The new ads on here

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Wow, the powers that be here, must be struggling for cash, to introduce the new format I'm seeing here today. Its hardly worth coming on if we are going to have to put up with this.

And no I'm not interested in forking out some cash to get rid of the ads. Or chatting to the "Beautiful women who want to talk to older blokes".


EDIT: We are using a different ad system while we work out the redirect/spam issue with the old system.

If you're still getting them, you can find information about avoiding the spam redirects here:

Basically, on your mobile swap from Chrome and Chrome-based browsers like the Samsung default browser, to something like Firefox.

Hopefully we fix this very soon.

- Chief
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I've paid upfront to remove the ads, but I'm an old bloke and I want to talk to some beautiful women.

Can someone send me through the ads? :stern look

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Wow, the powers that be here, must be struggling for cash, to introduce the new format I'm seeing here today. Its hardly worth coming on if we are going to have to put up with this.

And no I'm not interested in forking out some cash to get rid of the ads. Or chatting to the "Beautiful women who want to talk to older blokes".

It’s ridiculous. Hopefully it’s not staying like this Chief ?
Wow, the powers that be here, must be struggling for cash, to introduce the new format I'm seeing here today. Its hardly worth coming on if we are going to have to put up with this.

And no I'm not interested in forking out some cash to get rid of the ads. Or chatting to the "Beautiful women who want to talk to older blokes".

Horace, maybe you're looking at this all wrong. Maybe you're the product and Big Footy is marketing to the beautiful women who want to pay money to talk to you.
Get a vpn.

It’s not normally this bad though. There’s a pop up at the top of every page, adds between posts, adds at the bottom. I don’t really care what the adds are for but at the moment there’s just too many.

I’ll put the add blocker back on, can’t remember exactly why I turned it off, I think it was because it was messing with YouTube links. The amount of adds at the moment is way over the top.

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Isn’t chrome one of the most invasive browsers out there?
Google are the king of if you don't know what the company is selling then you are the product.

DuckDuckGo may be an alternative that won't track you.
If you're on a mobile get Tapatalk. I've had Tapatalk Pro for years and no ads ever.

I went for the paid version was $5 I think years ago.

Definitely money well spent.
Google are the king of if you don't know what the company is selling then you are the product.

DuckDuckGo may be an alternative that won't track you.

DuckDuckGo uses Googles search engine anyway. There’s one that doesn’t but it’s slow as because they don’t have enough “crawlers” apparently.

I don’t know much about this stuff but I listened to a whistleblower talk about it on a podcast…. and tbh he was a bit mental.
DuckDuckGo uses Googles search engine anyway. There’s one that doesn’t but it’s slow as because they don’t have enough “crawlers” apparently.

I don’t know much about this stuff but I listened to a whistleblower talk about it on a podcast…. and tbh he was a bit mental.
If you go into your Google Account Management you can prertty much opt out/switch off the tracking, location, targeted ads, etc, etc.

I've done the duckduckgo thing. Slow.As.****

Just get a vpn mate. Nord was about $60 when I first started using that and it also has a few other useful security features.
If you go into your Google Account Management you can prertty much opt out/switch off the tracking, location, targeted ads, etc, etc.

I've done the duckduckgo thing. Slow.As.*

Just get a vpn mate. Nord was about $60 when I first started using that and it also has a few other useful security features.

This bloke was saying it doesn’t matter what you do, they still track it. His last name was Dr Robert Epstein. He seemed a little bit too paranoid, though his wife died in a car accident after he got a death threat, so you know I spose it’ll mess you up.
I have a VPN. I use ExpressVPN, but I only really use it for streaming.
Scams gone now there's just embedded ads all over the screen.
I had that same issue where every couple clicks on a thread would take me to "win a Pixel 6" or "Samsung phone".

I think it was a known issue with chrome on phones not blocking the old ad regime, so the site simply implemented a new ad system
This bloke was saying it doesn’t matter what you do, they still track it. His last name was Dr Robert Epstein. He seemed a little bit too paranoid, though his wife died in a car accident after he got a death threat, so you know I spose it’ll mess you up.
I have a VPN. I use ExpressVPN, but I only really use it for streaming.
That bloke is pretty switched on. He's the one who discovered Search Engine Manipulation and other crazy paranoid sounding things that happen when you expose yourself to too much Google. He's a ground breaking psychologist.

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