Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

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Send me a PM... I was the driver... I dont claim to be... I'm trying to deal with this in my own way... and I'm struggling.

I don't respond to PMs. You can post what you know in this thread.

This is the internet so anyone can claim anything. But I'm happy to treat you as if what you say is true. It must have been a very traumatic incident for you if you were the driver of the car.
I was the driver ... I'm trying to deal with this in my own way... and I'm struggling.


In your first post in this thread on Sunday,
I mistakenly interpreted your post as meaning that that a few years ago, you had hit a female suicide victim whilst driving, in a similar fashion to what likely occurred with Ashleigh Petrie the other week with some other as yet un-named driver.

I now realise that you meant that you are the driver from the other week with Ashleigh

Here's hoping that you are getting some professional and family/friends support to get you through these troubled times.

I've had a look at some of your other 200 posts from 2016 and earlier in here where you discuss your football injury that was also in the newspaper article about you and this injury that you linked from your first Sunday afternoon post in this thread

Expect to get treated by some posters, as a troll or making things up.
It might not seem fair, but that's what often happens in many forums, not just this one.

But if they are smart and caring enough, the doubters will do their research, and probably work out that unless someone has hijacked your account, that you are most likely are who you say you are, and what happened the other week with Ashleigh involving you, is true.

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Court clerk Ashleigh Petrie was tipped over the edge by media reports, magistrate fiance says

A magistrate whose relationship with a young court clerk attracted extensive media coverage says his partner was pushed "over the top" by "salacious revelations of her private life" in the days leading up to her suspected suicide.

But the newspaper that led the coverage says the 23-year-old clerk sought out the stories and cooperated with its reporter.

Key points:
  • Ashleigh Petrie's engagement to magistrate Rod Higgins was covered by the Herald Sun and other media outlets
  • Mr Higgins said Ms Petrie had mental health issues and told him she could not cope with the coverage
  • The Herald Sun's editor said Ms Petrie was in contact with a reporter and supported the stories
Mr Higgins .... said the media coverage about their relationship was a factor in her death. "She was a lovely, young, fragile, impressionable girl. I have no doubt at all that the Herald Sun and Daily Mail articles tipped her over the top."

If you read the rest of the article you can see the Herald Sun has provided what they say are screenshots of Facebook messenger messages between herself and someone at the Herald Sun.

The screenshots and response to Media watch can be read at
There's people that claim to have known her and a guy that says he was the driver of the car!
Send me a PM... I was the driver... I dont claim to be... I'm trying to deal with this in my own way... and I'm struggling.
I’m her ex boyfriend. I have so many questions. What I’m seeing for n the media and what her family and I are being told don’t add up. Please tell me what you know.

In your first post in this thread on Sunday,
I mistakenly interpreted your post as meaning that that a few years ago, you had hit a female suicide victim whilst driving, in a similar fashion to what likely occurred with Ashleigh Petrie the other week with some other as yet un-named driver.

I now realise that you meant that you are the driver from the other week with Ashleigh

Here's hoping that you are getting some professional and family/friends support to get you through these troubled times.

I've had a look at some of your other 200 posts from 2016 and earlier in here where you discuss your football injury that was also in the newspaper article about you and this injury that you linked from your first Sunday afternoon post in this thread

Expect to get treated by some posters, as a troll or making things up.
It might not seem fair, but that's what often happens in many forums, not just this one.

But if they are smart and caring enough, the doubters will do their research, and probably work out that unless someone has hijacked your account, that you are most likely are who you say you are, and what happened the other week with Ashleigh involving you, is true.
Thank you... yeah I've had a hectic few years... lost my home... wife and now this... I have my first psychiatric appointment tomorrow in sale. It's fair to say I haven't slept much and always considered myself a pretty tough guy... but that has rocked me. The local community have been pretty good and the police have been fantastic. I have actually called helpline a few times... especially when I see her face on the news and they have been great also. Anyone that is dealing with these issues I strongly suggest calling... can help a little.
Thank you... yeah I've had a hectic few years... lost my home... wife and now this... I have my first psychiatric appointment tomorrow in sale. It's fair to say I haven't slept much and always considered myself a pretty tough guy... but that has rocked me. The local community have been pretty good and the police have been fantastic. I have actually called helpline a few times... especially when I see her face on the news and they have been great also. Anyone that is dealing with these issues I strongly suggest calling... can help a little.
But also... I dont mean to hijack this thread... this is not about me and I sorry if that comes across that way. My thoughts and condolences are towards poor Ashleigh and her family... so let's leave this thread for what its started for and that's her. Thank you.
I’m her ex boyfriend. I have so many questions. What I’m seeing for n the media and what her family and I are being told don’t add up. Please tell me what you know.
Of course they dont add up because the media write BS. I know this first hand. And it will drive you crazy because you dont know whats true and whats not. But trust me eliminate anything you hear from the media. You and her family may never get the answers your looking for. This is the unfortunate thing about suicide.
There is a person on this thread who was the driver of the car that Ashleigh Petrie jumped in front of. This poor poor bugger is struggling to come to terms with what happened, even though he was just driving in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another person who has joined this thread, says he is Ashlieghs ex boyfriend and was insinuating that maybe the guy who says he is the driver is making it up, and he has so many questions, and what him and her family are being told and what the media says are 2 different stories , and wants to know everything the driver knows.
Firstly, the guy who says he is the driver, IS THE DRIVER. So cut the poor guy some slack. Yes its sad that she took her own life, but it was the most selfish and dusgraceful thing she did, involving this innocent person by choosing his car to jump infront of. Everyone is poor ashliegh poor ashliegh, what about poor innocent driver who cant get this image out of his head. And ex boyfriend, you are clearly that, her ex, nor are you a police officer he doesnt have to a bloody thing. Suicide leaves more unanswered questions than answers, so instead of looking for them through the driver maybe offer your support

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Funny how conservative OP starts thread saying "triggered leftist girl fakes relationships with older white men to expose corruption of powerful white men" and he's suddenly receded into the bushes the moment all her loved ones appear.

Must've heard the bullshit conspiracy theory off skynews/Bolt the week before and reiterated it here
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Newscorp will probably end up killing the Aussie Asian brain surgeon also.
You mean the guy charging crazy amounts of money for surgeries with no peer reviewed science to support their efficacy?

If so, then I don't want him dead, but I do commend any news agency asking him to show us the data.

And he isn't going to off himself, he's just going to move overseas and keep raking in $$$ elsewhere. He'll still be living a very nice life.
Reported that in her will she left her Super to her mother. The day after her death, the Magistrate who is obviously short of a quid, puts in his claim and then launches a legal fight for it, $180k apparently.
Reported that in her will she left her Super to her mother. The day after her death, the Magistrate who is obviously short of a quid, puts in his claim and then launches a legal fight for it, $180k apparently.

Wonder how she managed to have 180k in super at such a young age
Reported that in her will she left her Super to her mother. The day after her death, the Magistrate who is obviously short of a quid, puts in his claim and then launches a legal fight for it, $180k apparently.

Magistrate Rodney Higgins, 68, contests the preferred Super beneficiaries of his 23 yo 'partner', Ashleigh Petrie, after she stepped in front of a car.

Nothing to see here.

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Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

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