the renoof incident is a storm in a teacup

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Damaging other people's cars is a lot worse than speeding or even urinating in public (though not on a police station). It's not as bad as drink driving, but it's still pretty bad. That Hawthorn culture is just pathetic.

Bingo Sherr... these tossbags are heading for Weagles disintegration... pissy culture... players on more than one..*INJUNCTION*... just utter arseholes worshiped by arseholes... gunna enjoy their demise at their own hands...

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I wish my fellow Hawks would not refer to the OP as a Hawks supporter. He is clearly on opposition troll. This is the last time I'll post on one of his threads - you should do likewise.
i cant beleive the out cry about this renoof incident.
first of all players in the past have done much worse like johnson peeing in publick. didak and shaw drink driving anf lying about it. fervola doing 60 ks in a 40 ks school zone etc etc.
why all this attention on renoof who basically just had a good night out and accidentally stepped on some cars?
i tell you why. because he plays for hawthorn. when your the premiere team in the comp everyone wants to bring you down a peg. its called tall poppy syndrome. the victors become the hunted over the tiniest in discretion.

shut up ...just shut up....there is no excuse for the thugery behaviour on display by the papa new guenea hawks...everyone knows the hawks are bunch of reckless thugs that are the s*** stain of the AFL jockstrap...stop defending this type of vulgar behaviour displayed by these "role models" ...
Damaging other people's cars is a lot worse than speeding or even urinating in public (though not on a police station). It's not as bad as drink driving, but it's still pretty bad. That Hawthorn culture is just pathetic.
A 20yo jumped on a car whilst pissed, wow. Stupid, no doubt, but not the end of the world.

Bingo Sherr... these tossbags are heading for Weagles disintegration... pissy culture... players on more than one..*INJUNCTION*... just utter arseholes worshiped by arseholes... gunna enjoy their demise at their own hands...
lol, aren't you the hysterical little bitch today?

What a coincidence that it seems that its mainly the Geelong pansies that are so outraged at this youth's unforgivable behaviour. As if an incident like this would even warrant a sidewyas glance on a Saturday down at that bogan-haven we know as Geelong.:rolleyes:
Almost as pathetic as your kicking for goal in the grand final. You know the one you lost? To us.
The Kipster said:
what? the culture of beating you in Grand Finals? Nah, I enjoy fact nearly everyone beats you in Grand Finals...weak dogs and cry babies...poor Gazza...sniff sniff...weak ****
Way to deflect from the issue :thumbsu: Clearly you can't handle the fact that Hawthorn players are a bunch of w***ers who take drugs, make asses of themselves drunk in public and act as arrogant as is humanly possible on the field.

Tyler Durden007 said:
Bingo Sherr... these tossbags are heading for Weagles disintegration... pissy culture... players on more than one..*INJUNCTION*... just utter arseholes worshiped by arseholes... gunna enjoy their demise at their own hands...
Don't forget the denial of any serious problems. They're turning into West Coast alright, and they'll end up the same way if they don't accept it and act upon it. I look forward to it.
i cant beleive the out cry about this renoof incident.
first of all players in the past have done much worse like johnson peeing in publick. didak and shaw drink driving anf lying about it. fervola doing 60 ks in a 40 ks school zone etc etc.
why all this attention on renoof who basically just had a good night out and accidentally stepped on some cars?
i tell you why. because he plays for hawthorn. when your the premiere team in the comp everyone wants to bring you down a peg. its called tall poppy syndrome. the victors become the hunted over the tiniest in discretion.

I was going to say how well Hawthorn handled the whole situation but then read this idiotic post. What ****head jumps on cars? I get blind like the next person but I don't end up jumping on cars... what a loser. Not even Andrew O'Keefe jumped on cars! :D

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Yeah Brent will really be upset about missing 2 weeks of the NAB Cup, that's just punishment at its harshest.

Whilst I agree that it would have been more appropriate for it to be in the h&a season, I think the overall plenty will deter him hopefully from a repeat episode

$5000 club fine
$ repairs to vehicles
$ hire cars for those whose vehicles he damaged

and he is still to face court. I think enough is enough and quite frankly sherrthecat you need to stop with the bleating. It took your club more than one indiscretion before they reacted and even then one player overstepped the mark yet again.
Whilst I agree that it would have been more appropriate for it to be in the h&a season, I think the overall plenty will deter him hopefully from a repeat episode

$5000 club fine
$ repairs to vehicles
$ hire cars for those whose vehicles he damaged

and he is still to face court. I think enough is enough and quite frankly sherrthecat you need to stop with the bleating. It took your club more than one indiscretion before they reacted and even then one player overstepped the mark yet again.
For which we gave him an appropriate punishment in addition to a fine - traffic victim education. Nothing like meeting people who've been brain damaged from traffic accidents to set you straight.

If you agree with me why are you upset? Two weeks in the NAB Cup is a slap on the wrist. Home & Away matches are a suitable punishment.
For which we gave him an appropriate punishment in addition to a fine - traffic victim education. Nothing like meeting people who've been brain damaged from traffic accidents to set you straight.

If you agree with me why are you upset? Two weeks in the NAB Cup is a slap on the wrist. Home & Away matches are a suitable punishment.

Not upset just cannot stand hypocrisy.

This was the quote from your own club in regards to a repeat offender, let alone a first timer:

Quote "The club defended its refusal to ban the star forward.

Geelong chief Brian Cook said at a press conference today that talented people were given more chances than average players.

"What he did was wrong, it was ludicrous. He had a brain spasm ... but we're not going to throw him to the wolves because of it," Mr Cook said." end quote

If it's good enough for yours, surely it's good enough for every other club.

For which we gave him an appropriate punishment in addition to a fine - traffic victim education. Nothing like meeting people who've been brain damaged from traffic accidents to set you straight.

If you agree with me why are you upset? Two weeks in the NAB Cup is a slap on the wrist. Home & Away matches are a suitable punishment.

You think he should miss H&A matches for what he did?

You need to get out more princess.

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the renoof incident is a storm in a teacup

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