Things that sh1t you

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It sh1ts me that I do not know if this is the right thread to post that 'I gotta hate' people who don't like old dawdlers :D

Ahh you must be from Greensborough...I went to Mcleod High....many moons ago
Ahh you must be from Greensborough...I went to Mcleod High....many moons ago
I live in glenn college. was that mental asylum open when u went there to macleod high? fcuk, you go there now and u get chased out by crazy arse squaters haha. one owns the top story and another owns the bottom. my mates went in there and stole a few jesus robes that were left there too haha. god there is some weird shit in there still!
Ahh you must be from Greensborough...I went to Mcleod High....many moons ago

I'm an Eltham man myself.

I live in glenn college. was that mental asylum open when u went there to macleod high? fcuk, you go there now and u get chased out by crazy arse squaters haha. one owns the top story and another owns the bottom. my mates went in there and stole a few jesus robes that were left there too haha. god there is some weird shit in there still!

Ahhh, Mont Park. I've always wondered where their mental patients ended up.

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I'm an Eltham man myself.

Ahhh, Mont Park. I've always wondered where their mental patients ended up.
not sure if that was a joke or not. but in all seriousness, i do actually know one of them. he's a family friend who lives by himself, basically he was no gd at taking his meds earlier on and then he found god and is pretty normal now.. anyways. he told me the one of the two places he attempted to kill himself, was when he lived at 'mont park' he truddled on over to the latrobe agora and tried to jump off that huge glass/steel verandah thing they have out front of the library!! im like... dude....
Right-wing conservative politicans
People who support the invasion/massacre of Iraq
Police :D

Heck I"m part of the Socialist Alliance :D

OH and Manchester United and New York sports fans in general as well. Tossers the lot of them.
Right-wing conservative politicans
People who support the invasion/massacre of Iraq
Police -- Basically everyone from my home country then

People who bring up politics where it has no place shit me ;)

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People who substitute letters for numbers - i.e. the one in "sh1t"
People who touch anything and everything with greasy, "foodified" hands
People who eat foul smelling food during lectures or on public transport - you know who are are :mad:
Hideously overweight people who need a seat for each butt-cheek on public transport, then proceed to pull out a huge packet of chips to stuff their face
People who amble along two- or three- across on sidewalks
Right-wing conservative politicans
People who support the invasion/massacre of Iraq
Police -- Basically everyone from my home country then

People who bring up politics where it has no place shit me ;)

Well politicans shit me off more then anything else in life ..

And I know plenty of mates who hate the cops or should I say PIGs as well.
Get off your ivory house and get some perspective you **** ..

Not all of us are 'elitist scum' such as yourself :p
Well politicans shit me off more then anything else in life ..

And I know plenty of mates who hate the cops or should I say PIGs as well.
Get off your ivory house and get some perspective you **** ..

Not all of us are 'elitist scum' such as yourself :p
ease up turbo. he is entitled to an opinion just as much as you
ease up turbo. he is entitled to an opinion just as much as you

No, what that berk said was that politics have no place in a thread like this, but in all honesty (right-wing) politics shit me off more then anything else in this world, well maybe apart from self-righteous twits like Tish who thinks we're not allowed to bag the police (pork brigade) or question an immoral war in Iraq, which I think the majority of australians are against ...

That's the problem when you get arrogant fools who think and act like they are 'elite' and we should all be puppets to a very corrupt and unbalanced society ...

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Things that sh1t you

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