No Oppo Supporters The TAN 84 - NO yank politics.Brand names with a dash of groupthink

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Do you play Mike Tyson’s punch out using the powerglove?
nah aussie rules footy and shadow warriors

Commodore 64 games 1982-1986 were the most playable. Graphics, sound, loading time sucked in hindsight but we just munched on a razz whilst the ceiling fan spinned on low in the 35 degree heat and got on with it

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We owned a commodore VIC-20 which I think preceded the 64. It ran off a tape player and most of them never worked and used to piss me off big time. I remember being pretty jealous of my mates who owned a 64, but remember being prettty confused by the long Command which had to be written in each time you wanted the games to work
Couple of my mates had Amiga 500s. Those things were impressive for their time. I remember the games being pretty slick
I went from an Atari to a Commodore 64 to an Amiga

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Can someone help me settle a bet. if I've got 3 towels on a clothes line and they take 3 hours to dry, then 6 towels will obviously take 6 hours to dry.

That's right isn't it.

If you put two steaks of the same size on the BBQ, would they take double the time as one steak?

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No Oppo Supporters The TAN 84 - NO yank politics.Brand names with a dash of groupthink

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