Chess The Official BigFooty Chess AFL League 2023 (GRAND FINAL: WEST COAST EAGLES def RICHMOND TIGERS)

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denzel washington checkers GIF



pickler_mz CursingFijian RalfM Partridge Pickitt mattis117 samFFC bfff Jade Bjchan13 thewizardmelon SunsphereParker GremioPower Schulzenfest raman Anti Septic Aristotle Pickett evo daddy_4_eyes sey666 MWPP

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Board 1: RalfM (w) v (b) Schulzenfest
A40 Queen's Pawn Game: Horwitz Defense, 2.Bf4
(1. d4 e6 2. Bf4)

- Draw

Board 2:
raman (w) v (b) Partridge
C44 Scotch Game: Göring Gambit, 4... dxc3 5. Nxc3
(1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. c3 dxc3 5. Nxc3)

- Port won

Board 3:
Pickitt (w) v (b) GremioPower
D02 London System, 3... c5
(1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3. Nf3 c5)
- Void


Final Score
Port Adelaide - 1.5
Brisbane-Geelong-Melbourne - 0.5
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Hard to get interested when we all know they're playing for the title of second best player in the world.

Despite that; so many decisive games has been interesting at least

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I think the eval bar showing Nepo as an almost clear win was a bit misleading, with the engine's plan being pretty obscure for humans, even players like Nepo. But Nepo's, and Ding's, fast play there for a bit leading to those (x) moves was crazy to watch! (And made me feel better about my play 🙂 )
I think the eval bar showing Nepo as an almost clear win was a bit misleading, with the engine's plan being pretty obscure for humans, even players like Nepo. But Nepo's, and Ding's, fast play there for a bit leading to those (x) moves was crazy to watch! (And made me feel better about my play 🙂 )

As someone who regularly evals and realises I lost a position from +2, +3 etc, while it’s definitely a big gap at that level, this match has proved a computer win is never that easy to spot as a human.
As someone who regularly evals and realises I lost a position from +2, +3 etc, while it’s definitely a big gap at that level, this match has proved a computer win is never that easy to spot as a human.
yes, they showed that when Ian was +2.5 or something that it was only because of a single computer line that you had to see +10 moves in advance where a pawn got through to queening, in every other the way the position was even, but the eval bar shows +2.5 because of that one line.
yes, they showed that when Ian was +2.5 or something that it was only because of a single computer line that you had to see +10 moves in advance where a pawn got through to queening, in every other the way the position was even, but the eval bar shows +2.5 because of that one line.

Exactly. It’s why analysing games with computer eval is certainly sometimes flawed. I prefer to analyse with opponent/other humans like 90% of the time.

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Chess The Official BigFooty Chess AFL League 2023 (GRAND FINAL: WEST COAST EAGLES def RICHMOND TIGERS)

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