too easy

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I think you will find that the ex-Bears supporters would know something about having to struggle too don't you think. No, no, don't think, it could be dangerous.

We are a merged identity of two cellar dwelling clubs, albeit The Bears were hitting their straps when we jumped on board, but in their short history there wasn't much to swagger about so let us enjoy our moment in the sun.

Go sit down, take your medicine, stare at the wall and bugger off.
stuff u, take ur stupid remarks,and get lost,coz when t.cloke, and c.cloke were injured, they went off crying like little girls, maybe they shouldn't be play afl,when they went off that pretty much summed up the whole fricken team, bunch of girls.
and in matter of fact, i saw the whole game, collingwood didn't care, about not kicking goals for the first half, and yet at the end they looked like 'cats had their tongues.'

so, hope u realise that, aye before u go and make silly remarks about our team.
Collingwood supporters reading this might think I'm having a swipe at them.

Well I am. Where were you guys on Saturday night? It was like you just lay down and accepted the inevitable.

I love a win just as much as the next supporter, but more than that I love a win in a hard contest with some inspiration coming from both sides. On Saturday night all we were doing was coasting while the body language from the Pies was terrible, within the first 10 minutes it was just like the whole team gave up.

What went wrong Pies, I mean come on, your list is much better then that.

Just a bad night?

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Tim the Toolman said:
We are a merged identity of two cellar dwelling clubs, albeit The Bears were hitting their straps when we jumped on board, but in their short history there wasn't much to swagger about so let us enjoy our moment in the sun.

theres a difference between enjoying your moment in the sun and throwing stones at glass houses of which u yourself used to inhibit......think about that toolman. there's plenty of gracious winners on your board (i.e. rawhead), go learn how to not be a moron from some of them....
Only when it comes to Collingwood and only when it comes to the salary cap debate when Collingwood themselves are the worst offenders at using an un-level playing field for their own gain whilst using smoke and mirrors to fool people into thinking that the lions have some magical remedy from the AFL.

Bloody hypocritical Collingwood and I seem to be biased against them because I've got so many one-eyed mceddie brainwashed in my own family.

You obviously haven't done your homework on me too well as a lot of opposition supports will note I don't throw too many stones. As a matter of fact after each loss I congratulate the opposition on their own site as a matter of courtesy and therapy.
pocketrocket#24 said:
u r all a complete lot of tools. going on about respect bla bla bla, and how weak our forwards are. thats probably the only game of ours u've watched all year and u think your some kind of expert, well get a clue mate, we can accept the loss, but u guys obviously believe u know our club better than the club knows itself, just because u support the lions. i just hope at least some of u were supporters of the roys back when they struggled to know a bit about it, rather than all simply being bandwagon supporters who rarely know the difference between holding the mand and holding the ball and therefore shouldnt even comment on the game in general

Oh and by the way procket, I was there on the ground for every Victorian game in 1996 when the roys lost by an average margin of 70+ points, every game, every minute, every kick, every goddamn handball,tackle and turnover. I reckon that's quite a bit more time in the middle than you've had hot dinners so I know my onions when it comes to umpiring decisions and my views on the game in general. For somebody with 20 odd posts you're either a born-again previously banned exponent on BigFooty or somewhat new poster who should look before they jump to conclusions on other team's boards?
Tim the Toolman said:
Only when it comes to Collingwood and only when it comes to the salary cap debate when Collingwood themselves are the worst offenders at using an un-level playing field for their own gain whilst using smoke and mirrors to fool people into thinking that the lions have some magical remedy from the AFL.

Bloody hypocritical Collingwood and I seem to be biased against them because I've got so many one-eyed mceddie brainwashed in my own family.
Absolutely. Virtually all the acrimony between Brisbane and Collingwood is due to the full scale BS campaign Eddie waged against Brisbane and the cap.
My nephew-in-law came to a lions match and gave his lions jumper to my wife (his auntie) to wear for the cold day, back in 2000. He barracks for Collingwood but obviously loves his footy and was not your typical Collingwood one-eyed supporter and has a Lions jumper because he liked us and got the jumper cheap and it made a good training top.

Now over the past 4 years he has been so anti-Brisbane it's not funny. I enjoy this company with my 3 brothers too whom also are Collingwood supporters albeit only one is passioniate.

Eddie has turned a healthy respect for each other into pure hatred and jelousy. I have so many funny stories about Collingwood v Fitzroy to tell including how Collingwood actually ran a 'super rules' type match at Victoria Park one year to help us out. If anyone remembers this, about 1991 or 1992 and Leigh Carlson wore the 'half n half' jumper and it was an absolute riot. But anyway, there used to be this friendly rivalry and now it's just putrid. It's taking the fun out of football, what Eddie has done.
Tim the Toolman said:
Only when it comes to Collingwood and only when it comes to the salary cap debate when Collingwood themselves are the worst offenders at using an un-level playing field for their own gain ........

Tim, please explain how we are the worst offenders?
Also, the salary cap debate is/was not purely with Ed, the past essendon president lobbied equally as much for changes to be made, along with many other clubs who chose to stay out of the limelight. Ed does not have the power to rubber stamp any changes, all with the AFL to make those decisions based on facts. So are you dirty with Eddie because he spilled the beans?
Spill the beans on what exactly? Collingwood couldn't get into the northerners because of retention monies that were there to keep them in Brisbane so let's russle up fellow Victorians and get that gone so we can get into them again? Now, who's out of contract up north that we can get our hands on..... :rolleyes:
Daicosian Didak said:
Tim, please explain how we are the worst offenders?
Also, the salary cap debate is/was not purely with Ed, the past essendon president lobbied equally as much for changes to be made, along with many other clubs who chose to stay out of the limelight. Ed does not have the power to rubber stamp any changes, all with the AFL to make those decisions based on facts. So are you dirty with Eddie because he spilled the beans?
Collingwood and more spaciffically Eddie are the worst offenders for a number of reasons.

Five of the top reasons are: Buckley, Rocca, Licuria, O'Bree and Molloy. All taken from Sydney and Brisbane by Collingwood.

Another reason is because the ‘promotional allowance’ that each club is theoretically allowed is patiently unfair. All it has done for years is allow powerful clubs (in a marketing sense) in football cities to pay their players far more than other clubs.

Virtually every year total player payments at clubs like Collingwood, Essendon, Carlton have been much, much higher than those at Brisbane and Sydney.

This is a long term, ongoing advantage those powerful clubs have over other clubs. It’s not because they are better, smarter or more deserving. It is simply a product of history, geography and demographics.

It is no coincidence that the players listed above all ended up at Collingwood. It was deliberate tactic Collingwood used to supplement their list...Just wait around till the end of the year and wave more money than Brisbane and Sydney could in front of homesick players faces.

So eventually the AFL put something in place to readdress the balance and Brisbane and Sydney got their distance allowance.

This meant that for the first time the traditional clubs did not have their built-in advantage anymore.

The powerful Melbourne clubs grumbled a bit, but they got on with the job.

...But hold on a sec, then something happened...Brisbane started winning.

And it was only once Brisbane became a power on the field that, all of a sudden, the cap allowance was evil, unfair, and had to be removed.

Quick, quick, change it back, change it back. Collingwood and Essendon must be allowed to pay their players more. Anything else would be totally ‘unfair’.

Suddenly it was like an episode of TFS could not go by without the cap allowance being mentioned...Of course none of the facts above were ever discussed. It was only ever Eddie’s half of the story. All he had to do was roll his eyes or throw his hands up and everyone knew exactly what he was talking about. Stirring the pot, and only using a very select few of the facts to build a Simpsons like public hysteria.

The public pressure grew and grew until eventually the AFL relented and took the cap away.

Woohoo, normal service is restored and Collingwood and Essendon and the others can go back to paying their players more than other clubs.

There was nothing fair, balanced or rational about the public debate on the matter, because the public were never properly informed about all the facts. Eddie blatantly used his exposure as a media commentator as a platform to push his Club’s completely one-sided political agenda.

...But for me, the final reason why Eddie is the worst offender is because the whole time Eddie insisted that his cap bitching was ‘nothing to do with Collingwood’ and that he was only interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’

Which is kina funny because he doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when year in year out Collingwood players make 1.5 million more than Bulldog players.

He doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when everyone else has alternate jumpers but Collingwood doesn’t.

He doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when his club receives a totally disproportionate amount of TV exposure and blockbuster games based on their ladder position.

He is never interested in fair when Collingwood get the advantage. But he will squeal and thrash about like a spoilt baby if they don’t.
bandwagon jumpers? i doubt it

when we were somewhere near the bottom of the ladder, Lions fans just waited patiently for the Grand Old Master to unleash his first real batch of Young Cubs (his 'pride' you could say ;) ) and have since been overjoyed by what they have seen

if Leigh wasn't already immortal as a professional coach who could make a 'team of champions' gel into 'a champion team'; he's now earned everyone's respect as a development coach with an eye for talent

you see, my fine-feathered Pie friend, Leigh is not encumbered by his own profile up here the way Mick seems to be down there

I have respect for Malthouse - tough player and tough coach - but he's painted himself into a corner at Collingwood, thanks to Eddie and his overwhelming (some would say stifling) presence

The Mick and Eddie show have got a bad case of Tall Poppy Syndrome and I am afraid the entire club is tarnished by the scorn and scrutiny that these two attract...for example:

* Sorry to say but Mick looked like an idot when called 'Dad' by Christy pre-game and then she looked like an amateur hack (she is by the way) when she almost teared up as the Pies couldn't score a goal in the entire first half...not one

* Mick has to keep dancing to keep the spotlight off the fact that his guys are underachieving - he talks about respect and rebuilding - Leigh talks about playing tough footy and letting the respect sort itself out...seems to work

* When the Pies slumped last year, Mick put up a rebuilding smokescreen and threw heaps of kids into the thick of it - nothing wrong with that of course but now the promising kids are being pressured and picked apart under the pressure of being the new messiah that any kid under 21 in the Pies squad who can run without tripping over seems to be branded

anyway that's all a bit of a tangent - my main purpose was to point out that this post was a pretty lame comeback.

our two clubs have become perhaps the most recognised riavls in the past five years and we gave you a real thumping - if my team copped it from a rival, I would keep a low profile rather than question a fans right to comment just because they come from another state

and as for my comeback? I'll stay with the time-honoured "look at the scoreboard mate"

now who feels like a tool?

pocketrocket#24 said:
u r all a complete lot of tools. going on about respect bla bla bla, and how weak our forwards are. thats probably the only game of ours u've watched all year and u think your some kind of expert, well get a clue mate, we can accept the loss, but u guys obviously believe u know our club better than the club knows itself, just because u support the lions. i just hope at least some of u were supporters of the roys back when they struggled to know a bit about it, rather than all simply being bandwagon supporters who rarely know the difference between holding the mand and holding the ball and therefore shouldnt even comment on the game in general
beatnik said:
now who feels like a tool?

absolutely not me mate, the fact that u practically wrote a thesis in order to rebut me so thoroughly and leave me nothing to comeback with shows that at the very least i got under your skin. secondly, in reference to thick-brained toolman who is obviously the most knowledgable person on all things football according to himself, my small number of posts has to do with the fact that i tend to mostly read the forums and only comment when the need arises, and also believe it or not some people have lives outside bigfooty (yes, it is true). whilst having 1500 odd posts may make u feel like god, it simply shows how enrichened your life must be that u feel the need to be on here all the time strutting your stuff. im happy in my life, because i have one.

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weevil said:
Collingwood and more spaciffically Eddie are the worst offenders for a number of reasons.

Five of the top reasons are: Buckley, Rocca, Licuria, O'Bree and Molloy. All taken from Sydney and Brisbane by Collingwood.

Another reason is because the ‘promotional allowance’ that each club is theoretically allowed is patiently unfair. All it has done for years is allow powerful clubs (in a marketing sense) in football cities to pay their players far more than other clubs.

Virtually every year total player payments at clubs like Collingwood, Essendon, Carlton have been much, much higher than those at Brisbane and Sydney.

This is a long term, ongoing advantage those powerful clubs have over other clubs. It’s not because they are better, smarter or more deserving. It is simply a product of history, geography and demographics.

It is no coincidence that the players listed above all ended up at Collingwood. It was deliberate tactic Collingwood used to supplement their list...Just wait around till the end of the year and wave more money than Brisbane and Sydney could in front of homesick players faces.

So eventually the AFL put something in place to readdress the balance and Brisbane and Sydney got their distance allowance.

This meant that for the first time the traditional clubs did not have their built-in advantage anymore.

The powerful Melbourne clubs grumbled a bit, but they got on with the job.

...But hold on a sec, then something happened...Brisbane started winning.

And it was only once Brisbane became a power on the field that, all of a sudden, the cap allowance was evil, unfair, and had to be removed.

Quick, quick, change it back, change it back. Collingwood and Essendon must be allowed to pay their players more. Anything else would be totally ‘unfair’.

Suddenly it was like an episode of TFS could not go by without the cap allowance being mentioned...Of course none of the facts above were ever discussed. It was only ever Eddie’s half of the story. All he had to do was roll his eyes or throw his hands up and everyone knew exactly what he was talking about. Stirring the pot, and only using a very select few of the facts to build a Simpsons like public hysteria.

The public pressure grew and grew until eventually the AFL relented and took the cap away.

Woohoo, normal service is restored and Collingwood and Essendon and the others can go back to paying their players more than other clubs.

There was nothing fair, balanced or rational about the public debate on the matter, because the public were never properly informed about all the facts. Eddie blatantly used his exposure as a media commentator as a platform to push his Club’s completely one-sided political agenda.

...But for me, the final reason why Eddie is the worst offender is because the whole time Eddie insisted that his cap bitching was ‘nothing to do with Collingwood’ and that he was only interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’

Which is kina funny because he doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when year in year out Collingwood players make 1.5 million more than Bulldog players.

He doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when everyone else has alternate jumpers but Collingwood doesn’t.

He doesn’t seem interested in ‘everything being fair for all teams’ when his club receives a totally disproportionate amount of TV exposure and blockbuster games based on their ladder position.

He is never interested in fair when Collingwood get the advantage. But he will squeal and thrash about like a spoilt baby if they don’t.

zzzzzzzzzzz.... geezus, you finished yet? :rolleyes: At least Tim said what he felt in a few lines!!
Again, we, like your club, are bound by rules set by the AFL, and will do our best to get the best ( and would be remis if any other way) in all matters that involve our participation in the AFL competition. Eddie, as president, is doing just that - looking out for the best scenario for his club, and his job is to get Collingwood up as a powerhouse club again. Not so long ago, we could have gone the way of the Fitzroy Lions, but with his and a great admin teams efforts, the club is still here today. Your points above all refer to decisions and restrictions applied by the AFL - not because what one man says is gospel and demands to be made law.
Why would they listen to Ed? - you don't. ;)
Yep, the full facts of the situation need to be explained to Collingwood people. They are almost always completely ignorant of the real story.

The AFL caved into public and media pressure over the issue. You know full well that virtually all that pressure was a result of Eddie constantly abusing his position in the media to push his club’s agenda.

You also know that Eddie repeatedly lied to the public about both his motivations and the true nature of the situation.

You wanted to know why your club and your president is considered bottom of the barrel by so many Brisbane people and now you know.

But the fantastic thing is that even after all your poaching of players, massive financial advantages and dishonest behaviour your team still wets their pants whenever they play us.
pocketrocket#24 said:
absolutely not me mate, the fact that u practically wrote a thesis in order to rebut me so thoroughly and leave me nothing to comeback with shows that at the very least i got under your skin. secondly, in reference to thick-brained toolman who is obviously the most knowledgable person on all things football according to himself, my small number of posts has to do with the fact that i tend to mostly read the forums and only comment when the need arises, and also believe it or not some people have lives outside bigfooty (yes, it is true). whilst having 1500 odd posts may make u feel like god, it simply shows how enrichened your life must be that u feel the need to be on here all the time strutting your stuff. im happy in my life, because i have one.

And the fact that you needed the reply to his rebuttal means he must've got under you're skin. The fact I felt the need to reply signifies I'm sick of this whole Brisbane-Collingwood discussion that's been done countless times.

So let me lay my cards on the table.

I feel, well sorry isn't the right word, but a smidgen of sympathy towards Collingwood, because if Player X is coming off contract and Collingwood express an interest, the player manager then leaks the story to the press that Collingwood is chasing Player X, it can have the effect of driving up that players value. The player manager may have had enquiries from other clubs also, but we don't tend to hear about those.

I've heard many Collingwood supporters on these forums complaining of this scenario, But on the flip side. Collingwood trade on being the highest-profile team and arguably the most hated (well that's certainly the way Eddie likes to be seen). You can't have it both ways - just as you use the media etc to build your clubs profile and insularity, other will find a way to exploit it (and this can and does come in various forms).

The fact (and I think I can call it a fact - let me know if you think otherwise) that Collingwood's recruiting record is poorer than average plays better for the player manager as thy are actively looking for recruits. But again, other clubs are in the same boat. Again, we don't tend to hear as much about them.

For the record, I thought/think the time is right to get rid of the retention allowance and has been done is a sensible way ie. incremental decreases rather than ripping the bandaid off, so to speak. However some Collingwood supporters fail to acknowledge the "go-home factor". I'm pretty sure I've posted on the chances of a Queensland or NSW kid wanting to return home from an interstate club as poosed to a Vic kiddie before, so I wont repeat it here.

As for Mr Toolman, I can vouch for his knowledge and is more involved with his club that you probably are. And you seem to be proud that you rarely come down to the levels of us mortals and, *gasp*, post. Unclean, unclean. Get off your high horse for Chrissake.


Daicosian - You're right in that Eddie strives what's supposedly best for his club, like a good president. The code is coming along slowly but healthily in Queensland and I was pleased to see his calls for more money to be put into grassroots footy in Queensland. But a lot of Lions supporters are so blinkered in their views that they were loooking for an ulterior motives. But I'm sure Eddie is smart enough to know that although building the pies into a powerhouse again is good, the game growing in Queensland and NSW is equally as important. Would you agree that he appears to have more pull than any other club president with the AFL?

Thanks for those kind words Mr & Ms Belgian (you can never go past a Belgian for a fair view on the world). You're too kind. Collingwood were the first club to offer me a job when Fitzroy went into liquidation but I had to decine, yes it would be good to work at a secure club but my heart will always be that of a lion.

But I disagree with Beatnik about Christy Malthouse & Mick on Saturday night's pre-match interview. I thought it was great that she called him Dad and got out of the way that 'family' stuff and how the public could mis-interpret their relationship in reference to allegiances, bias etc... He looked proud of her and so he should, she's done well in a tough and competitive business.

I'd be wrapped if my daughter did half as well as her and if I was famous too, I'd love to be called Dad in public. Good on them.
Tim the Toolman said:
But I disagree with Beatnik about Christy Malthouse & Mick on Saturday night's pre-match interview. I thought it was great that she called him Dad and got out of the way that 'family' stuff and how the public could mis-interpret their relationship in reference to allegiances, bias etc... He looked proud of her and so he should, she's done well in a tough and competitive business.

I'd be wrapped if my daughter did half as well as her and if I was famous too, I'd love to be called Dad in public. Good on them.

I respect your opinion Tim - perhaps you were viewing my comment from a father's perspective? understandable then that you warmed to the genuine feel-good factor of a father working with his daughter

But I was taking the perspective of the profession of journalism and the culture of gross conflict-of-interests that Eddie (like Phil Gould) brought to the code when it moved to Nine.

The Age's Martin Flanagan summed it up better than I could when describing Tim Lane's stance... (

On the issue of calling Collingwood games, McGuire's defence is precisely that used by former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett when similar charges were made against him - judge me on my performance. By saying this, both men show they don't understand the principle at stake. The conflict-of-interest rule aims to eliminate not only actual conflicts but the perception of them and, believe it or not, in football as in the wider society, this matters.


Basically, McGuire doesn't get it. No one associated with McGuire, it seems, gets it. In fact, what political or commercial high-flyer ever does get the principle of conflict of interest, since its effect is to clip their wings?

Lane's point was this: as an ABC broadcaster, his first duty is to retain an independent view. He was put in a position where that independence might be compromised or appear to be compromised.

As someone who has spent the past decade arguing publicly for the ABC and trying to explain why its importance to the health of this country is not merely a function of its ratings, I am grateful to Tim Lane.

With a single action, he has explained it all.​

I have no problem with Christy personally but she is now in a position where it doesn't matter how nice she is or how good a job she does; the stench of blatant nepotism casts the entire code in a poor light - that's what a conflict-of-interest is and that is why it used to be a 'dirty word' in the corporate world as well as the halls of sporting administration

in my view she has little credibility when covering other clubs and none when she covers Collingwood - same as the old Fat Toad, Eddie Maguire

anyway Tim, I have enjoyed reading your posts here and on Lionised...keep it up

Thanks, but the whole Lane vs McGuire issue reaked of hypocrisy. Tim Lane sat in the board room at Carlton I noticed recently yet he was criticising Mr Ed. It seemed what was good for the goose wasn't good for the gander!

I really like my namesake's commentating, I think he's one of the best, I like Eddie's too, obviously not Collingwood's matches or any team that they're playing a week later, but Lane lost me with that one. :confused:
pocketrocket#24 said:
absolutely not me mate, the fact that u practically wrote a thesis in order to rebut me so thoroughly and leave me nothing to comeback with shows that at the very least i got under your skin.QUOTE]

ah poor little far out of your depth ;)

your post was an excuse to talk about the things I wanted to talk about - the only thing I directed at you was "look at the scoreboard mate"

the fact that you had nothing to comeback with could be more to do with your chosen colours and feeble mind than my 'thesis'...

BTW most people use these forums because they love footy so much that they enjoy talking about it with those that agree with them, those that don't and even those who don't care one way or the other

no-one would admit to spending their time trying to "get under the skin" of other posters - that truly is a sad way to spend your time

I think Mick is a switched-on smart coach and a great character. He nearly always has interesting things to say.

Everyone knows Christy is his daughter, I can’t really figure out why she should have to pretend otherwise.

Footy is not hard journalism, it’s just footy. I think if we suddenly went hardcore and super strict about conflicts of interest then we wouldn’t have any commentators left. The occasional ‘dad’ is fine with me. It’s only when people step well and truly over the line and abuse their media positions to push blatantly biased political agendas that I have an issue.

Collingwood and Eddie come in for loads of totally ridiculous unfounded criticism. Plenty of times they get caught in damned if they do damned if they don’t situations. People will jump on absolutely any issue and twist it totally out of proportion just for the joy of sinking the boot in.

Outside of when he steps over the line I generally don’t have a problem with Eddie.

But he can’t have it both ways, his massive exposure brings his club huge benefits, he has to take the good with the bad. He will step over the line once to many times and he will eventually pay the price.
Hi weevil

just clarifying a couple o things...

weevil said:
Everyone knows Christy is his daughter, I can’t really figure out why she should have to pretend otherwise.

noone suggested she should pretend, simply that this is very awkward spot for a journalist - a true professional avoids potential conflicting interests altogether...or at least they used to in the good ol' bad ol' days ;)

weevil said:
Footy is not hard journalism, it’s just footy. I think if we suddenly went hardcore and super strict about conflicts of interest then we wouldn’t have any commentators left. The occasional ‘dad’ is fine with me. It’s only when people step well and truly over the line and abuse their media positions to push blatantly biased political agendas that I have an issue. wasn't the word Dad that was a problem - it is the fact that the pre-game interview is instantly turned into a PR puff piece for Collingwood..


"Well it's the Collingwood President here leading the commentary team and we're about to interview the Collingwood Coach...let's cross now to the Collingwood coach's daughter for some cutting questions and some real insight for the AFL fans at home"

...yeah right!

last time I checked, Nine's deal was with the AFL not Collingwood, so why should one club reap rewards from the relationship that the others can't...

anyway, have spent enough time on that fat corrupt old bastard...besides as you said weevil, he will get what's coming to him when (if?) the coverage switches to another network

people have long memories and there will be a few folk sharpening their knives...sadly this is the inevitable result of conflicting interests

Oh yeah I agree, I think Eddie and Collingwood are heading for a fall of truly epic proportions. It’s all going to come crashing down on top of him in a huge way.

I reckon when it’s all over Eddie will be thought of in very much the same way as John Elliot.

Christy is actually on Ten and if Collingwood are playing it’s totally fair enough that she talk to the Collingwood coach. If it wasn’t for Eddie none of it would be an issue. None of us complained when ex Brisbane players did the boundaryline stuff. And somehow I don’t think MMM’s team gives a completely impartial call.

I can totally live with a few grey areas. I think Eddie obviously crosses the boundary many times and I don’t like that at all. But I don’t just knee-jerk oppose everything he does.
Tim the Toolman said:
My nephew-in-law came to a lions match and gave his lions jumper to my wife (his auntie) to wear for the cold day, back in 2000. He barracks for Collingwood but obviously loves his footy and was not your typical Collingwood one-eyed supporter and has a Lions jumper because he liked us and got the jumper cheap and it made a good training top.

Now over the past 4 years he has been so anti-Brisbane it's not funny. I enjoy this company with my 3 brothers too whom also are Collingwood supporters albeit only one is passioniate.

I dont mean to cast dispersions Toolman but maybe your Nephew wasnt brainwashed by Eddie at all. Maybe he hated Brisbane because in the past 4 years they were beaten twice in the GF by the Lions. You of all people should know what it is like to cop a hiding and why you hate the other team for it :D

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