Formerly "dero"

Vonu premium is actually a reasonable beer and probably the best you'll find in Fiji. Never tried the low carb but I am guessing like most low carb offerings it isn't flash.Was the recipient of one of those international beer 12 packs for the work Kris Kringle. Nothing incredible, some decent enough numbers in there though, for example Estrella and Hoegaarden.
At the other end of the scale, Miller Chill - gross. Coors - barf.
The worst though? A Fijian number by the name of Vonu. In fairness, it does say it's an ultra low carb lager so it was never likely to be full of flavour, but this stuff is hideous; it may as well be soda water with straw dye dropped in.
It may well be the worst beer I've ever had.
Edit: the locals actually call it turtle piss because of the turtle on the label.