Conspiracy Theory There actually are people (State and non-State actors) who ARE brainwashing you, and most of you don't actually know it's happening.

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Sorry - do you mean that specifically in relation to the Obama clandestine channels stuff? As in when you delved a bit further there wasn't much there?
Wasnt referring to that but just CT in general on Qmum the user, a real lunatic, so many like that.

Clandestine channels is the phrase the twitter poster used. Im guessing they mean white house email service, and/or social media private took wikileaks to uncover it, so was even hidden in itself.

Also, there have been many sleuths who have uncovered and reported private groups on instagram, facebook,youtube, etc for engaging in child pr0n or seeming child traffickibg discussions, like very clear wordage, all those wayfair and ebay exorbitant prices for things.

Other stuff exists and doesnt seem fake like video of inside Comet Ping Pong with seeming references, or Cannibal Club, or other trafficking secret videos that have popped up if you see them it's obvious
I've literally shown you posts on this very forum, from GG.exe that contain deliberate misinformation, that link the laptop to Pizzagate.

Let's have GG.exe answer the question for us. He's the most pilled person on this forum.


''Does Hunter Bidens Laptop potentially contain evidence of a child sex trafficking ring, implicating the Bidens, and many prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites?''

Yes or No.
You are so far down the disinfo rabbit hole dude. The story has nothing to do with pizzagate or qanon. A legit story got buried because of cookers like you. Useful idiots is the term used to describe people like you.

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Have a look at BlueE or zill

Both of them strongly oppose wealthy oligarchs and billionaires, paedos, sex offenders, and corrupt politicians. They think a select cabal of 'wealthy oligarchs' are trying to 'impose socialism on the world'.

Both of them also simp for Trump, Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

So you know, simping for wealthy billionaires, sex offenders and corrupt politicians most of whom are literally Soviets or ex Soviets.

Neither of them see the clear disconnect there. They're going to keep targeting Biden on social media, and continue simping for Trump and Russian oligarchs, becauase that's what the Russians have been telling them to do.

Stop for a second, and think about it.

You guys have been the victims of an elaborate psy-op.
This is just BS. I mentioned the laptop story due to you constantly going on about russian disinfo, and I used that as an example of a legit story being buried due to a vague notion of russian disinfo being connected to it. The fact you still can't seperate the story from some random twitter post about qanon shows how cooked you are.
This is just BS. I mentioned the laptop story due to you constantly going on about russian disinfo, and I used that as an example of a legit story being buried due to a vague notion of russian disinfo being connected to it. The fact you still can't seperate the story from some random twitter post about qanon shows how cooked you are.
Those Karens and Sheeple are entrapped by algorithms too.

Remember, basic truth, the real world controllers play both sides, two wings of the same corrupt greedy bird.
This is just BS. I mentioned the laptop story due to you constantly going on about russian disinfo.

It's only relevant to Russian disinfo as it was picked up with the rest of the disinfo.

Turns out the laptop itself existed.

Now its being pushed with disinfo attached. That GG.exe is literally posting on this forum.
Also, there have been many sleuths who have uncovered and reported private groups on instagram, facebook,youtube, etc for engaging in child pr0n or seeming child traffickibg discussions, like very clear wordage, all those wayfair and ebay exorbitant prices for things.


You mean on 4Chan, which is literally a site for paedos to post lolita videos and pics?
It's only relevant to Russian disinfo as it was picked up with the rest of the disinfo.

Turns out the laptop itself existed.

Now its being pushed with disinfo attached. That GG.exe is literally posting on this forum.
You are absolutely cooked. I have posted the story that was censored, it had nothing to do with qanon. When it was initially censored, it was said to be disinfo, and even after it is confirmed legit, you still cling to that idea. You have been utterly and completely manipulated by the media that didn't want this story to get out. The linking of this story to disinfo is literally propaganda and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
You are absolutely cooked. I have posted the story that was censored, it had nothing to do with qanon. When it was initially censored, it was said to be disinfo, and even after it is confirmed legit, you still cling to that idea. You have been utterly and completely manipulated by the media that didn't want this story to get out. The linking of this story to disinfo is literally propaganda and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

As far as I can tell your argument is that because the laptop existed then it was not disinformation. I think Malifice is arguing that even though the laptop existed there was that much disinformation it was "censored" because it appeared to be mostly fabricated.

Here's a post from a resident crackpot who believed everything. This was posted before the 2020 US election, so the information was out there and as Malifice is arguing, mostly it's cooker shit about pedos and incest. This is why it was lopped off, because the vast majority of it was Russian disinformation aimed at getting Trump elected.

Indeed, read the whole QAnon thread from that time, it filled with the ridiculous extremes posted in "good faith".

Pedo and incest stuff of hunter Biden is now on the Internet.


And fbi knew all about it and did nothing.
You are absolutely cooked. I have posted the story that was censored, it had nothing to do with qanon. When it was initially censored, it was said to be disinfo, and even after it is confirmed legit, you still cling to that idea. You have been utterly and completely manipulated by the media that didn't want this story to get out. The linking of this story to disinfo is literally propaganda and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

For ****s sake what about this are you not getting?

The story was caught up in the FBI's 'ban' on disinfo becuase it had all the hallmarks of adjacent Russian disinfo, and because it was already associated with Pizzagate and Qanon shit online. People were literally making the claims that the laptop contained 'child sex cabal' shit.

As I (and now others) have repeatedly shown you actual examples of from this very forum.

When it turned out the laptop actually existed, they lifted the Ban.

I know you want to see some kind of sweeping conspiracy here, but that's the story. Nothing more and nothing less.
Mate :oops:

Not even sure where to start with this :drunk:

Clandestine channels is the phrase the twitter poster used. Im guessing they mean white house email service, and/or social media private took wikileaks to uncover it, so was even hidden in itself.
You're guessing (not that Whitehouse email would even qualify as 'clandestine')? So the twitter poster didn't go on to reference the term or substantiate it at all, in any way, despite claiming "we know this for a fact"? And you thought that was 'interesting' or worthy of discussion? :drunk:

Wikileaks posted Podesta's hacked emails - hidden? Were you expecting his emails should be public as a matter of course or something? :drunk:

Also, there have been many sleuths who have uncovered and reported private groups on instagram, facebook,youtube, etc for engaging in child pr0n or seeming child traffickibg discussions, like very clear wordage, all those wayfair and ebay exorbitant prices for things.
Wayfair, just lol. One of the most batshit insane Qanon-infused clearly debunked child trafficking cooker panics of all time. Oh they're charging $30,000 for a cabinet, it can't possibly be just a cabinet, look it even has a missing girl's name! Meanwhile people are paying 100k for a jpeg of a crudely drawn ape :tearsofjoy:

One of the 'missing' kids even took to social media to assure the cookers she was fine and berate them for being so dumb.

Other stuff exists and doesnt seem fake like video of inside Comet Ping Pong with seeming references, or Cannibal Club, or other trafficking secret videos that have popped up if you see them it's obvious
There's video from inside of Comet Ping Pong (confirming it doesn't actually have a basement I assume) showing some weird art on the wall? Welp, why didn't you say so, case closed, child trafficking confirmed :drunk:

Cannibal Club, yet another just lol :drunk:

I implore you mate - just do the slightest bit of checking when you come across this stuff, rather than the current approach of just mashing 'post' on BigFooty. Apply the same level of scepticism to these sources that you do MSM. Literally 90% of the stuff you post can be confirmed as complete bullshit within about 5 mins.
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As far as I can tell your argument is that because the laptop existed then it was not disinformation. I think Malifice is arguing that even though the laptop existed there was that much disinformation it was "censored" because it appeared to be mostly fabricated.

Here's a post from a resident crackpot who believed everything. This was posted before the 2020 US election, so the information was out there and as Malifice is arguing, mostly it's cooker s**t about pedos and incest. This is why it was lopped off, because the vast majority of it was Russian disinformation aimed at getting Trump elected.

Indeed, read the whole QAnon thread from that time, it filled with the ridiculous extremes posted in "good faith".
Ha yep, thats the guy I was thinking of. What a unit.

zill, seems pretty clear that this poster thought Hunter was a pedo due to the misinformation re: minors on the laptop. And he wasn't on his own on this board from memory.

There is simply no calculus where you can argue misinformation wasn't part of the laptop story, and still is (I assume Hunter videos and pedo headlines are still up on that GTV website run by Bannon and Guo Wengui).
No, there was Russian disnfo. And still is. There is overwhelming evidence, accepted by the Republicans, ASIO, ASIS, CIA, Meta and the list goes on.

You're literally saying Russian Disinfo is fake news above.

Which shows how cooked you are (by the Russians!).
Dude these are all the same people.
Well, unlike you, there are a lot of people who not only know what Western culture is but want to be part of it. No other parts of the world enjoy what the West does. The migrant ships across the Mediterranean go only in one direction, as do the streams of people at the US-Mexican border, and those risking their lives to sail in tiny boats to Australia. Perhaps it's the appeal of the freedom - of thought, religion, speech (so far), arts, opportunity; or the civil rights; or the democracy in which anyone of any ethnic background (unlike in other cultures) can become a representative, a cabinet minister, or heavens, a President or Prime Minister; or the prosperity which is generously shared and attainable; or the standards of health, longevity and lifestyle, the bases of which were forged over many centuries by men and women achieving astonishing feats in medicine, science, music, arts, education; the constant urge for self-improvement through curiosity, self-reflection, self-criticism - a markedly Western trait.

Try to appreciate that Westerners are the luckiest people in human history, luck based on the work of those that have gone before us. We shouldn't be caving in to those that want to destroy the West but striving with all our might to preserve and improve it. Love your country.
They're just following the money.
I was referring specifically to the laptop. The FBI knew it was real, but used the social media companies to bury the story with claims of 'russian disinfo'. It shows how cooked you are, and how much of a bootlicker you are as well.

What does the Hunter Biden laptop mean?

Literally what's its significance? What would it have proven?
What does the Hunter Biden laptop mean?

Literally what's its significance? What would it have proven?

It’s Hunter Biden’s actual laptop, containing emails that reveal his dissolute lifestyle as well as highly questionable business dealings which involved peddling his father’s influence for great sums of money. Joe being referred to as “the big guy”. Before the election the contents were suppressed by the media due to allegations by the FBI that it was a fake and “Russian disinformation”. After the election it was “Oh, actually it’s legit, soz”.

Read the book, it’s all been verified, but the Dems’ propaganda arm is still playing it down.
Specifically what corruption/business dealings?
Landscape Tumbleweed GIF

As usual.
Jane – not her real name – is nervous about speaking to me. She has asked that I don’t identify her or the small, south-coast Devon town in which she lives. “I’m feeling disloyal, because I’m talking about people I’ve known for 30 to 40 years,” she says.

Jane isn’t trying to blow the whistle on government corruption or organised crime: she wants to tell me about her old meditation group. The group had met happily for decades, she says, aligned around a shared interest in topics including “environmental issues, spiritual issues and alternative health”. It included several people whom Jane considered close friends, and she thought they were all on the same page. Then Covid came.

The friend conceded that Jane was ill, but insisted it must be something other than Covid-19, because Covid wasn’t real. Jane’s hospital stay was thankfully short, but by the time she was sufficiently recovered and restrictions had lifted enough to allow her to rejoin her meditation group, things were very different.

“They have been moving generally to far-right views, bordering on racism, and really pro-Russian views, with the Ukraine war,” she says. “It started very much with health, with ‘Covid doesn’t exist’, anti-lockdown, anti-masks, and it became anti-everything: the BBC lie, don’t listen to them; follow what you see on the internet.”

Things came to a head when one day, before a meditation session – an activity designed to relax the mind and spirit, pushing away all worldly concerns – the group played a conspiratorial video arguing that 15-minute cities and low-traffic zones were part of a global plot. Jane finally gave up.


Sound like anyone we know on here?


More victims of the Russian psy-op. Ex 'health, wellness, crystals and world peace' advocates, now totally cooked by Russian misinformation and the algorithm.

Also known as 'the Pete Evans effect'.

Of course, the same people expressing the same views as Janes friends on here won't admit they're cooked (though I suspect they know on some level they've been manipulated and cooked).

You didnt connect the dots. The Russians connected them for you.

Sound like anyone we know on here?


More victims of the Russian psy-op. Ex 'health, wellness, crystals and world peace' advocates, now totally cooked by Russian misinformation and the algorithm.

Also known as 'the Pete Evans effect'.

Of course, the same people expressing the same views as Janes friends on here won't admit they're cooked (though I suspect they know on some level they've been manipulated and cooked).

You didnt connect the dots. The Russians connected them for you.

Arguably he did connect the carefully placed dots laid out and to which he was pointed in the direction of. That's the part that gets people, that they think they've actually gone and done their own research.

It's a lot like a cult; they discredit any source that disputes what they say, so that the only sources left are the ones that support what they want you to think.

Like how BlueE genuinely and legitimately believes Grayzone is an unbiased, fact based authoritative source of information.
Like how BlueE genuinely and legitimately believes Grayzone is an unbiased, fact based authoritative source of information.

Of course, he does.

The Russians told him to.

They also told him to 'discount actual real news that has been editorially checked' in favor of crap posted on social media, by grifters, bots and other cookers.

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Conspiracy Theory There actually are people (State and non-State actors) who ARE brainwashing you, and most of you don't actually know it's happening.

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