Mystery The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx

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Wow, sir.
King Tuts knife is basically not from Earth.

they find a meteor that has crashed. Use the materials from the meteor to make the weapon and believe said meteor is a gift from god

simple really

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I find the pyramids fascinating, particularly when you consider how otherworldy they must have looked when covered in gleaming limestone as originally constructed. I visited them once, although it was a week after the revolution in 2011 so it was a slightly weird vibe.

May I ask, if you had to summarise briefly the mysteries of the pyramids - and why people are baffled to the point of wondering if aliens were involved - what would you say?

My understanding is that the mysteries fall broadly into three categories:

1) The sheer scale of the construction required - how the hell did they move all that rubble and get those massive stones in place? Sceptics respond by saying that anything is possible if you're willing to have thousands of slaves die.

2) The accuracy and refinement of the construction/engineering, down to the perfect straightness and alignment of the external and internal structures. At the very least, the Egyptians were using more sophisticated methods and techniques than anything else available in that period.

3) The dimensions and the way they supposedly reflect the dimensions of the planet, as well as the alignment with true north.

Is that the basic outline of these mysteries? How would you expand further on those points?
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I find the pyramids fascinating, particularly when you consider how otherworldy they must have looked when covered in gleaming limestone as originally constructed. I visited them once, although it was a week after the revolution in 2011 so it was a slightly weird vibe.

May I ask, if you had to summarise briefly the mysteries of the pyramids - and why people are baffled to the point of wondering if aliens were involved - what would you say?

My understanding is that the mysteries fall broadly into three categories:

1) The sheer scale of the construction required - how the hell did they move all that rubble and get those massive stones in place? Sceptics respond by saying that anything is possible if you're willing to have thousands of slaves die.

2) The accuracy and refinement of the construction/engineering, down to the perfect straightness and alignment of the external and internal structures. At the very least, the Egyptians were using more sophisticated methods and techniques than anything else available in that period.

3) The dimensions and the way they supposedly reflect the dimensions of the planet, as well as the alignment with truth north.

Is that the basic outline of these mysteries? How would you expand further on those points?
1. There were many huge constructions built purely by manual labour - in the 6th century BC Darius built a canal between the Nile and the Bitter Lakes (a fore-runner to the Suez Canal) - it was 100ft wide, 30 ft deep and 35 miles long. That is an amazing amount of earth and rock to be shifted. If you have enough workers (not all were slaves), lots can be built, moved or whatever. Have a look at ship-breaking operations on the coasts of Pakistan and India, where workers manhandle old ocean liners and oil tankers just using ropes as a modern example.

2. Quite a few old constructions were perfectly aligned with solar and stellar points of reference - Newgrange and Stonehenge in the UK for example. An article I found reads ' A recent study by astronomy historian Michael Horkin involved cataloging 2000 Neolithic tombs and researching over 1000 others in France, Portugal, Spain, and North Africa. His paper, presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in England, points out that thousands of Neolithic structures erected prior to 1000 BC were apparently built to face the sun or key constellations'. The pyramids are one of those. Astronomical knowledge was one of the first observational sciences studied - it's repeatable, measurements can be made at any time, and the observational basis of it is mathematically consistent.

3. There have been hundreds of units of measurements invented and used by societies over the centuries. If you take some of these, multiply by the square root of your Grandmother's birthday in Sumerian - hey, look! - that's almost the same number as the years it takes the orbit of Venus to re-align with that of Earth. (And if you can't find a measurement that suits your particular theory, invent one - look up the 'Pyramid Inch' for example).

The pyramids are fantastic historical monuments. They stand in their own right. They don't need people inventing 'mysteries' to make them significant.
1. There were many huge constructions built purely by manual labour - in the 6th century BC Darius built a canal between the Nile and the Bitter Lakes (a fore-runner to the Suez Canal) - it was 100ft wide, 30 ft deep and 35 miles long. That is an amazing amount of earth and rock to be shifted. If you have enough workers (not all were slaves), lots can be built, moved or whatever. Have a look at ship-breaking operations on the coasts of Pakistan and India, where workers manhandle old ocean liners and oil tankers just using ropes as a modern example.

2. Quite a few old constructions were perfectly aligned with solar and stellar points of reference - Newgrange and Stonehenge in the UK for example. An article I found reads ' A recent study by astronomy historian Michael Horkin involved cataloging 2000 Neolithic tombs and researching over 1000 others in France, Portugal, Spain, and North Africa. His paper, presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in England, points out that thousands of Neolithic structures erected prior to 1000 BC were apparently built to face the sun or key constellations'. The pyramids are one of those. Astronomical knowledge was one of the first observational sciences studied - it's repeatable, measurements can be made at any time, and the observational basis of it is mathematically consistent.

3. There have been hundreds of units of measurements invented and used by societies over the centuries. If you take some of these, multiply by the square root of your Grandmother's birthday in Sumerian - hey, look! - that's almost the same number as the years it takes the orbit of Venus to re-align with that of Earth. (And if you can't find a measurement that suits your particular theory, invent one - look up the 'Pyramid Inch' for example).

The pyramids are fantastic historical monuments. They stand in their own right. They don't need people inventing 'mysteries' to make them significant.
So there are no mysteries about their construction?
I was blown away when I went.

Petra was pretty eye-opening but the Pyramids were something else.

The tour guide I had seemed to have an answer for everything except the precision of the work. Inside the tomb (which is bloody tiny) the sheer accuracy of the carvings with hardness of the stone was unbelievable.

Dunno if aliens did it but they had some wicked technology, I reckon.

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My speculation during high school was that the pyramid was a landmark built for others to see as the consistory were lost and stranded. Think of yourself lost on an island and you can’t fix your ship. You build something big by enslaving the local population to others can see you.
My speculation during high school was that the pyramid was a landmark built for others to see as the consistory were lost and stranded. Think of yourself lost on an island and you can’t fix your ship. You build something big by enslaving the local population to others can see you.

That's almost the plot of Kurt Vonnegut's book 'The Sirens of Titan'. Great book - if you want to read it (recommended -I think it's better than Slaughterhouse-5), I've spoilered the summary.

Basically, a part-robot/part organic being called Salo is travelling across the galaxy to deliver a message, and his ship breaks down and he is stranded on the moon. A replacement part is being sent to him from his home planet, but will take thousands of years to get there.
The creatures on his home planet have the power to influence the development of intelligent minds from far away, so they get humans on earth to create messages that can be read from the moon (Salo has a very strong telescope). The meaning of the Great Wall of China is 'Be Patient, We haven't forgotten you', Stonehenge means 'Replacement Part being rushed to you with all speed', the design of the Kremlin means 'Chin up' etc.
The spare part turns out to be a piece of scrap binding metal that a kid finds in a junkyard and keeps for years as his lucky charm - using it to scratch graffiti into walls, scale fish, bending it as needed etc. When it finally arrives on the moon, it has been shaped perfectly to fit into the broken down spaceship.

So the entire history of human civilisation was manipulated by beings from another planet in another solar system to deliver a replacement part to a robot.
This is going to sound ridiculous at first but I'd love it if they fixed/renovated the great pyramids back to pristine condition. As long as it's done the right way. Sort of like a software update.

They still haven't fully worked out what's inside them, let alone know how to return them to their past glory!
If you are interested, there is a good podcast on the BBC at the moment. It discusses many aspects of the pyramids (spoiler: it wasn't built by aliens) with a properly accredited Professor of Anthropology.

(Unfortunately it also has a 'comedian' on it to represent the uneducated public, and they are anything but funny, and rather annoying).
I think the traditional scientific explanation of not only the pyramids but other art Egyptians produced are a joke. Quaint. Ridiculous. Paints them as fools that know absolutely ZERO for fact and are just towing the party line, as those did before them.

Have a look at some of the intricate dolomite bowl carvings for just one example..
Nearly as hard as diamond that shit, and they did all these things with BRONZE tools and a round rock to bang it with ????
Try opening your mind science people and dont take the easy option because you expect/know people will swallow it if you tell them thats how it was done.
Total BS.

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Mystery The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx

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