Media The List™ - congratulations to the winner sante who was the last name on The List at the conclusion of Season 37

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Wow, lots of people on The List this week, but less than last week. Make sure to tag me on X (formerly Twitter) for any discussion.

_Mike_ Grand Uncle HoracePiggy Smalls
3KZ is FootballGrav pK75
A Bit DustyGreenery PMBangers
Ace RimmerGremioPower por_please_ya
akkaps GreyCrow Power Raid
Ant BearGrockadoc Pugsley
ant555 HARPSichord Pure Grunt
AnUltimateRessie Harvey ManfrenjensendenPurple Jesus
ArdentEagle Hatchy1992 Purple7x08_24
Aristotle PickettHate Quadzilla
Art Vandelay_iDon Quivorir
Aucklander Irish BlueBaggerRankine2Rachele
BallaratBulldog Itsmyshow Raveneyes
Barrybran Jabba73 Reardo
beez jackenny Reginald Perrin
BFew JackNah_8 rfctigerarmy
big_icky jackster83 Rioli2Rioli
BigChippa52 Jeremias Rioli8217
Biggie Jewelsbon Robertio
Blaze StormJezmiester40 Rodney Dangerfield
BloodySwan jezzajay RonnieRaven
BLUEALLTHRU Jhye Clark 13RookiePick
Bluelegs jmoo wanroyboy2
boncer34 JoseMourinho rye
Bonz JoshWoodenSpoon Sab22
Bovo JT_the_Man SaintsSeptember
BRAB JuddgementDay sante
Bradesmaen judge judySarahSmiles
Braklet JustaBattler sataris
Brenton DavyJyeDye sausageroll
Brick Loosenerkenneyswarriors Scythe94
Cadsky kickthething Senor M
CakeEater Kilroy serial_thrilla
Callums_Guns King TenzShadow Man
Cap krakouers ShaunDuggan
cartwright larrikin Shueygod
cats_09 Ligma Smartys Power
CatToTheFuture Ljp86 snozulu
Chat PileLomas SpecialBruce
Chief Loonerty SplintWhisky
Chipmunk LukeParkerno1 spookism
Chronz manangatang spudmaster
ClarkeM Marklar_33 SSwans2011
cooney Matera92 StFly
crazywildhorse MayTheNorthBeWithU Stokey
croweater 41Membling Strigoi
Cubs2Lions Memphis Supersuns
CursingFijian Mesc T2B_
damicky Millky95 Tandy
DemurePrincess Mobbs Tarkyn_24
DenieD Mofra Test Tickle
DERO moginie The Blue Weirdo
DERRINALPHIL Mooch The Cryptkeeper
Dicky FitzwellMop The Filth Wizard
Dingster MP_ The Majestic
DinoSoar MrPremiership The Sultan
Dinsdale Mrs TurboTheGoatBaron
DJ75 MrsEddieBetts TheInjuryFactory
dogs105 Muddiemoose thewizardmelon
Dory_77 MWPP Ticky009
DragoDelph My Cotchin Rulestigerland_1720
Drizzy myblueroan Tigerturbulance
Drunkgoliath nahnah tigland
Eat FreshNaturalDisaster tigs2010
Ed_Gein NinjaSwan tomjoad
edgie nobbyiscool Tommycash
Edmund huntnorway blueTonga Bob
Electronic_Renaissance Nothing tony
Elton Johns WigNSWCROW Toump Ass
Falconista Ocha905 toxic
Feraligatr Oisin_the_Goat Truetiger
fitzroybowiedog okeydoke7 TY24
Fleabane omgfridge Ulahoopski
FootyGuy13 Osc1 Van_Dyke
Footypie32 ossie_21 vanders
Frederico_WA Pamcake1 Wacky Tiger
freo84 pantskyle Wickzki
Freofalcon Paracleet windyhill
Frothies McveighPedro Wosh
fumbler Phar AceYakker
gab213 philreich zackah
Giant StridesPickitt Zevon
GotTheGoodes Pie 4 LifeZoops
images (6).jpeg

My name appears to be still on here big_icky?
I keep appearing on The List... What is The List about? I think I have The List somewhere but I cant remember where I last left The List.
Given Im not on this list, it is clearly something that is of little to no relevance.
We have not yet determined if being on The List is a good or bad thing.

For all we know it's a The Hit List. so being off it may be nice

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We have not yet determined if being on The List is a good or bad thing.

For all we know it's a The Hit List. so being off it may be nice
I assume if Im not in it, it cant be for anything worthwhile
The List - Week 3

Another 21 posters drop off The List this week. The seventeeth may shock and surprise!

_Mike_ GreyCrow pK75
3KZ is Football HARPSichord PMBangers
Ace Rimmer Harvey Manfrenjensenden por_please_ya
akkaps Hatchy1992 Power Raid
Ant Bear Hate Pugsley
ant555 iDon Pure Grunt
AnUltimateRessie Irish BlueBagger Purple7x08_24
ArdentEagle Itsmyshow Quadzilla
Aristotle Pickett Jabba73 Quivorir
Art Vandelay_ jackenny Raveneyes
Aucklander JackNah_8 Reardo
BallaratBulldog jackster83 Reginald Perrin
Barrybran Jeremias rfctigerarmy
BFew Jewelsbon Rioli8217
big_icky Jezmiester40 Robertio
BigChippa52 jezzajay Rodney Dangerfield
Biggie Jhye Clark 13 RonnieRaven
Blaze Storm jmoo wan RookiePick
BLUEALLTHRU JoseMourinho royboy2
Bluelegs JoshWoodenSpoon rye
boncer34 JT_the_Man Sab22
Bonz JuddgementDay sante
Bovo JustaBattler SarahSmiles
BRAB JyeDye sataris
Bradesmaen kenneyswarriors Scythe94
Braklet kickthething Senor M
Brenton Davy Kilroy serial_thrilla
Brick Loosener King Tenz Shadow Man
Cadsky krakouers ShaunDuggan
CakeEater larrikin Shueygod
Cap Ligma Smartys Power
cartwright Ljp86 snozulu
cats_09 Lomas SpecialBruce
CatToTheFuture Loonerty SplintWhisky
Chat Pile LukeParkerno1 spookism
Chief manangatang spudmaster
Chipmunk Marklar_33 SSwans2011
Chronz Matera92 StFly
ClarkeM MayTheNorthBeWithU Stokey
cooney Membling Supersuns
crazywildhorse Memphis T2B_
croweater 41 Mesc Tandy
CursingFijian Mobbs Tarkyn_24
DemurePrincess Mofra Test Tickle
DenieD moginie The Blue Weirdo
DERRINALPHIL Mooch The Cryptkeeper
Dingster Mop The Filth Wizard
DinoSoar MP_ The Majestic
Dinsdale MrPremiership The Sultan
DJ75 Mrs Turbo TheGoatBaron
Dory_77 MrsEddieBetts TheInjuryFactory
DragoDelph Muddiemoose thewizardmelon
Drizzy MWPP Ticky009
Drunkgoliath My Cotchin Rules tigerland_1720
Eat Fresh myblueroan Tigerturbulance
Ed_Gein nahnah tigland
edgie NaturalDisaster tigs2010
Edmund hunt NinjaSwan tomjoad
Electronic_Renaissance nobbyiscool Tommycash
Elton Johns Wig norway blue Tonga Bob
Falconista Nothing tony
Feraligatr NSWCROW Toump Ass
fitzroybowiedog Ocha905 toxic
Fleabane Oisin_the_Goat Truetiger
FootyGuy13 okeydoke7 TY24
Footypie32 omgfridge Ulahoopski
Frederico_WA Osc1 Van_Dyke
freo84 ossie_21 vanders
Freofalcon pantskyle Wacky Tiger
Frothies Mcveigh Paracleet Wickzki
fumbler Pedro windyhill
gab213 Phar Ace Wosh
Giant Strides philreich Yakker
GotTheGoodes Pickitt zackah
Gralin Pie 4 Life Zevon
Grav Piggy Smalls Zoops
I'm starting to get very nervous about being on this list
Radar GIF

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Media The List™ - congratulations to the winner sante who was the last name on The List at the conclusion of Season 37

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