Unsolved The Family Murders

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I'd only vaguely sort of heard of this, so I looked it up on youtube for some background info. Found this CIA episode for those interested;

The way they killed those kids, and what they did to them afterwards just beggars belief. I'm sure all the details haven't been publically released either.
Blows my mind they haven't got these sillys.
One guy I once worked with, who was in the system in the 60's and 70's as a orphan in state care who claims to be picked up and taken to some very nice abodes in the Adl hills by who he says are these people, rekons that he won't name names, even to this to day, because he wishes to remain alive.

His story goes like this, amongst experiences, he used to get tied to beds. Everynow and then he'd flip out from the drugs and abuse. Authorities didn't want to know the trauma so when he was restrained he resisted The prize for that was to be pumped full of drugs. As soon as he would come to and realize he was tied to a bed and instantly being reminded of being r*ped,his reaction is to wiggle. So in go more drugs.

He ended up being used for electro shock therapy experiments as a result of his inability to comply when tied to a bed.No one would come asking questions cause as he had no family, exactly why orphanages were targeted by these people.

Are both sets of people monsters?
I remember a story in the old Adelaide " THE NEWS " about how Von Einem had a " Golden Harp " in his cell

What's a Golden Harp?

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What's a Golden Harp?
That was Von Einem's alibi when police informed him they had found Kevin's hair in his bedroom and that they had conclusive evidence Richard had been in his bedroom.

He said Kelvin came with him voluntary and he was sitting on his bed playing the Harp...
Such frustrating cases, littered with inadmissable evidence. Unreliable witnesses, dead or overseas persons of interest and Von Einems steadfast refusal to incriminate anyone. Fingers crossed that maybe someday some justice can be had.
Just in case that link ever breaks:


Bevan Spencer von Einem at the Adelaide Magistrates Court where he faced charges of producing child pornography. Source: News Limited

POLICE are investigating new information linking convicted killer Bevan Spencer von Einem to the abduction and murder of teenager Alan Barnes.

The evidence is contained in a detailed diary kept by a man who was a close associate of several key players in the so-called Family murders.

The diary entries, provided to Major Crime Investigation detectives this week by The Advertiser, reveal sensational evidence that indicates von Einem took photographs of Alan Barnes, 17, after sexually abusing him and that von Einem and another suspect in the five murders rented a unit in the eastern suburbs where they took hitchhikers they had picked up and drugged to sexually abuse them.

The diary entries, containing the correct names of the three so far uncharged suspects and their associates, corroborate evidence Major Crime detectives already have linking von Einem to the Barnes murder and provide more evidence of the activities of the group in picking up young male hitchhikers, drugging them and then sexually abusing them.

Significantly, the diary entries provide several new lines of inquiry for detectives and are likely to lead to several suspects and close associates being re-interviewed.

MORE: SA's most notorious unsolved crimes and mysteries

MORE: Crimes that shook and horrified South Australia

Von Einem, 66, is the only Family member to face justice over the Family murders - he is serving a life sentence, with a 24-year non-parole period, for the murder of 15-year-old Richard Kelvin, in 1983.


Alan Barnes, was murdered by The Family.

Four other murders - those of Mark Langley, 18, Alan Barnes, 17, Neil Muir, 25, and Peter Stogneff, 14, - have also been linked to the Family.

In 1989, von Einem was also charged with murdering Barnes and Langley, but the charges were later withdrawn when crucial similar-fact evidence was ruled inadmissable.

That evidence included testimony by numerous men that von Einem and others had picked them up, drugged and sexually abused them.

Their testimony was backed by several associates of von Einem who gave corroborating evidence - and implicated others.

In 2008 Major Crime detectives conducted an exhaustive review of the Family murders, targeting von Einem and three other key offenders and up to eight of their associates.

In 2010 then Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras, QC, said after examining the review report that there was not enough evidence to charge either von Einem or any other suspects.

In the latest development in the case, the diary entries which detectives are now investigating were made by Kensington Park man Trevor Peters, who died last November. They were found by his brother while he was cleaning out the Shipsters Rd terrace house occupied by his sibling.


Judy Barnes, mother of Alan Barnes, with a picture of her murdered son.

The house is one door from another occupied by a close associate of von Einem's.

That person, a transvestite, assisted von Einem by luring male hitchhikers into his car in return for drugs. Her former housemate, another transvestite named Pru Firman, who also assisted von Einem, died in 2010.

The most shocking entry details how Peters, a homosexual who mixed in the same circles as von Einem's associates, saw photographs of Alan Barnes in von Einem's possession.

He states he was at the hairdressing salon of a close von Einem associate, Denis St Denis, at Hazelwood Park in June, 1979, when this happened. Barnes was abducted on June 17 and his body found on the banks of the South Para reservoir a week later.

Peters states in his diary that while he was having his hair cut and streaked, von Einem arrived to have his hair cut and dyed.

"He was in a very happy mood and looking knowingly at Denis, smiling broadly and excited about something they both seemed to share,'' he wrote.

He said while he was waiting for the bleach in his hair to work, St Denis and von Einem went to a room in the rear of the salon behind a curtain, adjacent to where St Denis' mother Dot lived.

"I could hear Bevan and Denis giggling and laughing and both saying 'oooh how evil, oooh it's evil.' Denis said this several times and I became curious as to just what it was they both found so interesting and entertaining and, feeling that I was being left out, got out of the chair to investigate.

"I found them huddled over a waist-high table directly behind the curtain. There was a group of photographs, polaroids, laid out on the table, maybe 4, 5 or 6 of them, with Bevan holding more photographs in his hand.

"They both began to collect the photos quickly but not before I saw them. The photographs were of a young attractive blond-haired man lying on his side on the front seat of a car with his legs bent towards the steering wheel...''

The Advertiser has opted not to print the diary entries describing the nature of the photographs because of their graphic content.

"I was shocked at seeing the photos and they both hurriedly gathered them up, with Bevan putting them all into his back pocket of his trousers,'' Peters wrote.

"When I asked who the young man was, Bevan said 'oh, just some hitchhiker'.''

Peters wrote that he later recognised the man in the photographs as Alan Barnes after seeing newspaper stories about his abduction.

Peters wrote that several weeks before St Denis died, in the nineties, he had called him from Calvary Hospital and Peters had visited him several times before he passed away.

"On one occasion we sat together in the garden at the hospital and once again I asked him about the photographs. He told me that over the years that he spent at Adelaide's 'beats' and toilets, Bevan had shown him dozens of such photographs of nude young men, more often than not with objects, including bottles, inserted well into their anuses.

"However, he said, smiling at me, he didn't remember there being any photos at the salon ever and 'if you know what's good for you, neither should you!' He died four days later.''

Pair rented unit to terrorise hitchhikers

CONVICTED murderer Bevan Spencer von Einem and a close associate rented a unit in the eastern suburbs where they took drugged hitchhikers to sexually abuse them, according to the associate.

The disturbing revelation is contained in the diary of a close friend of the von Einem associate - Trevor Peters - that Major Crime detectives are now examining.

In the diary he states that von Einem and his associate, hairdresser Denis St Denis, had rented a unit in the "inner eastern suburbs, maybe Norwood, Kent Town or Dulwich'' and that St Denis had shown Peters on one occasion.

"Both Denis and Bevan lived with their mothers and needed a place to take the young men for sex or 'trade' especially 'rough trade' as Denis had told me on the day he drove me past the unit. Denis said they kept it a secret from their families that they rented the unit.''

Police have stated that murder victims Richard Kelvin, Mark Langley and Alan Barnes were kept alive for a time after being abducted. They were also washed and redressed before their bodies were dumped. Investigations have so far been unable to locate any premises where they may have been kept - in the Kelvin case for six weeks - before being murdered.

While detectives found forensic evidence that confirmed Kelvin had been at von Einem's Paradise house after being abducted, he was not kept there. At the time von Einem lived with his mother who has since died.

Peters states in the diary that a woman, whom he named and who was questioned by detectives during investigations, "said that she had been told Richard Kelvin had been held in a unit and that Denis St Denis had cut Kelvin's hair during that time. She said that several people had visited the unit while Kelvin was there''.

"I was surprised at what she said and suspected that she knew more than she was saying,'' he wrote.

In another entry Peters, who died in November last year, details how von Einem used several transvestites to lure hitchhikers into his car in return for drugs and reveals another location the hitchhikers were taken to be abused.

"Pru Firman (who died in 2010) was sharing a rented house in Alberton in the late '70s or early '80s with another transvestite or sex change named xxx xxxx and xxxxxxx. (The latter is another suspect and close friend of von Einem's, who cannot be named for legal reasons. He is also the brother of a former Olympic athlete.)

"Pru said that Bevan von Einem frequently took drugged young men there to have sex with them. She said that xxxx (the suspect) would always have a back room ready for him and Bevan ready to abuse sexually the boys that Bevan brought there.

"She said that xxxx (the suspect) would always have the bed made and candles ready. She said that xxx (another suspect who is an eastern suburbs businessman) was there to meet Bevan 'frequently'. When I questioned frequently, she said 'yes, all the time'.''

"He was there lots and lots of times. He took the drugged boys after Bevan and xxx (the suspect) had finished with them. Sometimes xxx (the suspect) went with him.''

Peters wrote that following von Einem's arrest over the Kelvin murder the suspect and two of the transvestites moved to Sydney to live.

"All 3 of them had been actively involved with Bevan by dressing in drag and luring the young hitchhikers into Bevan's car in exchange for mandrax and sepapax, Pru said,'' Peters states.

Peters also wrote that Firman's housemate and fellow transvestite, who lives in Shipsters Rd at Kensington Park, was also sexually involved "with Bevan and drugged hitchhikers''.

"She (he) went as a female decoy in order to get mandrax from Bevan,'' he states.

"Xxxxx knows a lot more than she says. I know that for a fact."

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So Just to recap where we are at:

The 3 main suspects

Suspect 1: The rumour is he owned an adult shop in Eastern suburbs
Suspect 2: Dr Stephen George Woodards. Lived with suspect 1 at the time but also had a high profile lawyer lover
Suspect 3: The street kid/rent boy who was close to Von Einem.

Other suspects

Denis St Denis: Had a hairdressing shop in Hazelwood Park. Diaries recently uncover claim the writer saw von Einem and St Denis with pictures of Barnes after he disappeared but before he died. St Denis died in the 90s.

The high profile lawyer Woodards was having an affair with: who is he?
Has anyone ever considered looking into the electoral roles in SA for Stephen Woodards.
TBH, I don't really know if they used to suppress or even show address' back then but if you can find his address i'm sure you'd have a lot more luck uncovering the identity of Subject 1 who he lived with...
Has anyone ever considered looking into the electoral roles in SA for Stephen Woodards.
TBH, I don't really know if they used to suppress or even show address' back then but if you can find his address i'm sure you'd have a lot more luck uncovering the identity of Subject 1 who he lived with...

He lives in Sydney.




LW is suggesting we go back and look at the electoral roll of 1979/80-ish, check where Woodards lived, then cross referenced the address to find out her his co-habiting lover was.

From what I can see the public can no longer access them. Anyone else want to have a crack and see if they can get a better result?
From one of those articles it looks like Woodards and his lover (Von Einem's main co-offender who ran a double story business in a near by main street) lived in St Peters.

A recent article claims Von Einem, Denis St Denis, and Woodard's lover rented a terrace house that they kept the victims at.


I remember in the 1980s a 60 Minutes episode that interviewed a number of young men who were drugged and molested by Family members and got away. Why can't they remember where they were kept? Chances are they were kept at Von Einem's trans mate's house near Port Adelaide and not the death house.
LW is suggesting we go back and look at the electoral roll of 1979/80-ish, check where Woodards lived, then cross referenced the address to find out her his co-habiting lover was.

From what I can see the public can no longer access them. Anyone else want to have a crack and see if they can get a better result?

I don't know why anyone would want to do that, but each to their own. I am at the state library now and near the electoral rolls, so I did a quick check and you can find electoral rolls for SA for federal divisions going back to 1909.
I don't know why anyone would want to do that, but each to their own. I am at the state library now and near the electoral rolls, so I did a quick check and you can find electoral rolls for SA for federal divisions going back to 1909.
To find out the name of Von Einem's partner in crime......as in the second main suspect after Von Einem and the guy police is sure was in the car when Richard Kelvin was abducted.

Any chance you can look up Woodards?

Shadowy clique preyed on young
  • March 29, 2008 11:30PM
FRESH investigations into the Family murders will concentrate on up to three suspects – but up to 10 others will also come under scrutiny.
Detectives believe it is likely the associates – several of them high-profile – can provide vital evidence to assist the investigation.
Many were interviewed during the initial investigations into the Family murders, but did little to co-operate with police.
The existence of The Family, a close-knit group of Adelaide homosexuals, was uncovered by detectives investigating the murder of Richard Kelvin in 1983.
The detectives discovered the group, which preyed on young men and teenage boys, had been flourishing for a decade before Kelvin's murder in 1983.
The key players of the group specialised in picking up young male hitchhikers, drugging them and then sexually abusing them.

The deaths of four others – Mark Langley, Alan Barnes, Neil Muir and Peter Stogneff – have been linked to the group, most notably through a 1988 coronial inquest.
So far the public is aware of the identity of just one Family member – Bevan Spencer von Einem, who was convicted in 1984 of murdering Kelvin.
Investigations into the other sex killings continued throughout the 1980s following von Einem's conviction. In late 1989, von Einem was charged with murdering Barnes and Langley, but the charges were withdrawn in 1991 when crucial similar fact evidence was ruled inadmissible.
The police investigations that resulted in those charges discovered the Family consisted of three to four core members and their associates – or peccadilloes as police dubbed them.
The core members included von Einem, an eastern suburbs businessman, a doctor who now lives interstate and another man, a former male prostitute, who was a close friend of von Einem and the businessman.
The associates included several well-known members of the legal fraternity, the brother of a well-known Olympic sportsman and other men, some well-known in sections of the community.
The identity of one senior principal – the businessman – has been suppressed since 1990. The supression was granted during von Einem's committal hearing into the Barnes and Langley murder charges.
The names of the other two principal members and two associates were last year suppressed in Adelaide Magistrates Court after being aired in unrelated case.
Several other associates have died in recent years, one is currently in prison in Indonesia and one is currently the subject of Pedophile Task Force investigations.
While detectives believe the same core members were most likely involved in each murder, different associates were either indirectly involved, had knowledge of the individual murders and in some cases were not involved but continued to interact with those who were indirectly involved because of their lifestyle.
While each of the men came from different walks of life, they all had one thing in common – they actively sought out young males for sex. They frequented gay beats around the city and socialised in gay haunts such as the Pulteney 431 sauna, the old Green Dragon Hotel, the Colonel Light, the Buckingham Arms or the Mars Bar.
For the principals, picking up hitchhikers and drugging them was perhaps their major source of prey. Police believe they engaged in such activity hundreds of times during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
They were armed with stupifying drugs such as Rohypnol, Mandrax and Noctec – supplied by two doctors known to police – which were slipped into alcohol given to their unwitting victims.
Many victims awoke disoriented the next morning – in the houses of either of two associates usually – suffering injuries after being sexually assaulted.
Others were not so lucky.


An Adelaide man who spent the last fours years in an Indonesian jail for sexually abusing teenaged boys is being deported back to Australia.
Former boxing promoter Donald John Storen, 61, was in Indonesian immigration department custody in Bali on Tuesday awaiting a Wednesday morning flight to Perth.
Storen was released from prison on the neighbouring island of Lombok last month after finishing his sentence and has been awaiting deportation ever since.
Storen was jailed in 2006 for sexually abusing four boys, aged 13 to 15, in Lombok's Senggigi resort area, where he worked as a hotel manager.
Storen's trial was told he lured the boys to his hotel room with promises of cash and other inducements. The boys were then paid as little as $A5 each in return for sexual favours.
He would take off their clothes and watch pornographic videos with them before abusing them, the court was told.
Storen maintained his innocence throughout the trial, claiming the boys made up the accusations to avoid being charged for breaking into his room and stealing his things.
Storen's appeal was dismissed by Indonesia's Supreme Court in 2007.


The former Adelaide businessman Donald John Storen, a one-time boxing promoter and friend of the former South Australian premier Don Dunstan, was arrested on Saturday over accusations he lured four boys aged between 13 and 15 into having sex with him.

A guy on a chat forum said this:

2 months ago
I live in South Australia and I'm a homosexual man: not a paedophile. I helped start the first gay publication in this State.
I knew about the so called "family" that preyed upon young boys in this State and I felt ashamed. I went to the relevant authorities (police) to tell them about what I knew - and I could name names; I could even say where bodies were buried.
Oops correction: I was 'advised' to back off, even though I said where the bodies were buried.
Influential politicians and the judiciary could not be questioned. It seems that I was wrong.

2 months ago
I don't 'flaunt' my homosexuality, but I thought it was reasonable in order to get my point across.
My point being that if you hold a high position in the general order of things then who will listen to to someone who knows what has happened. It's all a cover up.
A small SA country town had a rubbish dump which is now closed. That's where the bodies are buried - and I mean bodies.

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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