The Serious Covid Thread - For Those Who Want Serious Discussion

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Mainstream media is turning more into sensationalist, tabloid bullshit every day. Clickbait crap rather than actual facts

Agree. They go for Clickbait instead of Facts.

But I okay to be Harsh to stop the Spread
I have no doubt about that.
What I do doubt is the Government’s opinion that the virus can be locked down by vaccination of the populace.
The virus has already exhibited its ability to mutate in short time. The Government have already exhibited the ability to shut borders, under threat of fines and jail time, in short time.
To believe that the Government will deliver on a “promise” of zero quarantine days is simply to ignore the precedent set by the same Government in the last 12 months.
There is zero guarantee that if you venture overseas you will be granted return access.
Pretty easy, if you've gone overseas since the initial COVID outbreak (without some sort of absurdly valid reasoning) you're a ****ing idiot.

Federal Govt's ban on visitors from India right now is absolutely spot on.
Just remember Dave, the vaccine is not a cure.
It does not prevent you from contracting Covid.
Its purpose is to stop you ending up in intensive care.
All we need is for covid to stop being a disease that puts people in intensive care. Once that happens, who cares if it still spreads like a common cold or a minor strain of the flu. Plus it's significantly stopping spread too. Check out the data from Israel - schools went back, entertainment venues and resaurants opened back up with 3500 cases a day. With all this stuff open, they're now down to double figure cases and very few covid related deaths - so far, it's worked a lot more quickly and effectively than Victoria's lockdown.

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If the Morrison Government does up the quarantine facilities, outside of cities CBD’s, then unfettered (for the majority) travel may still happen in 2022. But there will always be regulations about this travel. Negative test within 48/72 hours of return, 14 days in government/home isolation. The bare minimum that must be enforced for years to come.

It's unlikely that the Morrison government (or any other Australian government) will come up with a novel solution. Australia will ultimately follow what other countries do. They've been smart enough to follow China and NZ so far, rather than copying Europe and the States like we usually do.

Many countries will open up by the end of the year. In less than two weeks time, Israel is allowing vaccinated tour groups to enter without quarantine - PCR negative before departure and on arrival and a test of whether the traveller is vaccinated - no quarantine after results. If it goes well, they're planning on individual travellers to enter under the same tests in July. A lot of other countries will try slightly different things. Once Australia is vaccinated, Australia will choose one countries plan which has been effective. God knows what it will be, but I'll be surprised if it's 2 weeks quarantine to the majority of countries for many years to come.
All we need is for covid to stop being a disease that puts people in intensive care. Once that happens, who cares if it still spreads like a common cold or a minor strain of the flu. Plus it's significantly stopping spread too. Check out the data from Israel - schools went back, entertainment venues and resaurants opened back up with 3500 cases a day. With all this stuff open, they're now down to double figure cases and very few covid related deaths - so far, it's worked a lot more quickly and effectively than Victoria's lockdown.

Hopefully when just about everyone gets Vaccinated this what will Happen.

They won't worry about Cases the only thing they be looking for is IF cases that send people to Hospital
P.S. You cannot seriously compare the lockdown, when there was no access to vaccines (in fact there was no vaccine) to Israel?
I wasn't being critical of the lockdown. I was saying that it was effective and that the vaccine in Israel has also been effective really quickly.
The freedom loving States are approaching 600,000 deaths.
The repatriation flights from India show that we are in the right track. 25%+ of people who wanted to fly tested positive to the Indian Covid. That’s a huge percentage if you take into account the fact 10,000+ people want out of India.
And could you imagine how many more would have been infected in flight?
We might not be “freedom loving” right now, but we are taking steps to protect citizens in our soil and preventing overwhelming of our health system.
They've just approved Pfizer in the states to 12+ years of age, which will help, and they're trying a lot of carrots to encourage vaccination, but I think they need to aldd in some sticks.
Was it only less than a month ago we were in discuss with Singapore about a travel bubble?
And the biggest cluster comes from the International Airport. Tells us a lot about our future in regards to flying.

If the Singaporeans are having issues I can't imagine what will happen at Australian airports...
So by Getting the Astrazanica Vaccine I got the Shit One?

Then read this:

I am Confused
Be Many More Years before we can think of Traveling Overseas.

Even Risks during going to Different States with Possibly getting Stuck into Lockdown/Quarantine IF you are in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Travel bubbles are the go. I wanna go to NZ to see my daughter

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Travel bubbles are the go. I wanna go to NZ to see my daughter

Well you can go to NZ Now as long as your State is not got a Case in it.

Quicker we are Vaccinated probably the Quicker Bubbles will be setup - Other Country also need to be well Vaccinated
Besides Dave, who else has been vaccinated?

I have been asked by my doctor to make an appointment but I don't want to take AZ. In the USA, you have a choice of 4.
I am actually willing to pay for the vaccine of my choice which is either Moderna or Pfizer.

Here? One depending on the age group/risk factor.

Talking to others in my age group especially migrants over 50, none have any confidence in AZ and aren't going to be vaccinated. I doubt we will reach herd immunity at this rate.
Besides Dave, who else has been vaccinated?

I have been asked by my doctor to make an appointment but I don't want to take AZ. In the USA, you have a choice of 4.
I am actually willing to pay for the vaccine of my choice which is either Moderna or Pfizer.

Here? One depending on the age group/risk factor.

Talking to others in my age group especially migrants over 50, none have any confidence in AZ and aren't going to be vaccinated. I doubt we will reach herd immunity at this rate.

Then guess we still have Lockdowns until most people get Vaccinated.

Then those who choose not to get Vaccinated can't sook about them

Not sure when Pfizer and the Other one be able to be used by anyone.

Not a Fan of people paying to Jump the Queue
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Besides Dave, who else has been vaccinated?

I have been asked by my doctor to make an appointment but I don't want to take AZ. In the USA, you have a choice of 4.
I am actually willing to pay for the vaccine of my choice which is either Moderna or Pfizer.

Here? One depending on the age group/risk factor.

Talking to others in my age group especially migrants over 50, none have any confidence in AZ and aren't going to be vaccinated. I doubt we will reach herd immunity at this rate.

I’ve just had my first shot - AZ and have absolutely zero concerns about it. My advice to you is follow your GP’s recommendation and if your doctor is asking you to get the AZ vax then that’s the right way to go. The notion of vax “shopping” or having a “preferred choice” vax is one that has arisen from sensationalist and overly simplistic media coverage, and is a real shame because it has led to vaccine refusal.

Right from the outset, Pfizer vax was presented as the “best” and the AZ vax as inferior and the narrative has remained the same since. Risk and statistical probability is complex and poorly understood by the majority of the population, more so when it is applied to health outcomes and treatments. It is also indicative of how few people actually read (let alone understand) the patient information leaflets in the carton of the medication they routinely take because if the reaction to Covid vax adverse events is anything to go by, a lot of people wouldn’t take anything they were prescribed.

The key question is: does the benefit of getting the AZ vax outweigh contracting Covid and the very low risk of a serious adverse event? That’s a discussion for the individual and their doctor, based on their medical history and current health status. It should not be based on media reporting, social media or trawling the internet.
I’ve just had my first shot - AZ and have absolutely zero concerns about it. My advice to you is follow your GP’s recommendation and if your doctor is asking you to get the AZ vax then that’s the right way to go. The notion of vax “shopping” or having a “preferred choice” vax is one that has arisen from sensationalist and overly simplistic media coverage, and is a real shame because it has led to vaccine refusal.

Right from the outset, Pfizer vax was presented as the “best” and the AZ vax as inferior and the narrative has remained the same since. Risk and statistical probability is complex and poorly understood by the majority of the population, more so when it is applied to health outcomes and treatments. It is also indicative of how few people actually read (let alone understand) the patient information leaflets in the carton of the medication they routinely take because if the reaction to Covid vax adverse events is anything to go by, a lot of people wouldn’t take anything they were prescribed.

The key question is: does the benefit of getting the AZ vax outweigh contracting Covid and the very low risk of a serious adverse event? That’s a discussion for the individual and their doctor, based on their medical history and current health status. It should not be based on media reporting, social media or trawling the internet.
I don't read or visit any other social media sites except for BF so am not influenced by them nor media reporting. I never did like the idea that this government put all their eggs in the one (AZ) basket not even bothering to engage with Moderna.

I know given my health conditions I need to be vaccinated and intend discussing with my GP.

To get anywhere near herd immunity, the government really hasn't instilled trust among those that are not fully informed. So the message is not getting across, especially since lockdowns have reduced the spread. They don't get the fact that unless they do get vaccinated, lockdowns may become a way of life, which won't make anyone of us happy.

It is also indicative of how few people actually read (let alone understand) the patient information leaflets in the carton of the medication they routinely take because if the reaction to Covid vax adverse events is anything to go by, a lot of people wouldn’t take anything they were prescribed.
Interesting that you mention this as I am lucky, my GP always discusses this when prescribing new medication and I also got into the habit of checking them out on the internet when family members are prescribed drugs that they haven't taken before. You also find some good pharmacists that ask you questions and tell you about the medication when dispensing. Which is why despite moving suburbs, I still go to the same chemist that I have been using for years.
Agree. They go for Clickbait instead of Facts.

But I okay to be Harsh to stop the Spread
All international flights into Australia should cease now. No point in a single Aussie being potentially exposed to the virus - unless they are overseas, in which case, who cares, let them soak in the covid juices of their own making and endure every possible covid symptom at its most extreme. Why not have media coverage of stranded Aussies in their final hours of life in desperate searches for respirators, set up like a race with clues, the action interspersed with comments and pleas from grieving relatives back home? Cremation vouchers could be awarded to those who don't make it. Let's milk this covid crisis for every drop of sensationalism it can deliver, while ensuring that no Aussie citizen standing on Australian soil will ever again be at risk of catching this virus.
All international flights into Australia should cease now. No point in a single Aussie being potentially exposed to the virus - unless they are overseas, in which case, who cares, let them soak in the covid juices of their own making and endure every possible covid symptom at its most extreme. Why not have media coverage of stranded Aussies in their final hours of life in desperate searches for respirators, set up like a race with clues, the action interspersed with comments and pleas from grieving relatives back home? Cremation vouchers could be awarded to those who don't make it. Let's milk this covid crisis for every drop of sensationalism it can deliver, while ensuring that no Aussie citizen standing on Australian soil will ever again be at risk of catching this virus.

Not sure IF you are Serious or not

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