How much of this loss comes from members not re-signing because you play 4 games a year interstate?I know the AFL under writes these games but surely it must have affect on your members numbers.I would start aksing questions about your administration then complaining who you play twice.Lets face it for a even draw you need to play each team twice-which equals 30 games.But i think the Kangaroo's would be against this because Carey,Colbert and Mckernan wouldn't be up to it.Also who does your budget down there-Christopher Skase?Lets face it you don't make enough profit to pay the full salary cap or even 95% of it?Where does that leave you and the AFL and the players association on each club must pay 95% of the salary cap?I have a feeling you will be the next Fitzroy and that's sad.Move to Canberra now while your still kicking.Atleast the AFL will help you surivive.Also you may get to play Carlton,Collingwood and Essendon twice each year then.Then you wouldn't have a complaint.