The Baby Blues Club

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Just booked Booger’s first haircut for next week 😭😭😭
Good stuff, mate. I found sitting in the chair with my boy (him on my lap) and distracting him a bit with toys helped to normalise it a bit. First one won't be perfect but they get a little easier.

Try to get them in a great mood before, too (routine etc) - might help.

Good luck!
Good stuff, mate. I found sitting in the chair with my boy (him on my lap) and distracting him a bit with toys helped to normalise it a bit. First one won't be perfect but they get a little easier.

Try to get them in a great mood before, too (routine etc) - might help.

Good luck!
Ipad with favourite cartoon is the prerequisite these days. Many "salons" have them already.

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You’ll find out a lot about your child when they have their hair cut.

My son would entertain customers in the shop and, no doubt, outside the shop with his antics. He was dead set against it and screamed and wriggled until we gave up. It didn’t get any easier but for a time he put up with it.

In his teenage years he just refused to set foot in a hair cutting place of business. He just started cutting his own hair or getting his sister to cut it.

These days he’s rocking with the Brodie Grundy look. When he needs a trim his girlfriend will cut his hair.

I doubt he’s been near a professional since primary school and he turned 30 this year.

There’s been improvements since I was raising babies. A haircut in a racing car would be fun.
I heard a great tale about mischievous twins last night.

Friends of ours have 4 granddaughters. The twins are the youngest and two years old. I’ve heard tales of their ability to climb out of cots after they have been put to bed which I think is pretty impressive in a dark room.

Last night I saw a video taken by mum after she’d spent some quality time in the toilet. She emerged to find torn pieces of a weetbix box strewn across the kitchen and heading towards the lounge room. The lounge room floor was carnage. An estimated 26 bricks had been crushed on the floor by the twins riding a trike over them. The last shot was of a sheepish looking twin with a ‘who me?’ look on her face.

But this was all just preparation for their greatest feat (which wouldn’t have been funny at the time).

Mum noticed that the house had gone quiet and wondered why the twins were so quiet. She checked the obvious spots but no sign of the twins. When she got to the front door it was ajar and their coats were gone. She rushed outside and the automatic gate had been left open. She looked across the street. No sign. She looked one way up the street. No sign. She looked the other way and hundreds of metres away were the twins with coats on walking hand in hand. They were taking the same route that they take with grandma when they go and pick up the older sisters from school and kinder. She took off in a hurry towards the girls. One of the girls is prone to sprinting so she had to sneak up on them. All’s well that ends well. She got to them and their adventure came to an end.

So these girls hatched a plan to get out of the house and they did. They’re only two years old! To get out of the house with their coats on they had to get up and get their coats off the coat hooks. They had to reach the door lock and open the main door. They then had to unlock the flyscreen door. After that it was easy.

I look forward to more tales. These two sound like terrors. Are all twins like this?
I heard a great tale about mischievous twins last night.

Friends of ours have 4 granddaughters. The twins are the youngest and two years old. I’ve heard tales of their ability to climb out of cots after they have been put to bed which I think is pretty impressive in a dark room.

Last night I saw a video taken by mum after she’d spent some quality time in the toilet. She emerged to find torn pieces of a weetbix box strewn across the kitchen and heading towards the lounge room. The lounge room floor was carnage. An estimated 26 bricks had been crushed on the floor by the twins riding a trike over them. The last shot was of a sheepish looking twin with a ‘who me?’ look on her face.

But this was all just preparation for their greatest feat (which wouldn’t have been funny at the time).

Mum noticed that the house had gone quiet and wondered why the twins were so quiet. She checked the obvious spots but no sign of the twins. When she got to the front door it was ajar and their coats were gone. She rushed outside and the automatic gate had been left open. She looked across the street. No sign. She looked one way up the street. No sign. She looked the other way and hundreds of metres away were the twins with coats on walking hand in hand. They were taking the same route that they take with grandma when they go and pick up the older sisters from school and kinder. She took off in a hurry towards the girls. One of the girls is prone to sprinting so she had to sneak up on them. All’s well that ends well. She got to them and their adventure came to an end.

So these girls hatched a plan to get out of the house and they did. They’re only two years old! To get out of the house with their coats on they had to get up and get their coats off the coat hooks. They had to reach the door lock and open the main door. They then had to unlock the flyscreen door. After that it was easy.

I look forward to more tales. These two sound like terrors. Are all twins like this?
I got some beauties Robbo ..
Both my girls came a dead heat for 1st in a sports carnival when they were back in primary school..
One would get on her hands and knees so the other could climb on her back to escape the play pen..about 2 years old..

I gave them both $ each one Xmas to get each other a pressie When they were little snappers,went shopping at different times with each , they both bought the exact same coloured toy for each other..

I'll post some more as I think of them..
One of my friends has twins and left them alone to go shave, figuring they'd be safe in their playpen. One boosted the other over the side, who was then able to open it up so the first could escape, and then they had a field day tipping out all the sugar, flour, cocoa etc in the panty. He said he came out to an absolute disaster zone and just stood there for several minutes in awe at the mess they'd made.
You’ll find out a lot about your child when they have their hair cut.

My son would entertain customers in the shop and, no doubt, outside the shop with his antics. He was dead set against it and screamed and wriggled until we gave up. It didn’t get any easier but for a time he put up with it.

In his teenage years he just refused to set foot in a hair cutting place of business. He just started cutting his own hair or getting his sister to cut it.

These days he’s rocking with the Brodie Grundy look. When he needs a trim his girlfriend will cut his hair.

I doubt he’s been near a professional since primary school and he turned 30 this year.

There’s been improvements since I was raising babies. A haircut in a racing car would be fun.
have 3 daughters: the only time it has been a problem was when 1 and 3 decided to give themselves haircuts

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My new little grandson will be a bagger soon , I just raced my daughter to the hospital .
She's 10 cm in Labour.. :D
Pleased to say I'm glad it's her and not me..

Edit ..
NNekminnut he's arrived safely.. :p
Congrats Pop. Great sign for blue skies ahead for the Davo fam.
My new little grandson will be a bagger soon , I just raced my daughter to the hospital .
She's 10 cm in Labour.. :D
Pleased to say I'm glad it's her and not me..

Edit ..
NNekminnut he's arrived safely.. :p
All the best to you, your daughter and the new bairn. Robbo’s children seem intent on never testing my skills as a grandad.
How old are your kids?
My daughter is 35. She decided not to have children a long time ago. Not even my pleas of having grandchildren adds years to a grandparent’s life have worked.

My son is 30 and he has a girlfriend. There is hope there. Although the fur baby is fulfilling all their needs at the moment.
His name is Quentin (named after the movie director). I’m a grandad to a cat!

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The Baby Blues Club

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