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I mean, its not something that should be ignored but it is making people overly paranoid over normal weather events.
So in far east Gippsland fire breaks aren’t maintained anymore because we are out of logging in Vic (on hardwoods). The state govt hasn’t maintained burn off programs and volunteers are still required to have a covid jab. And we got rid of Elvis for a smaller model.
We are gonna have a massive fire at some stage. Some people, politicians and media will say it’s climate change. No, it’s actually a broke government and poor policy decisions which is the big contributor to what’s coming. And believe me, we are a big fire waiting to happen out there.
Back when the radio was worth listening to.
D Gen, Martin Molloy and Hatzis good times .
Now compare the dire farkn teeth pulling exercise that is radio these days FMD
Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O can just FRO. How anyone listens to that garbage is beyond me.
So in far east Gippsland fire breaks aren’t maintained anymore because we are out of logging in Vic (on hardwoods). The state govt hasn’t maintained burn off programs and volunteers are still required to have a covid jab. And we got rid of Elvis for a smaller model.
We are gonna have a massive fire at some stage. Some people, politicians and media will say it’s climate change. No, it’s actually a broke government and poor policy decisions which is the big contributor to what’s coming. And believe me, we are a big fire waiting to happen out there.

Jesus mate stay safe and get out of there

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So in far east Gippsland fire breaks aren’t maintained anymore because we are out of logging in Vic (on hardwoods). The state govt hasn’t maintained burn off programs and volunteers are still required to have a covid jab. And we got rid of Elvis for a smaller model.
We are gonna have a massive fire at some stage. Some people, politicians and media will say it’s climate change. No, it’s actually a broke government and poor policy decisions which is the big contributor to what’s coming. And believe me, we are a big fire waiting to happen out there.
Typical bureaucractic buffoons running our state. Keep safe out there.
You are more likely to get a quality pizza in the north and west. Rarely let's you down from my experience.

But there is so much more. Best kebabs best Vietnamese best curries etc etc
My memory of Footerscray is bloody good tucka, Foods of the world for buggerall cost. Hidden African treasures there.
So in far east Gippsland fire breaks aren’t maintained anymore because we are out of logging in Vic (on hardwoods). The state govt hasn’t maintained burn off programs and volunteers are still required to have a covid jab. And we got rid of Elvis for a smaller model.
We are gonna have a massive fire at some stage. Some people, politicians and media will say it’s climate change. No, it’s actually a broke government and poor policy decisions which is the big contributor to what’s coming. And believe me, we are a big fire waiting to happen out there.
Sheet bloke. Insured up I hope. Build a dungeon and make the Pub survives.
not sure if you can get them in Australia anymore but taytos cheese and onion crisps will knock your head off

Check your local Coles in the international aisle with the british snacks.
Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O can just FRO. How anyone listens to that garbage is beyond me.

Stopped listening to the radio by choice once Richard Mercer dropped his love song dedications. 🤣🤣🤣
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