Unsolved The Family Murders

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Out of Sight - The Untold Story of Adelaide's Gay Hate Murders

The Cases of Forensic Pathologist Colin Manock

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The prominent lawyer lover ... could be one that appeared regularly on local AM radio in Adelaide giving advice known by the name 'Lawyer Bob'. If he's the one he passed away recently ... I won't put his name on here
The prominent lawyer lover ... could be one that appeared regularly on local AM radio in Adelaide giving advice known by the name 'Lawyer Bob'. If he's the one he passed away recently ... I won't put his name on here
I looked this guy up and his career started in 1979 so I doubt if he would have been "high profile" by then?
But one thing is for sure: the average person thinks The Family are a bunch of high society people in the upper echelons of professionalism (politicians, lawyers etc). We know BVE was nothing of the sort and the others range from 1x prominent lawyer, a doctor, a clock/fine art dealer, to a bunch of nobody drug addicts. It does match the myth that many believe.

Does just sound like a mish-mash of random types that were probably only linked by sexual preference/obscurities and possibly drugs.

The idea that there's some high-profile, high-society "machine" perpetually committing and covering up such crimes probably makes the story a bit sexier and more palatable ("It's not us, it's them!") for the average Adelaidian, but I don't really buy it.
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Does just sound like a mish-mash of random types that were probably only linked by sexual preference/obscurities and possibly drugs.
Correct. The main alleged players were part of a loosely connected group of homosexuals and trannies who knew each other from the gay beats and The Mars Bar night club. There was also a drug connection around Mandrax (referred to as Randy Mandys) and other similar prescription drugs.

The trannies allowed BVE to bring hitch hikers he drugged to their house in Alberton (or somewhere near Port) in exchange for drugs.
BVE would often lure straight men to this house in the guise of a drug fuelled party with women (who weren't women at all)
I believe the second victim Neil Muir (a heroin addict) was turning tricks to support his habit and may have even been gay. I believe he knew at least some of his abductors from the gay beats.

Essentially it was a scene within the gay community with BVE right at the epicentre.

The idea that there's some high-profile, high-society "machine" perpetually committing and covering up such crimes probably makes the story a bit sexier and more palatable ("It's not us, it's them") for the average Adelaidian, but I don't really buy it.
It's possible there were elements of obstruction (probably likely) but the widely held belief that The Family are a bunch of politicians and lawyers and media personalities with a mass cover up from the top is fanciful.
I must say, it's a tad annoying that someone has done a lot of research to find out the names of the actual suspects, only for other to come in an say "it's a cover up up from the top and you people claiming otherwise are clueless". Especially when they are unable to provide anything to back up their claims.

Let's talk some facts:

1. Bevan von Einem has been found guilty of killing Kelvin. Kelvin went missing and was held for over a month. Forensic evidence proved that Kelvin had been in BVE's home weeks after he was abducted. There is no doubt whatsoever he is guilty.

2. BVE's associates at the time are the same people named in this thread as suspects. One was a high profile lawyer. The rest ranged from relative nobodies to a bunch of drug addicts.

3. Numerous testimonies from people involved continually turn out to be consistent with each other.

This isn't rocket science. The police know who The Family are but can't ultimately prove they were involved. Please stop with this "it was politicians, radio personalities, conspiracy from the top" rubbish.
I must say, it's a tad annoying that someone has done a lot of research to find out the names of the actual suspects, only for other to come in an say "it's a cover up up from the top and you people claiming otherwise are clueless". Especially when they are unable to provide anything to back up their claims.

Let's talk some facts:

1. Bevan von Einem has been found guilty of killing Kelvin. Kelvin went missing and was held for over a month. Forensic evidence proved that Kelvin had been in BVE's home weeks after he was abducted. There is no doubt whatsoever he is guilty.

2. BVE's associates at the time are the same people named in this thread as suspects. One was a high profile lawyer. The rest ranged from relative nobodies to a bunch of drug addicts.

3. Numerous testimonies from people involved continually turn out to be consistent with each other.

This isn't rocket science. The police know who The Family are but can't ultimately prove they were involved. Please stop with this "it was politicians, radio personalities, conspiracy from the top" rubbish.
That's an accurate summary of the 'family murders' John Dawh which I believe to be true.

However, what some believe to be the "Family" - politicians, judges, senior bureaucrats etc still has some element of truth to it. There can be no doubt that similar depraved deviants helped each other out when they could. This mob however had nothing to do with the murders.
That's an accurate summary of the 'family murders' John Dawh which I believe to be true.

However, what some believe to be the "Family" - politicians, judges, senior bureaucrats etc still has some element of truth to it. There can be no doubt that similar depraved deviants helped each other out when they could. This mob however had nothing to do with the murders.

Well what exactly have "they" had anything to do with then, to perpetuate the idea of "their" existence?

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Well what exactly have "they" had anything to do with then, to perpetuate the idea of "their" existence?
During the 1960s 70s 80s... there have been numerous paedophile gangs operating in Adelaide. The men would target government agencies who were supposed to be protecting boys - the peds would knock on the door Friday night and take a boy or two for a 'weekend treat'. Come Sunday night the boys would be returned - often suffering the affects of drugs and anus injuries. Look no further than Ric Marshall the former tv childrens show presenter. He and his sidekick - Sammy the Seagull have been found guilty of numerous charges relating to raping boys..... There is substantial evidence that Government agencies knew what was going on.
Came cross this Facebook page..

A little bit over the top, and has a bit of ranting and raving, but nevertheless it's an "interesting" read.

Chris pascoe story about his neighbor (premier john bannon's uncle) and BVE ... hmmmm

(Being today tonight ... take it with a grain of salt?)
No shortage of nutcases on that. Did find this link though:

http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/sa/SASC/1991/2741.html?query=von Einem

Guess who is named? XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Clocks fame.

ps Couldn't find the Chris Pascoe story. Can you provide a link?
Organised gangs of men are sexually exploiting children in out-of-home care and enticing them into trading sex for money, drugs and alcohol.


It is understood that police have identified between 30 and 40 children who are living in Department of Human Services residential care that may have been exploited in this fashion in the past 18 months, but the number could be higher.

Its been 3 decades since it started to become common knowledge this goes on in Adelaide. It's disgusting a stain our nation that it's still happening. How can you work as police officer or welfare officer, even in the courts with the knowledge your handing kids over to pedophiles? Even the psychiatrists would cover this up.

Unless of course its "family" your giving them to? Theres guys in their 60's in South Australia. Victims of this from the 60''s and 70's.This must be horrible reading for them.

this is insane and no one has even tried to see if he is telling the truth?!

A guy on a chat forum said this:

2 months ago
I live in South Australia and I'm a homosexual man: not a paedophile. I helped start the first gay publication in this State.
I knew about the so called "family" that preyed upon young boys in this State and I felt ashamed. I went to the relevant authorities (police) to tell them about what I knew - and I could name names; I could even say where bodies were buried.
Oops correction: I was 'advised' to back off, even though I said where the bodies were buried.
Influential politicians and the judiciary could not be questioned. It seems that I was wrong.

2 months ago
I don't 'flaunt' my homosexuality, but I thought it was reasonable in order to get my point across.
My point being that if you hold a high position in the general order of things then who will listen to to someone who knows what has happened. It's all a cover up.
A small SA country town had a rubbish dump which is now closed. That's where the bodies are buried - and I mean bodies.
I haven't heard this, but then again I don't live in Adelaide. Do you have any evidence this actually occurred? Or was it 'shredded' too?

I must admit I do find it pretty unbelievable that the only one of these murders they could actually charge von Einem with was Richard Kelvin. Any there any legitimate explanations for why crucial similar fact evidence was deemed inadmissible by the presiding judge?

I have always found these paragraphs particularly weird


"The Good Samaritan

The name Bevan Spencer von Einem first came to attention on the night of May 10, 1972. That night, two homosexual men were thrown into the River Torrens by a group of men. The river banks (or "Number 1 beat" as it was known) were a place for homosexuals to meet in secret, as homosexuality was still illegal in South Australia at that time.

Tragically, one of the men, Dr. George Duncan drowned, however the other man, Roger James suffered a broken leg and was rescued out of the river by von Einem, who happened to be driving by at the time. Von Einem then took James to Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Over the next decade, rumours were rife that the group of men that threw the two men in the river were Vice Squad Police and on July 30, 1985 former Vice Squad officer Mick O'Shea revealed in the The Advertiser newspaper that the group involved were Vice Squad officers and that there was a cover-up to protect them. A task force was soon set up, and on February 5, 1986 three former police officers were charged with the manslaughter of Dr. Duncan, however all were eventually cleared of the charges."
me too that was the paragraph that sent me searching

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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