Politics The Hangar Politics Thread

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“..entirely explainable for non-nuffs”. Love it!

For the record, I’m a tin foil hat wearing lunatic who probably agrees with those Facebook nutters, lol.
I wouldn't mind someone explaining it to be honest. At least keep the so-called non-nuffies honest!
Nuff-truth #1: The current Australian government is an American corporation not a constitutionally-constituted government, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: During the GFC the Australian government guaranteed Australian citizens' bank deposits. They had to register an entity with the SEC to make this enforceable in the US. Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truth #2: Local government isn't mentioned in the Constitution and the 1988 referendum to put it there failed, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: Local government exists under State power and has always done so, so doesn't need Constitutional recognition (the same reason State govts can sack local councils). Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truth #3: The Australian government didn't have the power to make the various changes to legislation and practice that have gradually distanced us from the British government and crown, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: The British Parliament passed the Australia Act 1986 expressly granting the Commonwealth of Australia these powers. Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truths #4 and on: More of the same.

You may sense a theme emerging. Nuffs don't want to pay their taxes and will scrabble around for any reason not to do so. Turns out they still have to pay their taxes.
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Nuff-truth #1: The current Australian government is an American corporation not a constitutionally-constituted government, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: During the GFC the Australian government guaranteed Australian citizens' bank deposits. They had to register an entity with the SEC to make this enforceable in the US. Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truth #2: Local government isn't mentioned in the Constitution and the 1988 referendum to put it there failed, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: Local government exists under State power and has always done so, so doesn't need Constitutional recognition (the same reason State govts can sack local councils). Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truth #3: The Australian government didn't have the power to make the various changes to legislation and practice that have gradually distanced us from the British government and crown, so you don't have to pay your taxes.

Answer: The British Parliament passed the Australia Act 1986 expressly granting the Commonwealth of Australia these powers. Pay your taxes.

Nuff-truths #4 and on: More of the same.

You may sense a theme emerging. Nuffs don't want to pay their taxes and will scrabble around for any reason not to do so. Turns out they still have to pay their taxes.

Great explanation, thanks for this.
Though I know quite a lot of nuffies (being one of them), and none of them have an agenda to avoid paying tax.
I think they mostly would like to see politicians and corporation bosses tarred and feathered for corruption.
Great explanation, thanks for this.
Though I know quite a lot of nuffies (being one of them), and none of them have an agenda to avoid paying tax.
I think they mostly would like to see politicians and corporation bosses tarred and feathered for corruption.
There is no shortage of legitimate grievances to be had with politics and politicians, without opting into conspiracy theories that conveniently get you out of paying tax. These nuffs are definitely nuffs.
Yeah it's hilarious when a US President takes the piss out of a teen with Aspergers. Just the best.

That's the point isn't it?

Cynical use of a child activist for this exact reason. Hoping that it will shame opposition in to silence.

I have a much bigger problem with the idea that we should be listening to a word she says, let alone giving her awards, wasting the time of the UN (though that's also a catch 22), etc.
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That's the point isn't it?

Cynical use of a child activist for the exact reason. Hoping that it will shame opposition in to dilence.

I have a much bigger problem with the idea that we should be listening to a word she says, let alone giving her awards, wasting the time of the UN (though that's also a catch 22), etc
do you disagree with the message, or do you disagree with the messenger?

also, okay boomer.
Bruno was definitely that guy I'd see at our home games wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat this past season.
That's the point isn't it?

Cynical use of a child activist for this exact reason. Hoping that it will shame opposition in to silence.

I have a much bigger problem with the idea that we should be listening to a word she says, let alone giving her awards, wasting the time of the UN (though that's also a catch 22), etc.

I wonder what Severn Suzuki is doing these days?
For a start, she has no message because that implies she has added something useful to the debate.

Whether or not I agree with the points she makes depends on what you're saying her point is.
i think her message/point is for global leaders to start talking about / doing something to curb climate change, rather then the current approach which is to avoid acknowledging it at all.
i think her message/point is for global leaders to start talking about / doing something to curb climate change, rather then the current approach which is to avoid acknowledging it at all.

Yeah but how is that useful to me who has everything in their life going pretty smoothly and politics doesn’t really affect me and I’ll be dead before the end of the world anyway.

Also, no way in hell am I letting a 14 year old girl undermine my entire existence.
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Yeah but how is that useful to me who has everything in their life going pretty smoothly and politics doesn’t really affect me and I’ll be dead before the end of the world anyway.

Also, no way in hell am I letting a 14 year old girl undermine my entire existence.
You'll have everything going much smoother once the religious bill passes
i think her message/point is for global leaders to start talking about / doing something to curb climate change, rather then the current approach which is to avoid acknowledging it at all.

That's a pretty significant dilution of what she says.

It's actually something I've recently come to understand, so I don't say this with any judgment.

We shouldn't dilute the views of fanatics so that they look reasonable. It's something we only do where there is a cause that at some point we fundamentally believe in but it causes problems because we give said fanatics free reign to make all sorts of arguments for us (that we don't make).

Global warming is a good example. Words like "toxic masculinity" and even "gender" are other examples of the way in which the language gets manipultlated without the crowd really knowing what is going on with the use of those words.

So no I don't believe Greata's hysterical message of emergency, hopelessness and the need to confront patriarchy and colonialism by combatting climate change which argument always seems to rely on heavily cherry picked data ignoring the heatwave that occurred in the late 19th century and first half of the 20th century. The modelling tends to start at the bottom of the trough in the middle of the 20th century without addressing the earlier data.

None of that means that I'm not fundamentally an environmentalist, who uses his recyclable bags, catches PT as much as possible, stores as much as possible in reused glass jar, etc, who wouldn't like to see a number of environmental measures, including the development of useful clean energy, taken if for no other reason than as aesthetic environmental conservation. I still despise Howard for withdrawing funding of our formerly world leading engineers who were developing solar panel technology.

But I'm not trusting this debate to politicians who are fast and loose with the facts and who think that some ranting 16 year old adds anything to a serious debate.

I have absolutely no reason to trust in the goodness of political movements for that.
argument always seems to rely on heavily cherry picked data ignoring the heatwave that occurred in the late 19th century and first half of the 20th century. The modelling tends to start at the bottom of the trough in the middle of the 20th century without addressing the earlier data.
You are literally cherry picking events to demonstrate that scientists cherry pick.
heavily cherry picked data ignoring the heatwave that occurred in the late 19th century and first half of the 20th century. The modelling tends to start at the bottom of the trough in the middle of the 20th century without addressing the earlier data.


None of that means that I'm not fundamentally an environmentalist, who uses his recyclable bags, catches PT as much as possible, stores as much as possible in reused glass jar, etc, who wouldn't like to see a number of environmental measures, including the development of useful clean energy, taken if for no other reason than as aesthetic environmental conservation. I still despise Howard for withdrawing funding of our formerly world leading engineers who were developing solar panel technology.
"Some of my best friends are [solar panels]."
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None of that means that I'm not fundamentally an environmentalist, who uses his recyclable bags, catches PT as much as possible, stores as much as possible in reused glass jar, etc, who wouldn't like to see a number of environmental measures, including the development of useful clean energy, taken if for no other reason than as aesthetic environmental conservation. I still despise Howard for withdrawing funding of our formerly world leading engineers who were developing solar panel technology.

Hear hear!
I trust the scientists on climate change and hate how it has become a political issue (from both sides). Also think climate is just one part of the issue - the rate at which fertile land and water is being polluted could have just as catastrophic consequences as changes in climate if they continue.

No time for Greta though and any linking of climate/environmental issues to political ideologies. Personally think a combination of technology and the West's version of capitalism is the most likely to find some long term solutions but the current divisions on this issue sure aren't helping (again I blame both sides).

Also, China.

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Politics The Hangar Politics Thread

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