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What a f**ken waste of time this has been!
I’m going to let you in on a secret, fellow Sweeteners… I enjoyed playing the Bombers last season. I’m not sure as to why, but I did. So I want to tell you about what I’ve done this season to show my appreciation to the Babylonians. Before you go on a “landfill” charge and complain about there being yet another media thread about the Bombers, I ask that you hear me out to the end of the post, the payoff will be worth it.

Two things that stood out for me when playing Baghdad last season was the eclectic (some would say awful) music that they play, and the sheer volume of shitposting.


So I got thinking about how best to show my appreciation for the enjoyment I received last season. I thought back to when we last met, but it was a quick run through of last week’s Bombers-Dragons Spamapalooza, specifically the time that AceAndy put up that hideous Rebecca Black nonsense, when the epiphany struck.


For those who are either unfamiliar or have quite rightfully blocked it out from your memory, Rickrolling is a bait & switch prank that takes a vehicle such as a hyperlink or edited video clip and leads the unsuspecting participant to rendition of the one-hit wonder ‘performed’ by red-headed stepson of the 1980’s Rick Astley, which you can find here. Just like the Global Financial Crisis, Rickrolling was big in 2008 and even though its popularity has waned since, the aftermath has remained until today.

If you go through some of my SFA posting, you will discover that I am no stranger to the use of Rickrolling. Indeed, I incorporated this ancient technique in my maiden media piece to a mixed reception:

I haven't been Rick Rolled like that since SarahSmiles was in nappies (S26 if I recall)

I'm ashamed to report that I have been Rick rolled twice in the last three days now.

Happy to rickroll

Was looking like the S29 EKA winner until the Rick Rolling, that’s so mid 2000s. Let the meme die

As it turned out, NaturalDisaster's words proved to be prophetic, but sometimes the art is more important than a tin-arsed cursed accolade.

Undeterred, I have continued with laying Rickroll landmines in subsequent threads where they lay undisturbed. As a result my Rickrollarama has not seen the light of day until now, as I am happy to announce the latest string to the Bob’s Franchisesᵀᴹ bow: Bob’s Rickrolls, a division of Bob’s Shitposts.

bob's rick.png bob's s-posts.png

“What has all of this entrepreneurial shenanigans got to do with the Baghdad Bombers?” I hear you type. Well Sweet cheeks, quite a bit. You’ll remember earlier when I mentioned the two things that stood out like Pugsley's balls when I played the Bombers last season – the spam and the music. Then the Rebecca Black-inspired epiphany struck, in the form of a Stock Aitken & Waterman-penned tour de force. Not satisfied with simply chucking a link into a match thread like a hand grenade, I weaved the immoral Astleyan words through the many pages of posts from both friend and foe.

Therefore without any further ado, I invite you to peruse my first 74 posts from this round’s Wazzas v Bombers match thread, paying close attention to the first word of each post.

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Thank you for indulging me. I'm not proud of what I've done today and I apologise to my Coney Island teammates for being collateral damage but rest assured I've enjoyed doing it, and in the end I'm the only campaigner around here that's worth the effort.

Rickrolling is a terrible habit, but…

bob astley.png

…I’m never gonna give it up!

Of course those who may wish to avail themselves of the Bombers TubeRadio ......visit us at 9 pm on Friday

Security Guards will be posted to prevent any Rapper enthusiasts from getting in

Steampunk Music2.jpg

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There are plenty Rebecca fans on the Sweet FA, Riviat is a super-fan. Another big fan NaturalDisaster , he posted the lyrics of Friday in our match thread last week .
Oh shit, you're a fan club. Prove it, Blackroll something then.
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A+ for effort and creativity but you're supposed to get others to notice it rather than just tell everyone. Still, there's something bigger here. I'm never gonna give you up, Bob. Don't let me down. I'll hurt you.

I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling.

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I’m going to let you in on a secret, fellow Sweeteners… I enjoyed playing the Bombers last season. I’m not sure as to why, but I did. So I want to tell you about what I’ve done this season to show my appreciation to the Babylonians. Before you go on a “landfill” charge and complain about there being yet another media thread about the Bombers, I ask that you hear me out to the end of the post, the payoff will be worth it.

Two things that stood out for me when playing Baghdad last season was the eclectic (some would say awful) music that they play, and the sheer volume of shitposting.

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So I got thinking about how best to show my appreciation for the enjoyment I received last season. I thought back to when we last met, but it was a quick run through of last week’s Bombers-Dragons Spamapalooza, specifically the time that AceAndy put up that hideous Rebecca Black nonsense, when the epiphany struck.


For those who are either unfamiliar or have quite rightfully blocked it out from your memory, Rickrolling is a bait & switch prank that takes a vehicle such as a hyperlink or edited video clip and leads the unsuspecting participant to rendition of the one-hit wonder ‘performed’ by red-headed stepson of the 1980’s Rick Astley, which you can find here. Just like the Global Financial Crisis, Rickrolling was big in 2008 and even though its popularity has waned since, the aftermath has remained until today.

If you go through some of my SFA posting, you will discover that I am no stranger to the use of Rickrolling. Indeed, I incorporated this ancient technique in my maiden media piece to a mixed reception:

As it turned out, NaturalDisaster's words proved to be prophetic, but sometimes the art is more important than a tin-arsed cursed accolade.

Undeterred, I have continued with laying Rickroll landmines in subsequent threads where they lay undisturbed. As a result my Rickrollarama has not seen the light of day until now, as I am happy to announce the latest string to the Bob’s Franchisesᵀᴹ bow: Bob’s Rickrolls, a division of Bob’s Shitposts.

View attachment 939721 View attachment 939722

“What has all of this entrepreneurial shenanigans got to do with the Baghdad Bombers?” I hear you type. Well Sweet cheeks, quite a bit. You’ll remember earlier when I mentioned the two things that stood out like Pugsley's balls when I played the Bombers last season – the spam and the music. Then the Rebecca Black-inspired epiphany struck, in the form of a Stock Aitken & Waterman-penned tour de force. Not satisfied with simply chucking a link into a match thread like a hand grenade, I weaved the immoral Astleyan words through the many pages of posts from both friend and foe.

Therefore without any further ado, I invite you to peruse my first 74 posts from this round’s Wazzas v Bombers match thread, paying close attention to the first word of each post.

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Thank you for indulging me. I'm not proud of what I've done today and I apologise to my Coney Island teammates for being collateral damage but rest assured I've enjoyed doing it, and in the end I'm the only campaigner around here that's worth the effort.

Rickrolling is a terrible habit, but…

View attachment 939723

…I’m never gonna give it up!
This may just be the most intricate and well planned shitpost I've ever seen. Well played!
How old are you that you think you have to explain rock rolling to us?

I’m going to have to change my Last Man Standing S29 odds...
There are plenty of Rebecca fans on the Sweet FA, Riviat is a super-fan. Another big fan NaturalDisaster , he posted the lyrics of Friday in our match thread last week .

So many untruths in this one post. AceAndy, i'm disappointed in you spreading false ruours like this. People might look unfavourably at me.
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  • #23
So many untruths in this one post. AceAndy, i'm disappointed in you spreading false ruours like this. People might look unfavourably at me.

Prove your loyalty then. I wanna see burning Rebecca Black effigies at dawn.
Prove your loyalty then. I wanna see burning Rebecca Black effigies at dawn.

Easy. Look to the horizon for the pillar of smoke this coming Friday, Friday, got to get down on Friday.

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