SCANDAL The veteran, his mate and the campaigner

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The Dragons have been sticking their finger up to the SFA for seasons now. In S36 OOBs lost 10 premiership points and I got banned as captain from playing most of the season because we named fumbler from the dragons on our squad list. Dragons knowingly and falsely asserted he was still their player and pushed the committee to penalize and destroy OOBs cup to cup hopes. All their claims were proven false as fumbler did join OOBs when he showed up. I cannot wait to see what penalties are placed on the Dragons S38 for actually listing and playing a banned player who effected not only the H&A session but took beez and other SFA award votes from legitimate players, hence effecting the true and proper outcomes.

Personally I think the best outcome would be to ban the Dragons from playing S38 thereby making it a 12 team comp of fair legal teams and get rid of the BYE that so many people don't like (except OOB we #LoveTheBye)
this is the best idea i've heard.

you should send this to your committee rep
So TL;DR, Greenery is a campaigner? This isn't news

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The Dragons have been sticking their finger up to the SFA for seasons now. In S36 OOBs lost 10 premiership points and I got banned as captain from playing most of the season because we named fumbler from the dragons on our squad list. Dragons knowingly and falsely asserted he was still their player and pushed the committee to penalize and destroy OOBs cup to cup hopes. All their claims were proven false as fumbler did join OOBs when he showed up. I cannot wait to see what penalties are placed on the Dragons S38 for actually listing and playing a banned player who effected not only the H&A session but took beez and other SFA award votes from legitimate players, hence effecting the true and proper outcomes.

Personally I think the best outcome would be to ban the Dragons from playing S38 thereby making it a 12 team comp of fair legal teams and get rid of the BYE that so many people don't like (except OOB we #LoveTheBye)
Very eloquently put, Turbo. An argument that your representative will get the opportunity to air when the Committee meets next no doubt.

But there’s a lesson for us all isn’t there in how the fickle finger of fate can turn full circle and wind up pointing back at ourselves.

Whilst serial_thrilla may have been hoodwinked by a wily old fox, he was left to rue the loss of a potentially great captain.

Your losses in S36 were recouped in full the very next season and any enjoyment from those who supported your downfall was rescinded at the next hurdle.

Who would’ve thought that karma could be dished out by a random algorithm?

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