The world's most handsome man
Hey all,
I drove past a big circus tent today and it got me thinking, who goes to these?
I haven't been to one in many years and have no real drive to go to it.
Usually they tie in with those carnivals but even they seem pretty lame to me.
I'm not a fan of animals being trucked around and used as they are in a circus and clowns are dime-a-dozen.
Where are the good old days of the tightrope walker, trapeze and the freak show?
short people, blue men, hairy men, strong men, the classics?
Have we entered a world where the circus is a dying prospect because we have so much disposable entertainment on computers and TV that we don't need to go to see a circus like we would have in the early 20th century?
What are your memories of the circus, circus stories and when did you last go to one General Discussion?
Over to you,
I drove past a big circus tent today and it got me thinking, who goes to these?
I haven't been to one in many years and have no real drive to go to it.
Usually they tie in with those carnivals but even they seem pretty lame to me.
I'm not a fan of animals being trucked around and used as they are in a circus and clowns are dime-a-dozen.
Where are the good old days of the tightrope walker, trapeze and the freak show?
short people, blue men, hairy men, strong men, the classics?
Have we entered a world where the circus is a dying prospect because we have so much disposable entertainment on computers and TV that we don't need to go to see a circus like we would have in the early 20th century?
What are your memories of the circus, circus stories and when did you last go to one General Discussion?
Over to you,