Moved Thread The standard of commentary is hurting our great game

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Nov 26, 2005
AFL Club
The quality across the board is at an all time low. A shitload needs to be done for the good of the competition.

There are two basic categories of caller - those who call the game and those who call the essence of the game. The former dominates the landscape at the minute, which isn't good in itself. Footy is a tribal, emotion-charged sport and needs passionate callers to match imo. The 5AA calls, for all the criticism they cop from, quite frankly, losers, are very much in touch with the culture of this sport. The same goes for many local commentary teams across the country. They make you feel part of something, they make you feel excited about this game, even if your side isn't competing. They're biased, but they are genuine. They love footy, they live footy. They don't give earth shattering analysis, they don't attempt to unearth some hidden meaning as so many stupid commentators do (Cometti), and that's fine. Footy is momentum, and footy is emotion. They capture this most beautifully.

Clinton Grybas was an incredible caller. Once in a blue moon talent who could call the game and the essence. Every game was made more engaging and exciting by his describing it. He elevated football. Anthony Hudson can tend to do a similar job. But again, these are rare talents. It's why we so keenly feel the loss of Clinton. These guys do everything, they just have a knack, and we benefit for being on the end of their calls.

It is understood and expected that we are not going to see callers of this quality hosting every telecast. They emerge infrequently, we get that. But awkward compromises, individuals of limited competence, who don't necessarily love footy, but rather love footy as encapsulated by a particular club; those who in trying to say too much are less easily understood; these individuals should not be calling football. Dwayne Russell, Dennis Cometti, Basil Zempilas, they don't capture footy. They talk at us, and it's rarely pleasant.

What should stand in the place of these wastes of space are those who call the essence of the game. The ones who don't try (and fail) to be a Grybas or a Hudson, but who recognise that they sense and can turn the incredible sensation of football into vocal expression. No rare way with words, no special combination of attributes, just a genuine passion for football and an ability to project that emotional energy to the viewers. Those who come to mind in this category are Michael Christian and Stephen Quartermain. They, like others, have been roundly criticised. They don't describe the way the best do etc.. But they fire up. They love footy. This quality emanates from them. It's no coincidence that with the departure of these two from our television screens we find ourselves with an emotionally flatlining commentary landscape. Of course it's noticeable! Because guess what? Footy is at is best when you can feel the turn of the tide several times inside a contest, the crowd rising, the commentators just as keyed into it as you are. Voices raised, every contest a mini war to be won.

Footy is emotion and passion. The commentators to fill the landscape in with the special few should be the ones who can generate this. Not dead shit Zempilas, Russell and Cometti clones, the spuds trying to emulate an Anthony Hudson calibre of caller. I've never seen a commentary landscape so able to suck all the emotion and heart out of a game. Bring back the yellers.

A call as footy should be:

Give me heart ANY.****ING.DAY over Basil Zempilas taking about caviar at the races. **** me.
I thought the commentary in that video you posted was quite decent. Not entirely sure what was wrong with it?

There are thousands more examples of stupid and moronic commentary that you could have used from this season alone let alone going back 3 years ago.

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I thought the commentary in that video you posted was quite decent. Not entirely sure what was wrong with it?

There are thousands more examples of stupid and moronic commentary that you could have used from this season alone let alone going back 3 years ago.

Yeah, that was an example of a good call. I cleared that up.
They all talk crap because they are not allowed to say what they really think because they are paid not to say anything bad about the game.
What was once a passion calling our great game is now purely and simply a pay cheque for them. I would guess when they put their head on the pillow each night they would be just as disgusted with the rules committee, the MRP, the soft free kicks, the ridiculous out of bounds calls etc etc.
So they talk crap to get through it all, money makes the world go around. For these guys they get paid heaps to call football and you can bet your bottom dollar they are instructed by the AFL what they can and can't say or comment on in certain ways.
How can you call a sport when you are not allowed to be honest and actually call the game as you see it?
I thought the commentary in that video you posted was quite decent. Not entirely sure what was wrong with it?

There are thousands more examples of stupid and moronic commentary that you could have used from this season alone let alone going back 3 years ago.
That's what he is saying, that's an example of a "yeller" and what OP wants more of. I agree.
Leigh Matthews commentating the Melb vs. St. Kilda game a few weeks ago:

"Melbourne needs to kick goals if it's going to win today."


Why? Tell us WHY!? Seriously though, the analysis is limited, hardly constructive. Obviously he meant that Melbourne is struggling to kick goals, but if you say that before the game has started, the neutral supporter or newbie isn't going to know wtf you're on about it.

He seriously makes my ears bleed.

And Channel 7 is absolutely pitiful.

Hate to say it, but footy commentary died the day Clinton Grybas left us.

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See the end of the hawks/cats game a couple weeks ago. I was jumping up and down at the sheer amazement and bizarre finish of the game, whilst the commentary was having a sunday afternoon discussion over coffee.
Watch/listen to the Eddie Betts goal (of the year) v Collingwood from a number of years ago. The commentary/noise of the crowd brings tingles to the back of my neck.
Great OP.
Very well said. I made comment of it during the Swans-Dogs game, because the EPL had started the previous night and the difference in quality of commentary was immense. It really is amazing how far the standard has fallen since 10 lost the rights to 7. 10's team of Hudson, Quartermain, Christensen and even Lane were all genuine, passionate callers, and I loved their coverage every week, even if it meant putting up with blokes like Walls giving special comments.

The callers these days seem to think the game is some sort of stand up routine, with more effort put into coming up with some sort of witty one-liner than anything else. I point to McAveny on the weekend who's desperate attempts to be more like Commetti are sickening. Mumford was tackled by a Dogs player and the ball came free to be 'wrapped up' by two other players. Bruce's call however was, 'Mummy wrapped up, wrapped up, still wrapped up.. I guess Mummies usually are!' which was so obviously pre-planned that it was all at the same time embarrassing that that was the best joke his intellect could come up with, and at the same time frustrating that callers go into games with pre-conceived 'lines' about certain players that are used to heighten their own reputation as 'off-the-cuff geniuses'.

Callers should be calling the game, not talking about inane side-line things. If they are bored by the game, tough, they're there to call it. Commetti once physically yawned in a Swans-Blues game - I think it was our mauling by them last year - in his 'humerous' attempt to demonstrate how boring the game was getting. That is the most unprofessional, amateur demonstration of calling I have ever witnessed to this day, and 7's commentary team still winds me up as a result.

Brian Taylor was showing signs of it at Fox and has embraced it totally since his move to 7. Last year whenever he exclaimed 'Wowee!' it was as a genuinely off the cuff reaction to an amazing bit of play, and he was becoming one of my favourite callers because of the way he channelled his passion for the game into his call. These days, between his imitation of a sewing machine when calling Josh Kennedy's run up, and going off at every second passage of play, he is becoming a cheap version of the product that he served last year.

I am glad that Hudson hasn't been lost to the game, as he has been my favourite caller for as long as I can remember - probably due to calling the Nick Davis snap that remains as one of my most memorable in footy - and as you say, he exudes a passion rarely seen in callers today.

Turn on an EPL match, and despite there being 2-3 goals a game, the commentators provide a professional standard of commentary, whilst capturing the mood of the game. In AFL we get 2-3 goals every 5 minutes, and yet can't provide the same standard. The mind truly boggles.
Leigh Matthews commentating the Melb vs. St. Kilda game a few weeks ago:

"Melbourne needs to kick goals if it's going to win today."

Nothing tops Tim Watson in Rd 3 telling us that the game would begin in the centre of the ground.
matthews must've got a couple of head knocks, because the man seriously has trouble putting full coherent sentances most of the time, he's a legend of the game, but he's intolerable.
sick of hearing about the 'interrrppeettation of the deliberate out of bounds reeeeewwwwllll'
You can criticise Cometti all you like but I would rather him than Luke Darcy or Brian Taylor anyday. I have to turn the sound down on the latter two in case I lose track of the game.
Cometti , as most know is arguably the best footy caller of all time . As has been stated a lot also , it seem's like he's better without Bruce . Cometti's best call's were his pre channel 9 day's . 9 did us no favor's by encouraging him to try and be funny all the time . In his earlier day's at 7 they would'nt allow the jokes etc but 9 did and so do 7 now Apart from Bruce and Dennis , channel 7 caller's suck as doe's it coverage !
Grybas has left a huge black hole filled by ****wit's like Taylor , Zemp ( more like shemp ) and Rompingwins .
Bring back Sandy Roberts..............haha .
Another thing I'll add. Don't let Dunstall call games with average sides in it.

He doesn't hide the fact he can't be ****ed being at the game to call it and from start to finish will make snide comments about the standard of the game.
1st world problems lads.

Really if you cant watch a game without the commentary just being a secondary sensory source then you obviously aren't engrossed enough.
Brian Taylor was showing signs of it at Fox and has embraced it totally since his move to 7. Last year whenever he exclaimed 'Wowee!' it was as a genuinely off the cuff reaction to an amazing bit of play, and he was becoming one of my favourite callers because of the way he channelled his passion for the game into his call. These days, between his imitation of a sewing machine when calling Josh Kennedy's run up, and going off at every second passage of play, he is becoming a cheap version of the product that he served last year.

I could tolerate Taylor before this year. Now he's beyond horrible.

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Moved Thread The standard of commentary is hurting our great game

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