No Oppo Supporters The TAN 79

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View attachment 1424866
Ozzy outside the GMHBA stadium.
We discussed social issues when I was in school as well.

We were taught about racism and why its bad. Those bloody lefty woke teachers!!!!!
You were taught racism is bad.

Today children are led to believe that if they’re white then they’re racist. They are shamed and humiliated for being white/male. They are forced to apologise on behalf of their gender/race.

That’s the difference and you’ve just highlighted how well you had it as a kid, which proves my point.

And the fact you ignored the sexuality part did not go unnoticed :)
You were taught racism is bad.

Today children are led to believe that if they’re white then they’re racist. They are shamed and humiliated for being white/male. They are forced to apologise on behalf of their gender/race.

That’s the difference and you’ve just highlighted how well you had it as a kid, which proves my point.

And the fact you ignored the sexuality part did not go unnoticed :)

I see you're reading right wing propaganda on twitter and taking it as fact.

Don't believe everything you read online, I have young nephews in school and know people who are teachers and I know for a fact that kids are not being shamed for being white/male or whatever.

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I see you're reading right wing propaganda on twitter and taking it as fact.

Don't believe everything you read online, I have young nephews in school and know people who are teachers and I know for a fact that kids are not being shamed for being white/male or whatever.
O really?

DF8F5A2F-1746-49AF-80A8-A123476F9C0C.jpeg F1FDB3EF-FDE5-4B8F-8169-F648263E15E6.jpeg F789F815-632E-476B-9CAC-E94A2D634952.jpeg 11DA4F9B-2B8F-40E5-9377-8606F01F7535.jpeg FF46845C-5C9B-4BC2-B0E3-D01490454A0C.jpeg

Second one lost his job, so clearly its not widespread or condoned.

First one, I would like to see the full story.

Same with the third one, maybe this group of boys were actually showing sexist behaviour and the parents blindly defended them and played the victim?

Hard to tell without the full story.

Plus, this is three schools out of how many in the country?
Second one lost his job, so clearly its not widespread or condoned.

First one, I would like to see the full story.

Same with the third one, maybe this group of boys were actually showing sexist behaviour and the parents blindly defended them and played the victim?

Hard to tell without the full story.

Plus, this is three schools out of how many in the country?
Also Channel 7 is not a reputable news source
Just seemed like a couple of isolated incidents of teaches who have gone off book
Anyone with even a little bit of knowledge of the education system knows that teaches don’t actually choose what they teach
They are given a curriculum that they follow
Just seemed like a couple of isolated incidents of teaches who have gone off book
Anyone with even a little bit of knowledge of the education system knows that teaches don’t actually choose what they teach
They are given a curriculum that they follow
I’d be amazed if he even completed any form of education let alone have a understanding of how it works.
Also as for the people getting offended and upset by people choosing to use pronouns, I personally don’t understand it, but it has no impact on me what so ever so who gives a ****.
I saw this the other day which perfectly sums it up, if some fragile loser things this makes me woke that days more about them then me.
I’d be amazed if he even completed any form of education let alone have a understanding of how it works.
Also as for the people getting offended and upset by people choosing to use pronouns, I personally don’t understand it, but it has no impact on me what so ever so who gives a *.
I saw this the other day which perfectly sums it up, if some fragile loser things this makes me woke that days more about them then me.
View attachment 1425381
I personally don't care that much either....

But a name (something you get to choose and apply how you want) vs physical gender (which is what it is unless you physically change it) are not the same thing for comparison.

People can identify as whatever they want, and I have no problem with that at all. But you can't also get upset at others who merely state a physical fact (he for a male and she for a female) as they are not wrong. You might not agree to the same moral code to respect someone else's beliefs, but that issue has been around forever with one religion v another religion, religion v science etc etc.

If I say I identify as a doughnut, you'd rightfully think I was a farkwitt and you would be right. You wouldn't be expected to call me Doughnut Hank...

If you are a male, and someone who believes in science and biology refers to you as a he or him, they have the right to do so based on their beliefs not just change based on yours.

Personally, I just call people whatever they want to be called, as I said it's no big issue to me, but I certainly do understand/respect people's right to not comply with what others expect of them to a point.
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