Minecraft The History of Bigminey In A Nutshell

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Something that included the HBK619 -led MCG project. I wasn't there, know nothing about it.

Bigfooty Server #1 :

Included a gothic seaside castle intended as a spawn point, a protected village and shortly after an adjacent space also protected - intended for building competitions but remaining unused until the server's demise.

This was from back in the day, before spiders made scuttling sounds, and when we would say oof when we fell, instead of hearing something that sounded suspiciously like a bone breaking. There were no wolves, many animals did not breed until sometime into the life of this server.

Locations included:
- The Village - a protected area in the middle of the known world; mob's could not hurt you there. They could still blow up. Approximately four small houses offered bed and shelter.
- The gothic castle spawn - intended as a spawn point, although spawning tended to happen not in or on but nearby. Was like The Faraway Tree if it was a spooky cypress.
- Scooter's land - included flashing redstone lights and a sky pool. Accessed by dangerous ladders. Chief
- Mescalito's rollercoaster railway that probably worked, and a wool and/or mushroom sculpture of Mario, I can't remember what anymore. Nearby was a nether return point made of multiple floors of netherack with no apparent exit but to jump into the lake below.
- HBK's First Hill - a plateau above a mountain, accessed first by scaling the cliffs and later via internal tunnels.
- Crackton - a sprawling desert town constructed by Eth and co. Quite remote for the time, not by today's standards though.
- Mirakzul's Netherack Pyromania Testing Grounds - included a large gladiatorial arena and some massive structures - even pyramids. But mainly, it was just a massive fire. Hellbourne
- Mullarvey Towers - A tall hotel complex supported by a Stone replica of Chevening Maze and the nearby Mullarviza island getaway.
- Bartel's homestead, atrociously lit, a deathtrap.
- Gentlemen 's forest lodge, hidden in the middle of nowhere and generally disowned by its builder.
- Another gothic castle more distant, owner unknown.
- A small home built by Niximus - said builder almost never seen again.
- A tall mansion built by Pettas including a secret underwater sugarcane tunnel that clearly none of us knew was there.
- Some watermill-type thing near to the central town, usually noted murdering squids.

The server died, and we all died a little inside. Then we were born again.

Bigfooty Server #2
The new replacement server spawned us on a narrow strip of land bordered by water. Wolves were introduced and found nearby. Apart from some small work creating a safe home next to spawn point, not a lot was built as this server was superseded within a few short weeks.

Bigfooty Server #3 - "The World"
Mirakzul's initial tower was the first stand-out feature of the new server, quickly followed by DarkPhoenix 's complex grief-magnet and Scooter's hilltop abode. Vipertooth set up shop next to MSCPhoenix with a massive castle, but slowly faded out of the game. This server steadily expanded with Eth creating the brilliant New Crackton urban centre in a repeat of the previous consortium before his mate suddenly found himself no longer able to connect. Mullarvey went all Frank Gehry and built a rectangular block of cobblestone that would be his home before he later moved to Mullcatraz, the former later renamed Layer Cake. HBK reprised his hilltopicide skills with a new HBK's Hill, complete with a homage to Nic Cage's Ghost Rider grinning out across the expanse. Quivorir built a halfway house for errant children and promptly disappeared. Bartel was back stealing everybody's torches and excelled with an ocean-based town of ... models of minecraft objects upscaled into buildings. Scooter and Skateboarder would expand to Egg Palace and then relocate to what I dubbed Roundhouse, nearby to New Crackton. vWestCoast built a small tower near Layer Cake and then moved also towards New Crackton, with a house completely made of leaves ... possibly unaware that wolves had been introduced. Someone called CFCsomething something spent quite a bit of time near to Mirakzul's first castle, building a large home that would later be abandoned and become the venue for ghosthunting film crews, and then a central point for Frankie Valley. Mister Carlton would build a central home, then a distant one, then a ****ing further distant one, and bring a host of mates to help him produce Sandstone Village.

Many others would come to build, some to stay longer than others.
Exceptional builds included :
- Mirakzul's island well to the north, with an ambitious gargantuan wall still partly finished.
- New Crackton - just an amazing expanse of urban planning and development.
- Egg Palace - an incredible automated egg farm that probably poached the eggs and possibly composted the shells.
- HBK's massive fiery skull.
- Western Town by scoot and skate, and Alex's and crew's nearby Sandstone Village.
- Mirakzul continued to build interesting homages to ancient structures in faraway places, even a range of Jousting ... what's the word ... Jousting .. some really unlikely word.
- Berryton by myself - yes an entire NPC village completely covered with a manmade hill, before discovering that it would render the doors unrecognisable due to lack of space above and the NPC's would all bugger off :( (and die in various places around the wilderness :( :( :( )
- Rendered Unsafe 's massive flat square of stone poised over the sea (probably with intent to build on his Laputa, Castle In The Sky Theme) (I think that was yours, right? Or was that Serenadium's? I can't remember)
- The nether hub, generalled by Eth, an immense garden of trees, netherwart and portals.
- The Great Northern Ocean Railway - built by Mirakzul and Mullarvey, traversing 25k plus blocks of distance and fielding an express and a stopping all stations line. Clearly nothing better to do with our time.

Bigfooty Server #4
To take advantage of the upgrades that came with Minecraft 1.8, a new server was started and has been building steadily since. Still early days.

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