Unsolved The Family Murders

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The Who's Who List

Out of Sight - The Untold Story of Adelaide's Gay Hate Murders

The Cases of Forensic Pathologist Colin Manock

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I can remember walking from a party near Aquinas College, North Adelaide in the early 80s - a car pulled up along side me - 3 men and an attractive woman. They asked me if I could direct them to the Arkaba Hotel - which was strange - they were way off course. I was shitting myself after... it was an era in Adelaide when you had to be careful.
Was it a station wagon?

Had a similar incident, me and a mate , just didn't feel right so we said no
One of the suspects was a magistrate "Brown". He died a number of years ago. A family member of mine looked after him in the hospital when he was on his death bed, and the people who visited him were mind blowing.

Another is a well known (not so much now) hairdresser, may well be dead now as well.

Everyone here knows the names.

Who visited him?
One of the suspects was a magistrate "Brown". He died a number of years ago. A family member of mine looked after him in the hospital when he was on his death bed, and the people who visited him were mind blowing.

Another is a well known (not so much now) hairdresser, may well be dead now as well.

Everyone here knows the names.

I actually worked at the Adelaide Magistrates Court while he was there as a Magistrate. I was warned by many staff about him and the allegations against him, thankfully I never had to have any direct contact with him.

Hairdresser was Denis St Denis and he died back around 2010.
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I actually worked at the Adelaide Magistrates Court while he was there as a Magistrate. I was warned by many staff about him and the allegations against him, thankfully I never had to have any direct contact with him.

I also heard some other rumours about The Family while I worked there (which would have been around 2000-2001). One was that von Einem was only ever an accessory to the murders and wasn't actually in the room when they were killed. Supposedly the torturing/killing was carried out by only one person in The Family who apparently was a high ranking person within the SA Public Service/Government who they used to refer to as Snuffy.

From what I was told von Einem was the one who usually picked up the guys and initially drugged them. From there they would be kept drugged and continually r*ped and abused by various guys. Apparently it didn't just happen to those who died either supposedly it happened to many others who were drugged, r*ped and then just dumped on the street somewhere or put into a taxi. Some had come forward but were too drugged to remember enough detail of what happened, but apparently many were either too scared to come forward for fear of being outed as gay or were too scared for their safety.

From what I was told the alleged doctor from was apparently Judge Robin Millhouse's brother Dr Peter Millhouse who moved/ran from Adelaide not long after von Einem was arrested.
Judge Millhouse was one who visited Magistrate Brown when he was in Hospital.
He rocked up wearing pink shorts.
From what I was told von Einem was the one who usually picked up the guys and initially drugged them. From there they would be kept drugged and continually r*ped and abused by various guys.
The reason he was thrown to the wolves was the extraordinary heat brought on by taking Richard Kelvin. It would most likely still be occurring to street kids if it wasn't for that
The judge hearing the Louise Bell case, and his wife were taken from their house by police who then swarmed the place a week or so ago. Given the vintage of the case I can't help but wonder if this is all tied in somehow. No mention of it in the press, but maybe this letter had something to do with it.
Haven't heard about the judge's home being searched... must be to do with the letter he received which seems to have gone nowhere.
I've got an awful feeling Pfennig will be found not guilty. I have attended a few days and the evidence isn't as strong as I had hoped.
What a sick bunch. Absolutely abhorrent stuff.

The mulligan inquiry is very interesting. Heavily censored because some names in here were continually mentioned. What you saw on four corners last night is well documented attitudes in that inquiry. There would be safegaurds and processes in place to prevent or limit it happening again, if anyone cared. but Nonne does. Its a shocking indictment on the Australian citizen. Those guys got costs down in their department the best way they could and their Behavior towards the kids is reflection of how they view the gov perception of themselves.
Let me tell you all this : Gary Place is full of it !!!! Alan was with me from 515 pm to 650 pm that Saturday avo and before that was at the footy . He was picked up by his mate Darko from home at 8 pm going to Darkos place for a BBQ . Gary Place is a red herring and nothing more .
This is largely a myth. There's a doctor who is a main suspect and a high profile lawyer who is allegedly an associate. The rest range from normal members of society down to drag queens, prostitutes, and heavy drug users (some all 3). This whole concept of them being protected is mostly not true. Here are the (alleged) main players:

The main group
1. Bevan von Einem - a book keeper/accountant
2. David Richmond - had a business sort of based around antique type stuff
3. Stephen Woodards - a doctor
4. Denis St Denis - had a hair dressing shop but was hardly part of the establishment
5. A male prostitute in his early 20s


6. Pru Firman - a drag queen who lived in share house with 2 other drag queens in Alberton (shitty suburb). Lot's a drugs and date raping of young men going on here
7. Brother of Mike Turtur the Olympic Gold medalist - drag queen who live in Alberton share house
8. Drag Queen 3 - lived in same share house
9. High profile lawyer who was Woodards boyfriend
10 Donald Storen

There would be a few others.

This group was loosely based around the gay beat scene of Adelaide. Von Einem was the leader and was tight with Richmond and St Denis. On the side Von Einem was tight with the male prostitute who he would (allegedly) often pick up, drug, and rape young men with. Von Einem and Richmond (allegedly) often did the same thing together. Also the drag queens would often pose as women with Von Einem and entice young men back to the alberton house for a "party with drugs and girls (trannies)". Whther Von Einem was with Richmond or the prostitute or with some of the transsexuals, he often took the men he drugged back to the Alberton house.

So there were basically a few different groups/cliques all linked through Von Einem.

The police know all this, including all their names and roughly what part they played as it has been confirmed by numerous players including the male prostitute, some of the drag queens, and the recently discovered diaries. They've put all their stories (allegations essentially) together and they have matched. The recently discovered diary names names and it also matches the previous allegations by the male prostitute and some of the drag queens.
You forgot Brown , Millhouse , A radio talk host and 2 others .
Bevan VE was the main man behind these murders. Young Blood - a fantastic book by Bob Obrien (SAPOL Detective) explains how there were peripheral sicko associates of VE but the police were convinced that VE did the killing.
The research I have done does put some doubt into the murder of the Barnes boy.
I have forgot more about this then you would ever know . Your mate VE as you call him was Alans killer !!!! Alone with Mr R and Mr B with the Doc and 2 others so dont post crap you know nothing about !!!!

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I have forgot more about this then you would ever know . Your mate VE as you call him was Alans killer !!!! Alone with Mr R and Mr B with the Doc and 2 others so dont post crap you know nothing about !!!!
What crap are you talking about John? I said Von Einem was the killer in the Family murders. Police also made inquiries into Allan's murder with other suspects other than the Family scum.
What crap are you talking about John? I said Von Einem was the killer in the Family murders. Police also made inquiries into Allan's murder with other suspects other than the Family scum.
Same doubt into Alans murder . What have you really looked at ? What research have you really done ? Like I said I forgot more about this then you would ever know .
Regarding the debate whether the family members involve a group who knew each other via gay beats. With the 5 main suspects. BSV, Woodard, St Denis etc.

Or whether there were powerful establishment figures from the legal and political circles.

Obviously when reading the debate here. The former theory that it's a bunch of men who knew each other from gay bars and beats and were not the powerful figures, has more vaiidity and or or better backed up facts.

After saying that...

Does anyone recall the 60 minutes TV show story on the family murders around the late 80's? Where a senior police detective involved in the case. Stated clear as day, on the segment that he and other detectives involved in the case. Believed that the family members were high profile, powerful Sth Australian establishment members. Lawyers and politicians. (which is less backed up on this forum and anywhere else I've seen to be fair)

Does anyone recall the story. The name of the detective etc?

As most people commenting on this forum, like myself feel that it's less plausible for a conspiracy covered up by influential ppl.

What do you make of the story and claims?

Was he and his colleagues all crazy to make such claims?
Is John Jefferson Bray the former vice chancellor of Adelaide University related to current SA Major Crime Superintendent Des Bray?
I can remember walking from a party near Aquinas College, North Adelaide in the early 80s - a car pulled up along side me - 3 men and an attractive woman. They asked me if I could direct them to the Arkaba Hotel - which was strange - they were way off course. I was shitting myself after... it was an era in Adelaide when you had to be careful.

My friends and family know this, but haven't really shared it to much.
Went to a bucks night at the Highway Inn on Anzac Hwy. The exact year i'm not a 100% sure, as i haven't seen the guy getting married for a fair few years now. I was 18-20 year old, so 1978-80? From the Highway Inn, we went to another club in the city and partied some more. We all decided leave the club, and go to the Casino, which i think was about 1:30 am. As we were walking there ( slightly staggering in my case ) i decided to stop at a little cafe/deli, to get something to eat. The rest of what was left of the group said, we'll see you at the Cas, which wasn't far away. BTW, my two older brothers were in the group. Anyway, i finished in the cafe/deli and started heading to the Cas. People in SA would be familiar with Bant St, which is opposite the Casino. I was walking/ staggering down Bank St, when a white ute pulled up, and the bloke driving said, hey mate, do wanna have some fun with my Missus. Iv'e always thought later, when the details about the Family came out, that she was probably one of the Tranni's. I can't remember faces or the make of the car, as in them days Bank street was like a sort of dark ally/rd. I sort of glanced and then just kept walking at a slightly faster pace. Thank god i didn't accept, and was closer to the North Tce end of Bank St.

My missus has just as a frightening story about Glenelg Beach, a few years after the Beaumont kids wen't missing as well
Not discounting your story but the casino didn't open till 1985
Well i must of been older than i thought. You've now made me ring my brothers. May have the dates messed up, but i swear it happened. The reason i said that time frame, was because my mate i work with, ( whom iv'e known since 5, i'm now 57 ) when i asked him, after the recent Beaumont dig, when he thought my incident happened, he thought in the late seventies, early eighties. There you go, growing old has it's downfalls. Thanks mate for pointing that out

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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