Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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You know what my last name is. Have a think for yourself and realise how stupid you're being right now.

Yes, that's why I called you a West Brit.

You're the one who put 'occupation' in quotation marks, implying you don't think the Six Counties are occupied.

Classic West Brit move.

(Do you know what a West Brit is?)

Explain it again.

No, I've posted it plenty, search the thread, if you were operating in good faith I would, but you're not.

So... you don't support the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

We've gone from "occupation" to "invasion" in one post lololololol.

And now, I've ever never supported it. Invasion or the subsequent occupation/annexation.

You know on Twitter when people say RT doesn't equal endorsement?

Understanding WHY the Russians invaded isn't the same as supporting it.

So many of the issues we have is your inability to grasp that very very simple intellectual concept.

Is that what you're saying?

You never ever try and understand what I'm saying.

Meaning you think Ukraine has every right to defend itself, and other nations around the world that are supporting Ukraine to this end are doing the right thing?


Yes, as I've said the whole way through, Ukraine has every right to defend itself but it also needs to be aware of its situation and that escalating the fighting the way it has and having a maximalist position on the war might end is something it will own.

This is where the Irish comparison and 1921 comes in, as I've said again and again.

As for other nations around the world supporting them, no I don't think foreign nations have any core national interest in an ethno/sectarian squabble about who controls a string of provinces in the Donbass.

Any more than Russia should go round arming republican guerillas engaged in an ethno/sectarian squabble about who controls a string of provinces in historical Ulster.

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Yes, that's why I called you a West Brit.

You're the one who put 'occupation' in quotation marks, implying you don't think the Six Counties are occupied.

Classic West Brit move.

(Do you know what a West Brit is?)

No, I've posted it plenty, search the thread, if you were operating in good faith I would, but you're not.

We've gone from "occupation" to "invasion" in one post lololololol.

And now, I've ever never supported it. Invasion or the subsequent occupation/annexation.

You know on Twitter when people say RT doesn't equal endorsement?

Understanding WHY the Russians invaded isn't the same as supporting it.

So many of the issues we have is your inability to grasp that very very simple intellectual concept.

You never ever try and understand what I'm saying.

Yes, as I've said the whole way through, Ukraine has every right to defend itself but it also needs to be aware of its situation and that escalating the fighting the way it has and having a maximalist position on the war might end is something it will own.

This is where the Irish comparison and 1921 comes in, as I've said again and again.

As for other nations around the world supporting them, no I don't think foreign nations have any core national interest in an ethno/sectarian squabble about who controls a string of provinces in the Donbass.

Any more than Russia should go round arming republican guerillas engaged in an ethno/sectarian squabble about who controls a string of provinces in historical Ulster.
Some very wise words in this, kind of explains the whole concept to this thread, majority understand, there's other who constantly spam with partisan views. like durrrr.
btw all time classic avatar.
This is the Devil's Chessboard thread (well named too). We discuss geopolitics and the clash of empires. There are no good guys or moral actors on this game board and if you think there are its because one or more of those empires are trying to convince you of that so they can get something out of it.
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Yes, that's why I called you a West Brit.

You're the one who put 'occupation' in quotation marks, implying you don't think the Six Counties are occupied.

You're reading too much into that.

And now, I've ever never supported it. Invasion or the subsequent occupation/annexation.

You can forgive me for scoffing at this claim, considering the hundreds and hundreds of pages of posts here demonstrating otherwise.

Understanding WHY the Russians invaded isn't the same as supporting it.

Your repeated and persistant attempts (in vain) to legitimise and make excuses for Russia's invasion betray your attempts here to position yourself as a simple neutral observer.

You never ever try and understand what I'm saying.

Oh, no. I very much understand what you're saying. As I've said before; you're nowhere near as slick as you like to think you are.

Ukraine has every right to defend itself but...

There is no 'but'. Ukraine has every right to defend itself. End of sentence.

it also needs to be aware of its situation and that escalating the fighting the way it has and having a maximalist position on the war might end is something it will own.

You know who escalated the fighting more than Ukraine ever could? Russia. By invading Ukraine.

As for other nations around the world supporting them, no I don't think foreign nations have any core national interest in an ethno/sectarian squabble about who controls a string of provinces in the Donbass.

So you think that foreign nations should only intervene where it's in their direct national interest? That kind of thinking is straight out of the Dick Cheney playbook.
You're reading too much into that.

Why did you put 'occupation' in quotation marks? Again, just own what you say ffs.

You can forgive me for scoffing at this claim, considering the hundreds and hundreds of pages of posts here demonstrating otherwise.

No, you've just chosen to read them that way because you're not intellectually equipped to deal with the arguments.

Actually, I shouldn't say CHOSEN, you just DO read them that way because you're not intellectually equipped to deal with the arguments.

You can only see these things in black/white and right/wrong.
Your repeated and persistant attempts (in vain) to legitimise and make excuses for Russia's invasion betray your attempts here to position yourself as a simple neutral observer.

No, see above, you literally can't comprehend anyone who doesn't fall into your very simple binary view of things.

That you're quite emotional verging on hysterical at times doesn't help here either, hence the rapid flight to full bore personal abuse when the situation get too complex for you.

Oh, no. I very much understand what you're saying. As I've said before; you're nowhere near as slick as you like to think you are.

No, you really don't. You just get hysterically angry when someone diverges from your very simple worldview.

There is no 'but'. Ukraine has every right to defend itself. End of sentence.

And this is what I mean.

You can't deal with nuance or context let alone situate debates within a hugely complex political, economic and historical context.

You can only deal in very simple positions and get really cross if anyone moves from those, because you don't understand what they are saying.

Like here ... there is no "but" ... and the aggressive declarative "end of sentence" to avoid having to deal with the complex bit.

You do it all the time, I mean, I make fun of it in my bio - you demanding I say Russia Is Bad lololololololol.

See also your insistence that the invasion was unprovoked.

It is children's thinking.

You know who escalated the fighting more than Ukraine ever could? Russia. By invading Ukraine.

Ukraine have significantly escalated their side too over the course of the war.

It is quite telling that you lack the intellectual sophistication to think that through, in the context of what I said on it.

So you think that foreign nations should only intervene where it's in their direct national interest? That kind of thinking is straight out of the Dick Cheney playbook.

Dick Cheney was an international interventionist imperial warrior, he firmly believed that America should go around intervening whnever they wanted.

Now you're 40, and because you insist on aggressively confronting me here, its time you heard this.

At some point in your life, at school, someone has told you that you are SMART and quite possibly GIFTED.

That person was wrong.

You're not dumb either, but you are not as smart as you believe you are. You're just not.

I am not smart or gifted either, but I do know what I'm good at, and what I know, and this kind of stuff is pretty much the only thing I am really knowledgeable and good at - its why I spent lots of my career getting paid to do this stuff aka write about international political shit lol.

I don't know shit about US sports fwiw, so I certainly wouldn't get into a dispute about the NFL or NBA with you - you know waaaay more about that stuff than I ever will.

But every time we have these long arguments, its always revealed that you actually don't know key points, which is fine, not everybody is an absolute nuff for this shit like I am.

Just stop picking endless fights that you can only "win" by demanding that people agree to monstrously oversimplified bullshit or by simply ignoring key parts of their post.

Yesterday when I said that given the scale of the crises facing us now - and the first example I gave was the climate - who controls Kramatorsk isn't important.

You think started ranting about it being 1938 and that I would have supported appeasement ... just chucking the climate crisis out the window because it didn't fit into simplistic and frankly offensive little worldview you've constructed that Putin = Hitler.

And while we are here, that Putin - Hitler comparison is particularly odious given your ethnicity, I mean, its ****ing stomach churning tbqh.

Just go away Chad, go to the Main Board SRP threads where people will treat you like you're smart and nobody will disagree with you.
I'll reply to the rest of your post when I have some more time later, but for now...

That you're quite emotional verging on hysterical at times doesn't help here either, hence the rapid flight to full bore personal abuse when the situation get too complex for you.

I literally challenge you to cite some examples of where you think I have used "full bore personal abuse".

And while I wait for your response (I won't hold my breath), allow me to just sit back and smile at the irony of you posting that nonsense in the same post as this stuff;'re not intellectually equipped to deal with the arguments.

That you're quite emotional verging on hysterical at times

You can only deal in very simple positions

It is children's thinking.

At some point in your life, at school, someone has told you that you are SMART and quite possibly GIFTED.

That person was wrong.

you are not as smart as you believe you are. You're just not.

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Do any of you work?

As has been established earlier, I am paid by Russian intelligence for my posting here.

(Yes, I do, and this stuff really doesn't take much time, also today is very slow, I'm in a very reactive industry)
People don't know what they are voting for and generally just vote for one of the major parties out of habit, polling and the vibe. First past the post doesn't help.

Lowest turnout ever in this election. Says everything.
People don't know what they are voting for and generally just vote for one of the major parties out of habit, polling and the vibe. First past the post doesn't help.

Lowest turnout ever in this election. Says everything.

FPTP and non-compulsory voting is dumb. I agree.

But this elections has been a thorough rejection of conservative/far-right politics, and that's a good thing.
FPTP and non-compulsory voting is dumb. I agree.

But this elections has been a thorough rejection of conservative/far-right politics, and that's a good thing.

What's funny about this, Bojan KantKick ?
FPTP and non-compulsory voting is dumb. I agree.

But this elections has been a thorough rejection of conservative/far-right politics, and that's a good thing.
Why should people be forced to vote? Labour and the Conservative Party are peas in a pod. Conservative voters have voted themselves out by shifting to reform.
As has been established earlier, I am paid by Russian intelligence for my posting here.

(Yes, I do, and this stuff really doesn't take much time, also today is very slow, I'm in a very reactive industry)
Any news on Harold Holt?

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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