When I go...i want it to be quick and hassle free
No old nursing homes and pallative care or having family depend on me 24/7. It comes down to quality of life in that respect.
I am not scared of dying, just that i want to be able to live to an age where I have enjoyed it as bit...... I want to watch My kids grow up and have parents around for guidance etc ( Which i never got)
But i certainly want to go before my Kids....I could think of nothing worse than having to bury one of your own
No old nursing homes and pallative care or having family depend on me 24/7. It comes down to quality of life in that respect.
I am not scared of dying, just that i want to be able to live to an age where I have enjoyed it as bit...... I want to watch My kids grow up and have parents around for guidance etc ( Which i never got)
But i certainly want to go before my Kids....I could think of nothing worse than having to bury one of your own