Yes please.Hey I came across this youtube doco thingy on Zamrock last night. Never heard of it before but basically when Zambia got its independence from Britain in the mid 60's the new guy was all for everything Zambia and even decreed that 90% of radio content had to be homegrown and there was this brief but vibrant scene which has become known as Zamrock - heavily influenced by the sounds of the day like the Beatles and the Stones but with an African flavour. Zambia's main export was copper which was on the up at that point so there was a big mining worker community which helped fuel the live scene. Not a lot of recordings exist though because there weren't a lot of recording studios in Zambia. ANYWAY.. here's the full debut album of one of the big bands to come out of that era.
I may have posted this one before, I think it would also float your boat: