Top 10 Favourite players

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My favourite 5 in no particular order
1. Sam Butler
2. Nic Naitanui
3. Scott Selwood
4. Josh Kennedy
5. Daniel Kerr

Next 5 in no particular order
6. Beau Waters
7. Darren Glass
8. Luke Shuey
9. Tom Swift
10. Shannon Hurn
1. Gaff - Serious man (boy) crush on him
2. Glass
3. Cox - Legend of the club
4. Hurn
5. Kerr
6. Nico - was a huge fan of his a few year back, so happy to see him playing well again
7. Waters - So hard. SO hard.
8. Hams
9. Shuey
10. Scooter
1. Cox
2. Lecras
3. JK
4. Butler
5. Kerr
6. Glass
7. Shuey
8. Nic Nat
9. Scooter
10. Darling

And the rest of the playing list :)

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1. Kerr
2. Swift
3. Shuey
4. Rosa
5. Nicoski
6. Masten
7. Kennedy
8. Glass
9. E-mac
10. Gaff/Darling

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Nic Nat
Scooter is growing on me massively

Ebert unlucky, would be a jet if he could kick
1. Waters- his courage and bravery when going in for a mark is incedible, the man doesn't shake, he gets crunched gets the free and gets straight up
2. Shuey- Should've got rising star has an abliity to burst out of packs like that at such a young age polled well in the brownlow living up to the faith woosha showed in him
3. JK- great contested mark and kick for goal #1 for goals at our club and gets the best defender week in week out and usually mangaes to come out on top
4.Coxy- #1 ruckmen in the AFL by a country mile played a shocker on saturday but you barely see that that from Deano
5. Glassy- possibly in career best form all australian full backmen, great leadership and a much deserved captaincy
6. Nic Nat- freak of nature, bursts out of pack like something i've never seen from a ruckmen, great ability to mark contested situations and could possibly teach big Coxy a thing or two
7. Priddis- does all the hard grunt work and almost goes unnoticed compare to some of the other clearance kings from Victoria and is a tackling machine, this was noticed by the umpires as he was coming second to the eventual winner Dane Swan after round 16
8. DK (Daniel Kerr)- Very classy midfielder often worried by injuries, always is insdie getting crunched at the bottom of the pack, isn't the ball magnet like some others but almost always uses every possesion effectively
9. Gaffy- Only 18 but showing signs of huge potenial IMO didn't get as much credit as he should've for some of the home and away games but is an extremely classy kid and i see a bit of Andrew Embley and Sam Mitchell in the kid
10. Scooter (Scott Selwood)- turning out to be one of hte best taggers in the AFL had always gets the #1 tagging job and usually wins it E.g. Judd Rd: 16 and Semi final, leads the AFL for tackles in front of teamate Matt Priddis

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Top 10 Favourite players

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