The Restump Podcast

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In a battle with the Bombers we’re russian Serong back in, while Alex Pearce is in charge of enforcing a No Fly Zone in Peter Wright air space! Time to Restump Podcast Easter Sunday’s clash!

We needed to make hay while the sun shone on our favorable first five round draw. Win Sunday in round five and our four wins and one loss will be our best start to a season since 2015, when we won the first nine straight.

Concerningly our record against Essendon at Marvel isn’t flash… and that is being kind. Fourteen times we’ve played the Bombers at the venue with the roof and we’re stuck on the single victory. Our last seven against them at all grounds, we’re again stuck on the single win…. that been said, five of them have been under the roof!

So, it is safe to say we’re in desperate need of a trend changing win over the Bombers at the Marvel Tomb on Easter Sunday, and this is as good a chance as we’re likely to get.

Serong, Pearce and Banfield come in while Logue has to be desperately unlucky to get dropped. Disappointingly Neil Erasmus didn’t get a 3rd consecutive game after not really putting a foot wrong.

Coach JL made his way back in, unfortunately passing the Covid baton to Shultzy. However, we suspect the virus may come off second best in that battle!

Easter holidays are upon us and a lot of families are on the road travelling. So, bung this half an hour of purple palaver on, turn it up and drown out the racket of the arguing kids in the back seat!

Word of warning to those behind the wheel though… we have been known to put people to sleep!

Happy Easter to all who have ever donated a minute of your valuable time to listen to our nonsense. We’re eternally grateful… yet bewildered. Carn Freo!

We’re four and one, second on the ladder with a healthy 141%. The real tests are to come but it’s our best start to a season since 2015. Time to Restump Podcast Sunday’s Purple procession.

Off the top it was good to see Tabs get a bucket load with half a baker’s dozen. He was the first Docker to kick 7 goals in a game since Matthew Pavlich did ten years ago in 2012.

It was pretty scratchy for 2 ½ quarters but the game never felt out of control. A bit of tidying up of disposal and some gorilla grip on the palms to ensure marks stuck, was all that was needed.

While everyone seemed a tick off their game, the tall timber down back kept control. Alex Pearce returned not only to the team but to his All Aussie contention best, while Brennan Cox marked everything, moved like a midfielder and hit more chests than a pirate!

It was as if Heath Chapman, Jordan Clark and Hayden Young were swinging meat cleavers early as they did their fair share of butchering. But all three rectified the errors and went from butchering the ball to carving up the Bombers.

Brayshaw enjoyed the absence of a close checking shadow, Will Brodie is putting a body of work together none of us saw coming and geez, its handy to have someone by the name of Serong just slot back in.

The Disco danced his way up and down the wing leaving a conga line of Bombers behind him and with another 20+ disposal game, it was like he had his own Disco ball.

Across the paddock a seemingly new and improved Blake Acres again provided plenty of run and option, although a teammate or two may have a word to him about hospital handpasses.

While Shultzy was missed, Freddy, Switta and Sonny held up their end of the bargain. Not sure what is going on with Sonny’s radar as his usual flawless goal kicking has gone all…. Fyfe-like! (Sorry Fyfey)

We could bang on and on about it all day and if you listen to the pod… we probably do. But the reality is it was just a hit and run mission to collect the four points. Mission complete. (We're not convinced those Bombers are fitted with the latest and greatest defence system technologies)

There’s all the above, as well as a hell of a lot more that no one asked for and then we bring it home with some breaking news in a Neighbourhood Watch episode.

So, bung this purple claptrap in your ears…. I mean lets face it, you’re already suffering knowing you have to head back to work after the Easter long weekend... so what’s a little more suffering on top!

In his best Tony Greig voice, Billy Birmingham said “A grudge is nothing more than a place to park your car.” We respectfully disagree. Time to Restump preview podcast Saturday night’s much anticipated grudge match!

Yes Ok, there are four points on offer and we don’t want to take our eyes off the bigger picture prize…. but great meaningful entertaining long-term rivalries are built on stubbornly held grudges… so look out apron-string boy!

There’s a bit of a nostalgic old school Freo about this upcoming game. Sean Darcy making his intentions public and coach JL saying you should hand in your membership if you’re not filthy on Cez! (Well that’s what I read between JL’s lines… the inference was there!)

Prime time Saturday night, us and the Blues at similar developmental stages, both four and one, Jack Newnes is playing and Cez had the audacity to recently state he wanted to be part of building something from the ground up! We’re one win and four losses in our last five encounters and haven’t beaten them since 2018. And let’s also not forget round 3 last year when the Blues deliberately singled out, took to and viciously bullied Andy Brayshaw!

All the above plays a complimentary and respectful role, adding to the emotional and inspiring experience of the Len Hall game and the ANZAC Day weekend. It promises to be one special occasion.

While we were singling the Blues over the losses of Angus Young and Tracey Chapman, it isn’t music to our ears! Their absence will seriously hurt us against Carlton’s powerful forward line. But Griffin Logue’s inclusion down back and a returning Sargent Schultz causing mayhem up forward, has somewhat changed our tune.

Is Carlton’s naming of Paddy Crips a ruse? One week for a hamstring? Are the Blue baggers playing funny blue buggers?

We’re buzzing with anticipation and just can’t sit still waiting for this game to come around! Plenty more to go over though, matchups, selection chatter, coaches covid, Lobby, Sonny and Alex Pearce. We touch on the umpiring debacle without animated arm and hand movements and then we round it out with a listener’s question in the juggernaut that is the “Ask Jojo” segment.

So, pick up your plugs, put em in your ports and piers, press play on this hour of purple poppycock and join us potting that punk who pinched our pesos, played us and pi55ed off!

(You have to ask the question, how much nonsense can two people come up with!)

Whatever the case…. We can’t wait for Saturday night. Get in Freo!


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Safe to say Acres is covering plenty of real estate. It's time to Restump Review Podcast Freo’s significant victory over the Blues.

That was some performance. A one in all in four quarter role playing display signifying we may well be a serious team. Not counting the chickens just yet because there are tougher tests to come, but mark this win down as a reference point to look back on as the standard going forward.

To go with the Blues’ midfield, it ticked yet another developmental box aiding the belief we’re on track to contention territory. A Geelong and a Melbourne in the next few weeks will provide greater clarity but, maybe this year maybe not, the tilt is building.

Blake Acres’ rise this year has astonished most, if not all, and possibly even himself. His improvement in his wing role has been an integral part of the team’s improvement and on Saturday night it was evident again.

We’ve lobbed criticisms at Rory on numerous occasions simply out of frustrations regarding his inconsistency and intent. He again showed why and what he is capable of. If he brings that performance weekly, he’s as valuable as anyone.

Sammy Switkowski is getting continuity and now delivering. Freddy played the best two possession game you’ll ever see, Shultzy is at fever pitch and if you didn’t already think Sonny was back…. he’s back!

The mids did their thing but don’t get us started on singing the praises of the backs. Griffin Logue’s job on Charlie Curnow was something else but the collective defensive unit cohesively controlling the Carlton cabal was methodical!

And spare a thought for the coach. This is a big moment for JL. It was the coming together of all the pieces of his plan he’s been working on since he got to the club and the result of it unfolded before our very eyes.

We got through this without the need to bash Cez! We got him enough in the lead up and we’ll all launch into next time we take on the Blues but this win was too impressive and too meaningful to take anything away from it.

So, if, like us, you can’t stop talking about Saturday night’s momentous victory… click play and join the purple raving and rambling.

Could we be about to reignite the vicious Lyon-era rivalry with the Cats? We will have a Clark of the Course to oversee it! Time to Restump Preview Podcast Saturday’s Cat clash.

Think of Matty Scarlett only getting the equivalent of a five minute holiday for king hitting Hayden Ballantyne in an unprovoked attack. Yes, Ballas got a couple for knocking Paul Chapman in the same game, but it was a misguided retaliatory self-defensive action, a case of mistaken identity.

Think of Steve Johnson and his initial weird unwillingness to shake the hand of the great Ryan Crowley, who had just put him through 80 minutes of relentless “how’d you like that one” type treatment.

Think of Fremantle getting shafted by the AFL and shunted down to Geelong to play that qualifying final in 2013, only to come out victors. And what about the provocative Mock-A-Docker double page spread in the Geelong Advertiser!

(Did you know that if you go outside late at night when it is quiet, and you turn an ear to the east, you can hear Geelong folk still grinding their teeth over that loss to us!)

And then think about today! Us securing Jordan Clark picking up Matty Johnson and leaving the Cats with pennies on the dollar.

Sure, they did well years back when they picked up Sam Menegola and got him going and lets not forget they royally stung us in 2016, when they got us to pay massive overs when we parted with pick 63 for Shane Kersten.

Oh, the picturesque event littered trail a deep and meaningful, nasty at times, rivalry creates. That rivalry flame is sadly dim, only just flickering and it needs attention. Could Jordan Clark be the igniting spark that brings it roaring back to life?

If you’re looking for something to get you through part of Friday, something to cut the wait until our Purple troops destroy the hoops on Saturday, then join us for a sneaky peak preview, of the young band of purple misfits taking on the aging Gee-long in the tooth rock stars.

As always your time is valuable so listen responsibly and know when to stop.

How about our mighty Dockers! We just defeated Tom Stewart by 3 points on his own deck! Time to Restump Review Podcast Freo's big win over the Catters at the Cattery.

Still haunted by their harrowing defeat in the 2013 qualifying final, we made sure their purple nightmare continued. We’re trying to keep the lid on things but we’re going to need more help.

We weren’t going to be able to match them on their advantageous uniquely shaped poxy ground, we were told. Guess what? The Cats had to apply for and obtain a hall pass from us to use their own corridor. None were granted.

We were a bit off the pace early but that country air can have some relaxing effects on you. The collective soon recognised the laconic stupor they were in, made the adjustments and got their act together to begin moving as that cohesive unit, we’re becoming familiar with.

Can we just stop for a moment’s silence to acknowledge the work of Griffin Logue in blanketing Jeremy Cameron?

I don’t know if you all took part in the moment but shame on you if you didn’t!

What a performance by Griff! After last week’s shut down defensive role on Charlie Curnow, he never gave Jeremy Cameron a look in on Saturday. Griff now has to always be the first port of call for the big forward with high athletic capabilities.

And let’s not overlook the performance of partner in crime Alex Pearce who, it must be said, was a little shaky early with ball in hand. Worryingly Tommy Hawkins looked switched on early and, as he has terrorised us in the past, we had some fears. But after quarter time Captain Pearce said, enough of that rubbish, and he never gave the Hawk another gawk!

We’ll go over plenty more on the pod but can we please firstly remove our hats and give Blakey Acres the respect and the nod of acknowledgement he so thoroughly deserves. He has fast become one of our most important players and few, if any, would have thought that pre-season. All credit to him.

We’re six wins, one loss, second on the ladder with North Melbourne to come this Friday night. We have a few covid concerns but we’re in terrific shape.

So, if, like us, you can’t stop talking Freo footy, click play and join in because we’re definitely ‘the more the merrier’ type people.

Jojo takes us through all aspects of the game, we raise the question on whether Geelong should be an AFL venue going forward, Adam Looney Cooney suggests Gaff should head to Freo, the commentary team gets the thumbs up but the Chief has an issue with Kath Loughnan which he apparently needs clarification of. All that and sadly plenty more of the Freo folly no one asked for!

We’ll do our best to get the right balance of Jojo’s insightful analysis and tolerate the Chief’s nonsense. So cut us some slack and click play on an hour of Freo fanfare!

The Busseltonions are coming and they’re one Jyed Freo supporters. Time to Restump Podcast Friday night’s ‘marquee’ game against the Roos.

When you hear covid hit and six of your players are out… you immediately do the Sean Darcy umpire remonstrating disguising hands to your head move! But then you realise Chappy, Young and Darcy are three of the ins, you hear Jye Amiss’ name confirmed and Liam Henry is back for another crack at it! Suddenly the blood pressure returns to its optimal range and you’re in ‘no worries’ territory.

Six changes to a team would usually see a team’s chances lessen and their odds blow out. The bookies see little to no problem for us as they have Freo at $1.08 to beat North Melbourne.

8% return on investment in 80 minutes…. easier earn than on the end of a shovel! No that isn’t investment advice and remember here at the Restump we always gamble irresponsibly, so don’t follow us!

Sammy Sturt, while a chance at still being called up, was a notable omission and with Connor Blakely missing a berth you’d have to think the chances of seeing him in purple again are getting slimmer by the day.

With North’s tall defence, consisting of the likes of Aiden Corr 195cm, Josh Walker 197cm, Ben McKay 201cm, could this be a night out in more ways than one for Lachie Schultz, Sammy Switkowski and Sonny Walters?

It seems it’s a game we should just be banking the four points from and moving on from. But when you get ahead of yourself and allow complacency to creep in…. strange things occur. No doubt JL has that covered!

The West Coast Eagles are in a bit of strife so we give them a bit of a lift and a pump up in the Neighbourhood Watch segment and the chatter about Luke Jackson is getting louder.

All that and shedloads more for those who don’t have high standards on their listening content. God help us if anyone raises the bar on the quality of what they wish to listen to!

But until you do, click play, head in with low expectations and we’ll do our best to meet them.

Safe to say North’s rebuild could do with a Jim’s Handyman. Time to Restump Podcast Friday night’s result in which Freo hopped over the Kangas.

Six wins on the bounce… who is this purple outfit?

As Fremantle fans we know too well what North supporters are going through so there will be no showboating from us. However, it was pleasing to put away a side in the manner we should have, as it is something we have rarely been able to do.

It was a methodical, disciplined and systematic performance from a club that is growing in professionalism.

Starting with the Busseltonian, Jye “Nev” Amiss. Sometimes footy delivers moments you hope for but can’t realistically expect. If you were writing a script pre-match you would have been pretty proud of your work. His first kick first goal was one special moment.

But above and beyond the moment, and more importantly, what a pick 8 product we have got for the next 10 to 15 years! He moved well, didn’t seem overawed, he looked comfortable and settled and while he may make way for Tabs and Lobb, he’s not far away from returning if he does.

That’s enough Jye love… let’s get to Mr Fix It. The man who wears many hats and performs a multitude of roles often even within games! Jimmy Aish put in a ripping game but not one that could be classed as rare. 30 touches and 5 clearances, he was a notable standout and another who has seen his performance rise substantially this year. On Friday night he owned the fastest hands in the west.

But you cant talk cracking games without mentioning future captain Andy Brayshaw. We can get a bit unintentionally complacent with Andy’s work given his regularity but its genuinely difficult to not have him up in the calibre of the league's best. Leading by example and intent, 34 touches, 10 clearance and 7 marks… its ridiculous he’s 23 years of age!

Oh to hell with this…. Lets stop beating around the bush! It was a deadest procession Friday night. If North were any slower to move early on they’d have been statues and you could go as far as to realistically suggest North may have put up a more competitive first quarter had David Noble selected actual Kangaroos!

But hey let’s keep a lid on it, stay reserved and humble, don’t rock any boats and allow this purple juggernaut to roll on.

We talk everything Friday night, we go over Malthouse’s moronic remark, as usual we wander into things that don’t concern us and bring it home with our first Butcher of the Week winner!

So, ride the Mexican wave and join us for more emotionally conflicting, many failed attempts at measured purple praise masquerading as analysis.

Just like in all of his 353 games…. head over the ball.

We might pass the Neighbourhood Watch segment to the great Matt Pavlich.
It'd be in much better hands.

As Freo fans something feels a bit weird, a bit wrong ridiculing Gold Coast’s trades. Doesn’t mean we’re not going to do it, but just feels weird. Time to Restump Podcast preview Sunday’s clash against the Suns.

We’ve not got a great recent record at Gold Coast’s home ground Metricon stadium, but then again… with two losses from three games there this year, neither do the Suns.

Some expected big ins but a somewhat surprising yet also understandable out with Brandon Walker, having been told to take a spin around the oval with the Peel boys. Fresh off taking care of Curnow and Cameron, Griffin Logue returns to play his 50th.

Alex Pearce and his defensive crew will look to contain the in form Levi “Rock the” Casboult all while keeping short leashes on the dangerous Izak Rankine and Ben Ainsworth.

Will Brodie makes his return to the place where it barely began. So its safe to say he won’t be humming the Cheers tv show theme song, “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.” Brodie will be looking to continue making the statement he has in the first 8 rounds.

With Switta and Sonny side-lined and still no Tabs, 3 or 4 goals more now fall on the shoulders of the collective. The forecast is for 25 degrees and rain…. I don’t know about you but that sounds like the perfect weather for the Cyclone to me!

Sean “Swaggy Oh” Darcy has only played against Jarrod Witts once in his career and it was a break even contest. They’re both in cracking form but we’ll back Darce, with back up from Lobby, to relentlessly drive Jarrod mad, possibly to Witt’s end.

We have to keep an eye on Touk Miller after his rare quiet one last week, Matty “Notepad” Rowell is back on his way to becoming that contested possession king and the slick big ball winning youngster Noah Anderson returns to the Suns line up.

It’s a game we should win but the Suns are a bit unpredictable and they’re are coming off a big win over the Swans on the their home deck last week.

Fyfe is on the way back, Matty Johnson is closing in on returning to the WAFL but unfortunately the Disco is out for an extended period.

We see Luke Jackson making his way West this weekend and wonder if room in the schedule has been made for a bit of chat. The Chief has found out a bit more about Bob’s role down at the club and we bring it home with another episode of the informative segment, Ask Jojo.

So stop reading this rubbish and join us on the pod by clicking a bunch of links and buttons until you get our purple preview nonsense in your ears.


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A day later we can see clearly now the rain has gone. Time to Restump Podcast Freo’s rain drops keep falling on my head loss to the Gold Coast Suns.

How were we not prepared for the conditions? We’re from a port, we’re Dockers, Dockers work on a wharf! How could water even remotely seem foreign to them? Did they think we all ironically came down in the last shower?

Now the angst is out of the way we can look at it in a more measured manner…. yeah measured manner with a rain gauge!

The conditions overwhelmingly were the talking point but they shouldn’t be judged as the reason for the performance. It was our bewildering inability to adapt and be prepared for the conditions…. oh and it was also Gold Coast themselves, they brought the heat we didn’t.

Kicking a winning score was always going to be difficult without a Taberner, Walters and Switkowski. When the Suns’ mids got on top and then their forward pressure came… we got hung out to, obviously metaphorically, dry.

Some positives on a dark day, Griffin Logue’s form continued as he broke the all time Freo record for intercepts with 17. Neil Erasmus showed us signs he’ll be a career mid for the next dozen years and, while part of a beaten midfield, Will Brodie carried on his hard ball getting ways with a game high 17 contested of his 27 possessions.

Anyone who indulges in the ‘old man Malthouse trade Fyfe’ talk got a reality check. We had no one to stop the rot… A big Fyfey would have been handy.

Darcy uncharacteristically lowered his colours and, despite his best one-handed mark attempts, Lobb had no influence which left all the points with Gold Coast’s Jarrod Witts. But to be fair, they weren’t on their own. We had few winners out there Sunday.

Maybe the loss just resets the expectations and brings them back in line with reality. Improvement is never linear and teams will always throw in an uncharacteristic inexplicable one. Anomalies aren’t trend changers, we’re still on the up.

So, join us for a reviewing paddle through Sunday’s waterlogged game as we mop up the spillage and refill the expectation glass to half full.

Sonny Walters and Alex Pearce will proudly represent the collective this Sunday against Collingwood on Sir Doug Nicholls round. Time to Restump Podcast preview the clash.

We need after a response to last week. Collingwood won’t be a pushover but if we get back to playing our brand, it should hold us in good stead.

If we’re any chance of a top 4 finish, we have to bank 4 points here. You need about 15 wins a season to make the top 4. We’ve got 13 games left meaning we need to win 8 of them. We’ve got Melbourne twice, Brisbane & Carlton to come, so 4 of those 13 games are against current top 3 sides. A further 3 are against current top 8 sides…. which means 7 of our remaining 13 games are against top 8 sides. It’s a tough run home which makes Sunday’s game vital.

We look at the changes and somewhat scratch our heads in bewilderment over Brandon Walker’s omission. The selection panel obviously knows more than us and sees things we may not. Good to have Sonny, Switta & Tabs back though.

You never want to hear “put off contract talks” but Griff Logue has done just that. Sounds more agent inspired but we’ll inevitably have to have the conversation. We momentarily deal in hypotheticals about what could unfold.

Fyfey has Rd12 in his sights and despite the Malthouse madness, he’ll be a welcome return.

Connor Blakely looks done and dusted in the purple so we’re looking to support his new venture, Blakely’s Backyards.

James Clement cops a “what the hell, Jimmy!” He passed up the invitation to hop on the Restump for a chat…. and, to be fair, who could blame him… but he then accepted the invite onto the Collingwood fan pod, Pie Hard. We don’t want to exaggerate but is treasonous too strong a term?

And, no you don’t escape it, we bring it home with another episode of the Neighbourhood Watch segment.

So, if you’ve gorged yourself on all your listening content, enjoyed a second course of filling noise and you still haven’t had sufficient…. loosen your belt and click play for this purple listening snack to tide you over.

Are we placing too much credence on wet conditions for our poor performances? Time to dry out and Restump Podcast review yesterday’s hosing at the hands of the Pies.

Did we have water logged ears after drowning on the Gold Coast and were unable to hear the instruction? Did the written instruction get smudged by the rain? Is anyone down there aware of these things called weather reports?

It’s difficult to ascertain what the reasoning is behind our unpreparedness for wet weather football again. But what seemed further baffling was the inability to subsequently adapt to the conditions. If global warming doesn’t kick in soon and dry the place out…. the slide could well continue!

We’ll save the in depth talk for the pod but there did seem a worrying inability to adapt and or deal with what Collingwood brought.

The overuse of the handball signified we weren’t in the correct frame of mind and yet going +23 for contested possession and +46 for uncontested possession…. you have to scratch your head and ask questions!

Switta has been pinged for chicken winging Jack Ginnivan but we have to give a deserved rap to that man Will Brodie and, while in positive mode, that was a pretty fair game from Hayden the Young aerialist.

Pre-season, if we were told we’d be 7 & 3, we’d have suggested the person to seek medical attention. The truth is we’re in pretty good shape and we’re probably marginally ahead of expectations. We need to arrest this recent slide though because our run home is red hot!

Should we have cottoned on to Collingwood’s ruse and subbed a tall out? Given Darcy Moore was blanketing Tabs, should we have switched him to decoy? Did we get some clarity around playing the 3 talls going forward and has covid affected Blake Acres? Questions we’ll ponder on the pod.

In other news, Jojo McDonnell is asking if anyone knows any good laser tattoo removal clinics? And is Jack Ginnivan one of the Chief’s favourite players?

Its cold and its wet but at the Restump we’ll make the necessary adjustments. Yes sure, it’s simply turning the heating up a degree or two, but we’ve come in prepared and ready to adapt to the inclement podcasting conditions.

So, get your self a cup of coffee, settle down, click play and turn it up. You need something to drown out the noise of this bloody rain!

Whatever the result, let’s not let a potential crisis go to waste. It's Ok Dees we're only just having a Luke at him... for now. Time to Restump Podcast preview our clash against the Dees.

Three weeks ago this was the blockbuster game the world was looking forward to. The two weeks since, the rain has literally rained on our parade. We’re still quietly eager but we’ve got one eye on the bureau of meteorology’s weather radar!

Darcy Tucker got a big feed at WAFL level last week and returns to the side and its good to see Walker running back in. Banfield takes a rest as does the unlucky Neil Erasmus if they're not the sub, while Chicken Wing Sam sits out for the next two weeks.

Our confidence has understandably been dented over the last two games but there is always a bump or two on the road to anywhere. We’re coming off two consecutive poor losses while the Dees are looking for their 18th win on the bounce, taking into account late 2021.

But are the Dees as good as their 10 and 0 record this year suggests? They’ve had a favourable draw and a few unexpected teams have gotten close to them. Or are they just coasting, knowing they can click up a few gears when required?

This is an appropriate challenge for us, especially after the last two disappointing losses. If we had a West Coast or a North Melbourne this week and won, we’d learn nothing.

We’ll leave the rest for the pod and we’ll cover Sammy Sturt’s clip from coach Justin Longmuir, Fyfe’s imminent return, Switta’s verdict and we’ll look at some indigenous stats from Freo and that rabble club up the road.

The big news, which we can all dine out on for at least a month, though is the securing of the official signature of Hayden Young for a further four years, beyond the completion of his current contract ending post season 2023.

Jojo McDonnell’s work ethic and commitment is called into question once more as, believe it or not, he is once again poncing about in the south west partaking in an endless winery crawl. So, we’ll get an explanation from him but I can't guarantee it will be coherent.

We’re actually really looking forward to Saturday arvo for our one and only home and away season appearance at the MCG.

So until then if you’re looking for some purple noise to bang your ear drums… there’s 40+ minutes right here which we take absolutely no responsibility for any damage caused.

We might never lose again… unless it rains! Time to Restump Podcast the spectacular win against the Dees!

That’s the one in all in team performance we’ve come to know and love. 22 players ironically executing their individual roles as a collective. We can’t even remember the last 2 weeks now!

23 inside fifties for 2 goals 7 behinds in the 1st half. In the second half we racked up 30 inside fifties for 12 goals 3 behinds… and Gloria Estefan reckons she can turn the beat around!

Is Rory Lobb starting to have concerns about his future earnings? He was frustratingly outstanding. Give us that Rory on a weekly basis!

Half time Hayden Young was thinking, “I just signed on for 4 years, what was I thinking.” End of the game he said to himself, “why didn’t I sign on for longer.”

Brandon Walker now has to be a mainstay; Jordan Clark is mocking Geelong each week and who knew we were getting a ridiculous Mr Dependable when Will Brodie trekked interstate!

Sean Darcy went to another level in the second half. Laying tackles, winning ground ball… he’s a big lumbering midfielder trapped in a ruckman’s body!

And it’s all about Freddy! He’s been doing all the hard yards all year, selflessly influencing games without the ball and it was his turn to fill his boots! Stooging players, selling candy, flick backs….. it’s Freddy’s game and he just allows us to watch

But the result was in doubt without Jimmy Aish’s unbelievable 2nd half job on Clayton Oliver. After getting 24 touches and tearing us apart in the 1st half, Aish restricted Oliver to just 12 disposals all while snaring a dozen of his own after the long break. Just a herculean effort.

So much more to dissect, analyse and sing praises of. We cover the lot and then round for home with Jojo’s new segment "Mark Harvey Stories" and finish up with another pointless Neighbourhood Watch.

We’re all still buzzing from Saturday so it might pay to substitute the coffee for a cup of calming tea while you kick back and generously donate us an hour of your listening life….. wait a minute… what is wrong with you…. life is precious and you’re throwing it away on us? Yes we know, it’s the purple noise that is addictive, not us!

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Half a fit Fyfe would be handy! But you don’t want to go in rushed and underprepared like we've gone into this difficult Restump Podcast preview of our clash with Lachie Neale's Lions.

Jojo wanting to do the preview in between drinks on his swimming pool bar crawl in Bali is probably the time to realise you need to start holding yourself to the same disciplinary account you hold your team’s players to.

Sunday’s game is a tricky assignment to assess. Brisbane are 9 wins and 2 losses but they’ve only played 2 top 8 sides, resulting in a win and a loss. We have played 4 top 8 sides for 3 wins and a loss.

Brisbane is a high scoring side, having kicked 100 points in each of their last 6 games. But we’ve allowed 27 goals less kicked against us than Brisbane has against them. We can probably cover Chappy’s out but no Sonny, Tabs and Switta hurts our scoring ability. Its all over the shop!

Brisbane haven’t been a great travelling team but they’ve won 4 of 6 away this year. Have they improved or has it been the predominantly bottom eight opponents they’ve faced away from home?

Can Schultzy, Freddy, Banfield and co contain Charlie Cameron, Zac Bailey, Linc McCarthy and Cam Rayner who is starting to deliver on his hype? Our old mate Lachie Neale will get plenty of it regardless of pressure applied.

Daniel Rich, as he so often does, holds one of many meaningful keys to the game. Some level of constant influential negating attention wouldn’t be the worst decision made. Schultzy, Freddy… if you’re listening?

How will our forward line function? With Meek into the side and Taberner out, Darcy should spend big minutes forward. Can Meek go with Oscar McInerny? One thing for sure is we’re going to need the Lobb of last week to show up again this week.

It would have been nice to see Neil Razzamatazzmus get a gig but, who knows, there could be a late in lifeline.

We’re asking a lot of questions, we try to make heads and tails of them, but we might just have to wait until Sunday to find out the answers.

In other news, Sebit Kuek has swaggered in and, while he may be a project player, he looks a decent throw at the stumps. Disco Nathan signed on for a further 2 years but he wasn’t going anywhere, and Will Brodie is apparently Fremantle’s classiest kick while West Coast’s Tim Kelly is the league’s worst.

The usually reliable Paul Hasleby put in a dodgy one yesterday calling for the club to go after Tex Walker. His logic makes sense and everyone deserves forgiveness for a mistake but we don’t want to disrupt our long-term build or stray from the path we’re on.

This game is a head scratcher, it’s difficult to work out and the process wasn’t helped by Jojo deciding to take holidays in season! But we scraped through, acknowledging there is plenty of upside.

So if you’re looking to get rid of 40 precious minutes of your life and you accept the reality you can never get them back, then just remove any listening content standard you may have, recheck you have nothing better to do, and then click play and endure the nonsense.

Geelong, Melbourne and now Brisbane. Once is a chance, twice is a coincidence, three times is a trend! Time to Restump Podcast Freo’s eventual taming of the Lions on Sunday.

There was something about the Bailey's in that game, Zac Bailey and Bailey Banfield each kicked four but we'll focus on the latter.

Straight off the top, you're not human if you weren't thrilled for Bailey Banfield. The serial sub, battling with confidence, got his chance and delivered arguably his career best game when it was most vital. Who knows what happens in future weeks but JL now has an extra headache to deal with, albeit a positive one.

From the meaningful game perspective, if you had any doubts or weren’t convinced in the authenticity of this Fremantle football club’s performances and its trajectory, Sunday surely put your concerns to rest.

This was a definitive display that truly signalled this team has arrived. And not from an outlandish “the premiership is ours” perspective, but from a belief that we should fear no team, knowing that we’ll turn up and deliver required and respected effort…. unless the weather turns a bit damp. We still need to tick that box!

This performance over Brisbane was compelling because the Lions were absolutely on their game, they were ferocious from siren to siren and relentless with their pressure. We combatted it, matched it, upped it and counterpunched our way to one of the clubs most significant victories, and we did it with a team averaging 25 years of age and without a Walters, a Matty Taberner, a Switta and a Fyfe.

It is a game in which the unsung heroes rightfully became a little less unsung. The value in being able to turn to and bring in an Ethan Hughes and a Lloyd Meek and have them instantly play at the level they did, cannot be overstated. Quality list depth is invaluable and a key ingredient of long term and meaningful success.

We continue this praise singing extravaganza in the pod, we chat individuals, our favourite single moment, cover what’s doing in Fyfe life and bring it home with another instalment of the Neighbourhood Watch.

We’re already late with this internationally recorded but definitely not renowned podcast, so let’s stop banging on about it here and get into the conversation.

You can be a lover and fighter, which is why we’ll love taking down the War Hawks. Time to Restump Podcast Saturday’s Freddyless clash against the once mighty Hawthorn side.

Whenever we play the Hawks, instantly the painful memory of the 2013 Grand final resurfaces. To be fair, it probably burns David Mundy more than anyone but maybe it’s been the motivation he has used to solider on.

On top of that we have an atrocious record against the once powerful Hawthorn team, being 11 wins and 28 losses. But this is a new era, we’re a new Fremantle team and we head into the battle with a clean slate and without fear or favour. There are no longer any Hawkish monkeys on our backs!

We welcome back Sonny, Switta and finally that man Fyfe. With an 80% chance of precipitation, Captain Fyfe might be the umbrella for our recent inclement weather concerns.

Let's hope Sam Mitchell's hasn't passed on his former playing day tactics otherwise Fyfey might end up with another Hawk cork!

They’re a tricky bunch these young cocky Hawks as they have an air of unpredictability about them. They’ve beaten Port Adelaide, Geelong, Richmond and Brisbane…. they got within 10 points of Melbourne, almost knocked over Collingwood and they fell by the narrowest of margins to Carlton. That’s the form of a team with capabilities on the up, but they can put in a dodgy one.

But the stats that allows us to enter the game with a respectful and healthy confidence lie in the defence standings. We’re second in the league for restricting opposition scoring while the Hawks are twelfth. With Mitch Lewis out of their side, its difficult to see them kicking a substantial score. Sorry JL we might have just gotten ahead of ourselves.

We talk Freddy and his not so sneaky six-day break sip. It’s JL’s 50th and we take a step back and admire what he has astonishingly achieved in such a short period of time, the ridiculous Griffin Logue talk is increasing, the imbecilic 'trade Fyfe' nonsense is lingering and then we round for home with an interesting Ask Jojo question.

Getting us across the finishing line, the Chief, believe it or not, is orchestrating one final attempt at getting Ryan Crowley on the podcast for a special bye weekend episode and he’s putting the call out to everyone to join the campaign… or as he calls it, The Clampaign.

So, if you’re a glutton for ear insulting punishment, pick up a six day break breaching six pack, push play and pass the time listening to this purple nonsense before participating in the Chief’s poxy podcast plan.

Maybe getting ahead of ourselves is too much, but how about 'Hawkish' on our prospects? Time to Restump Podcast review the hard-fought win over the Hawks.

Hawthorn is a pretty decent 13th placed team! They brought their best and ran us to the wire but 3rd quarters are our specialty, we stuck the fork in the hawk and it was done.

Did we overuse the handball? We only had 88 more than Hawthorn so…. yeah just a bit! But everyone got amongst the disposals as we ended up with a record equalling 13 players on 20 or more possessions.

But make no mistake we won the game largely because we somehow managed to consistently generate scores from minimal forward 50 entries. We set our season record of scoring 53% of the time, meaning we went at a rate of hitting the scoreboard every 1.9 forward entries. Not bad considering our season average 43%.

Andy Brownlowshaw was at his Brayshaw best but he probably got trumped for best on ground honours by secret celebratory handshake mate, Caleb Serong. Caleb’s hands are so quick they’re blurry. He’d be one hell of a pickpocket if this footy thing ever goes wrong.

Sonny Walters went up another level, back to his brilliant best. He’s turned in a Richie Benaud on Saturday, 2 goals from 22 possessions. A match high 11 score involvements tells you how team oriented the great man is.

And down back Brennan Cox was controlled the defence marking everything. He could have plucked a low flying seagull out of the air had he tried! And whatever Coxy didn’t mark, Hayden Young did, as the pair took 20% of the teams grabs on the day. Young’s signature was a handy one the other week.

The negative to come out of the game was obviously Blake Acres’ hamstring. We got a glimpse of how much this caper means to these guys as Blake was left distraught on the side-lines. The bye has come at the right time for him.

So, we put the plucky Hawks to bed and we enter the bye in ripping shape both on the ladder and, bigger picture wise, in terms of healthy personnel.

We dissect Fyfe’s return, his forward craft and look at how his reintegration into the midfield went. Bloody decent performance in isolation at least!

We secured a non-binding agreement from Ryan “Clamp” Crowley to come on the pod and it was the persuasion of everyone who helped us get him. So, thanks to all. He is in Europe so he can’t do the bye pod but he will come on when he returns.

Jojo, believe it or not, decided to extend his holiday so we’re still recording across oceans but he assures me this will be the last one. Inflation? Water off a duck's back to him!

You would think the West Coast Eagles would be able to stay out of the headlines during a bye, but no, Tricky Trevor Nisbett has presented us with a podcast closing Neighbourhood Watch.

So, while we’re off looking to secure a bye round podcast guest, feel free to give this hour of purple poxless monkey business a whirl.


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