No, you're missing my point.

You can tell your little boy to 'turn the other cheek and never be violent' all you want.

He then goes back to watching Hollywood movies, where the 'good guy' slaughters his way through 'bad guys' for 'the greater good', plays with his toy guns and words or his GI Joes, or Transformers or He Man (as they fight the bad guys to save the world with rockets, guns and swords), or jumps onto his Playstation where he mows down people by the thousands. He then switches over to the News where he sees soldiers be glorified as 'war heroes' and 'patriots' and medals pinned on their chests by other men, or he watches sports where men compete against each other in a manner usually featuring violence, in order to win a trophy.

And much, much more.

I'm telling you society as a whole lionizes 'good guy with a gun'. We pressure our boys to 'be a man and stand up for what is right' while at the same time teaching them that violence is a solution (as long as the victim is a bad man).

You don't think that this pervasive 'good guy with a gun' narrative might be contributing a little to our young men worshipping violence, and going on to embrace it later on?

Every time there is an incident like this (or indeed a mass shooting, or terrorist event) everyone sits back and fervently awaits the 'motivation of the shooter for clues as to why HE did what HE did' so they can have their little 'left v right' arguments.

They're missing the bigger picture. The fact these types of incidents are perpetrated by men in 99.9999 percent of cases.

'Not all men' etc. But until we wake up to the reason that gender imbalance exists, we're doing our young men and boys a massive disservice.
No, you're missing my point.

You can tell your little boy to 'turn the other cheek and never be violent' all you want.

He then goes back to watching Hollywood movies, where the 'good guy' slaughters his way through 'bad guys' for 'the greater good', plays with his toy guns and words or his GI Joes, or Transformers or He Man (as they fight the bad guys to save the world with rockets, guns and swords), or jumps onto his Playstation where he mows down people by the thousands. He then switches over to the News where he sees soldiers be glorified as 'war heroes' and 'patriots' and medals pinned on their chests by other men, or he watches sports where men compete against each other in a manner usually featuring violence, in order to win a trophy,

I'm telling you society as a whole lionizes 'good guy with a gun'. We pressure our boys to 'be a man and stand up for what is right' while at the same time teaching them that violence is a solution (as long as the victim is a bad man).

You dont think that this pervasive 'good guy with a gun' narrative might be contributing a little to our young men worshipping violence, and going on to embrace it later on?

Every time there is an incident like this (or indeed a mass shooting, or terrorist event) everyone sits back and fervently awaits the 'motivation of the shooter for clues as to why HE did what HE did' so they can have their little 'left v right' arguments.

They're missing the bigger picture. The fact these types of incidents are perpetrated by men in 99.9999 percent of cases.

'Not all men' etc. But until we wake up to the reason that gender imbalance exists, we're doing our young men and boys a massive disservice.
I'm telling you that it isn't what is taught in schools. I think you over-estimate how much influence movies have, the same has been done with video games in the past.
I think you over-estimate how much influence movies have, the same has been done with video games in the past.

Im not talking just about movies. I'm talking about social pressures and norms generally.

We, as a society, lionize 'good guy physically defeating bad guy' as a narrative. War heroes (and soldiers/ the military generally), literally every action movie and sci fi film ever made ever, video games, boys toys, sports we play and more.

It's all around you, everywhere you look. The (male) Hero, using force, to defeat the Bad guy.

Look around you for Gods sake. Try and be objective about it.
zill think about a movie as innocuous as Star Wars.

Luke Skywalker confronting an existential threat (the Death Star/ Empire) and then carving his way through or blowing up literally tens of thousands of people to deal with this existential threat.

Gets a medal from the only woman in the entire original trilogy for his efforts.

This film was based on the 'Heroes Journey' (which is the basis for most storytelling) so its not like it's some kind of outlier either.

We're not even into R rated action films like literally everything Arnie, Stallone or Eastwood etc were in either.
zill think about a movie as innocuous as Star Wars.

Luke Skywalker confronting an existential threat (the Death Star/ Empire) and then carving his way through or blowing up literally tens of thousands of people to deal with this existential threat.

Gets a medal from the only woman in the entire original trilogy for his efforts.

This film was based on the 'Heroes Journey' (which is the basis for most storytelling) so its not like it's some kind of outlier either.

We're not even into R rated action films like literally everything Arnie, Stallone or Eastwood etc were in either.

How about real life then.

Men of Ukraine getting utterly destroyed and forced by law to serve while the young women can go off swanning about wherever they like while that conflict rages.

They deserve the medals.

Same shit would happen here if ever we were put in that conflict position.

So what does that tell the young boys?
How about real life then.

Men of Ukraine getting utterly destroyed and forced by law to serve while the young women can go off swanning about wherever they like while that conflict rages.

The Men of Ukraine are being slaughtered, by other Men (of Russia, also being slaughtered) sent into war by a Man (Putin) who literally believes in a 'clash of the cultures' between himself and 'the West'.

This is an example of what I'm talking about.

We cheer on the heroic Ukrainian men, while the Russians cheer on the heroic Russian men.

The 'Men' on each side probably think they're the good guys (as all soldiers think they are, including the soldiers of Hitlers Wehrmacht and the SS).

I have no idea what your comment is about 'the women' and it seems like you're making this a 'men vs women' argument, and that's not what I'm saying at all.

They deserve the medals.

Im not talking about 'who deserves a medal or not'. Im talking about societies lionization of male violence. The very fact that we award men medals for killing other men at all.

Jesus mate. You really struggle to get what people around you are talking about dont you?
Im not talking just about movies. I'm talking about social pressures and norms generally.

We, as a society, lionize 'good guy physically defeating bad guy' as a narrative. War heroes (and soldiers/ the military generally), literally every action movie and sci fi film ever made ever, video games, boys toys, sports we play and more.

It's all around you, everywhere you look. The (male) Hero, using force, to defeat the Bad guy.

Look around you for Gods sake. Try and be objective about it.
Sports has been watered down now for decades as well. Barely allowed to touch anyone playing footy. And what did it lead to? Players deliberately trying to get head high contact to draw free kicks. The rule changes to make the sport safer just lead to that sort of degenerate behaviour.

You seem to have this idea that violence is promoted, in the places that really matter it isn't though, and there has been a rise in extreme violence to match the efforts to stamp out violence. Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe not.
Sports has been watered down now for decades as well.

Dude, I can literally watch any one of a hundred different combat sports now:

'Sports' is actually getting more violent, not less.

Speaking of 'combat sports' look at how Wrestling intentionally sets its 'fights' up as 'hero vs villain' with specific narratives, and even though we all know it's fake, it's watched and adored by millions.

Embrace violence. Stop the bad guy. Win the trophy.

Barely allowed to touch anyone playing footy. And what did it lead to? Players deliberately trying to get head high contact to draw free kicks. The rule changes to make the sport safer just lead to that sort of degenerate behaviour.

AFL is a sport where groups of men, physically compete against other groups of men, using legitimized force and violence (tackling, bumping) to win a trophy right?

You're making my point for me, and you can't see it.

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The Men of Ukraine are being slaughtered, by other Men (of Russia, also being slaughtered) sent into war by a Man (Putin) who literally believes in a 'clash of the cultures' between himself and 'the West'.

This is an example of what I'm talking about.

We cheer on the heroic Ukrainian men, while the Russians cheer on the heroic Russian men.

The 'Men' on each side probably think they're the good guys (as all soldiers think they are, including the soldiers of Hitlers Wehrmacht and the SS).

I have no idea what your comment is about 'the women' and it seems like you're making this a 'men vs women' argument, and that's not what I'm saying at all.

Im not talking about 'who deserves a medal or not'. Im talking about societies lionization of male violence. The very fact that we award men medals for killing other men at all.

Jesus mate. You really struggle to get what people around you are talking about dont you?

Here's a news flash for you, society needs men who are prepared to be violent when called upon.

You yourself no doubt benefit from other men who are prepared to be violent on your behalf should the need arise.

I've never seen a medal for "killing other men" however. Medals are generally for service, for bravery and for sacrifice.
Dude, I can literally watch any one of a hundred different combat sports now:

Sports is actually getting more violent, not less.

AFL is a sport where groups of men, physically compete against other groups of men, using legitimized force and violence (tackling, bumping) to win a trophy right?

You're making my point for me, and you can't see it.
Are you really arguing that sports is getting more violent? AFL absolutely isn't.
Are you really arguing that sports is getting more violent?

Yes, because they are (as a whole). There is currently a proliferation of actual combat sports (UFC etc) that did not exist 30 years ago.

AFL absolutely isn't.

No you miss my point.

The AFL is a sport where men, physically compete against other men, using both legal and legitimized violence (tackling, bumping) or condoned violence (assaults on the football field are not prosecuted like they would be on the street), against other men, in order to win a trophy.

I mean yeah, they're not literal Roman gladiators trying to stab each other to death, but the underlying themes (man, using legitimized violence and physical prowess, to defeat another man, for a trophy) is still there, and is still glorified just as much is it not?

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Conspiracy Theory The Attempted * Assassinations of Donald Trump

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