Society & Culture The BigFooty Guide to getting the non-gender specific person of Your Desire (Part 8)

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I agree with Shell on this.

Social media has not had any indication of a partner, no stories out to breakfast, dinner or walks or anything with another person. She’s extremely active on social media as well so I feel like that would pop up pretty frequently.

Common feedback I’m getting is ‘she’s maybe not looking for anything, and an easy out to is to say you’re seeing someone, but still leaving the option open by being happy to catch up and see where it goes’. Potentially she’s seeing someone who doesn’t want to commit, and that would assumedly only last for so long before she’s over it. We have had a bit of messaging through personal social media’s as well now, not just the work one.

Essentially I left the ball in her court, she could have just said ‘ah sorry, I’ve got a work thing at that time, no can do!’ but instead said ‘yeah I should be free this afternoon!’

Will hang out on the new rescheduled plan, and if she bails again, I’ll call it there. I do believe she was on a work call as she just messaged me saying ‘sorry again, I literally just got off the call!’.

Also, not necessarily looking for anything either, she seems like a really nice girl, if it ends up in a friendship and nothing more it may still open the door to more contacts in the ‘lifestyle’ that I look for with a romantic partner. Can’t really lose by pursuing a catch up!
That is reading a lot into the messages that isn’t there, when the only thing that was said was ‘I am seeing someone else’. Be wary of people claiming to know what someone might be thinking just because they have heard part of the story. But good luck to you anyway

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I have no idea what any of this means

I presume the girl he’s been talking about appeared on hinge and he was deciding whether he should message through that but by the time he made a decision, hinge refreshed and she didn’t appear anymore.

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Matched with someone on Bumble almost three weeks ago and it's been great so far. We've done 5 dates across a variety of things including a gig last night where we spent the night in the middle of the mosh together.

It's her 30th birthday next week so I've lined up a few little corny things to celebrate the day which should be fun.

Happy to take it slow and steady, and if things continue on the the current trend it will be a formal relationship in the next couple of weeks.

Jinxed it. After 6 dates over a month got a two sentence whatsapp message last night to say she wasn't feeling it and it's done. Which is a bit of a bummer, but I'll live.

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Society & Culture The BigFooty Guide to getting the non-gender specific person of Your Desire (Part 8)

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